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Topic: Tripe
1. Author:  average white par        
Date: Sat 27th May 2017. 19:23

Just discovered a new canned tripe dish... it's mixed with chorizo and garlic and it's utterly superb...

My question is this... tripe... love it or hate it?

2. Author:  MDCCCLXXXV        
Date: Wed 31st May 2017. 08:13

Hate it.

But I think the problem lies when I was young my dad cooked pots of the stuff with chunky cut onions. I hated onions and would try to eat tripe but the flavour of onions would turn my stomach. (No pun intended)
Funny enough I now love onions but the thought of tripe gives me the boak.

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3. Author:  widtink        
Date: Mon 12th Jun 2017. 15:24

Ditto ... hate it.
My faither used to cook tripe for our dug as a treat now and then (the dug loved it) .... The smell was absolutely awful 😨


4. Author:  dave67        
Date: Tue 20th Jun 2017. 23:24

No thanks

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