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Topic: Craven Meeting Newmarket
1. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Tue 16th Apr 2019. 11:27

Haven't had a chance to look yet but has anyone got anything going at Newmarket over the next couple of days?

2. Author:  Raymie the Legend        
Date: Fri 19th Apr 2019. 13:46

No. Not a meeting I like to bet on as usually no recent form to go on means the bookies have a huge advantage over the punter

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

3. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Fri 19th Apr 2019. 17:19

I ended up too busy at work so didn't get a chance to have a look. Might not have been a bad thing.

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