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Topic: Rule Changes
1. Author:  saltonsgonagetu        
Date: Wed 12th Feb 2025. 19:00

Rugby League are introducing some rules changes for the 2025 season , a couple of them football could look at the first is
During a stoppage in play after an intervention by the referee, a team`s captain has 10 seconds to decide whether or not to challenge the decision, referring it to the video referee for a second opinion.

Replays of the incident will then be viewed by the video referee and shown on television coverage. After consulting the replays, the video referee will decide whether to stick with the referee`s original decision or overturn it.

Captains cannot challenge decisions made by the referee on certain matters including deliberate forward passes, roll balls, time wasting, dissent, scrum penalties and the mark of a penalty.

Each team is entitled to one unsuccessful challenge per match. That means that if a captain unsuccessfully challenges a decision, his team cannot challenge any further decisions for the rest of the game

The second is to stop time wasting
the green card now applies to both attacking and defending players, having previously only applied to those defending since their introduction in 2022. The green card is shown by the referee to players who are treated for injury, meaning they leave the field for two minutes before re-entering. It is designed to discourage time wasting by injury feigning.

Post Edited (Wed 12 Feb 19:01)

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