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Topic: Mould on jam
1. Author:  GG741        
Date: Fri 15th Feb 2019. 02:08

Have you ever scraped mould off the top of the jam?

What about a little bit of mould on a slice of bread?

Quite a few "news" articles doing the rounds, and some are contradicting. The best I saw was to focus on the colour of the mould, with pale blue or white probably less harmful than if it is black, green, yellow or orange.

2. Author:  widtink        
Date: Thu 28th Feb 2019. 23:47

Don't be a cheapskate.... If it's mouldy bin it.
Thats my advice...


3. Author:  dave67        
Date: Fri 1st Mar 2019. 08:31

Don't be so hasty Widders

Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered the antibiotic in 1928, when he came back from a vacation and found that a green mold called Pennicilium notatum had contaminated Petri dishes in his lab … and were killing some of the bacteria he'd been growing.

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