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Topic: Deep Pockets
1. Author:  coventrypar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 00:08

We`ve a dozen or so games to go to stay up.
7 or 8 signings in the last couple of weeks.
Ultimately the owners have said yes but ... Tidser has a real challenge on his hands to get a squad of 13-14 players he wants in his first picks....and has to decide quickly - we now have with tonight`s signing enough midfielders to field a whole team.
2025-2026 season will be a mass clear out - that is becoming transparent.

One thing for sure, 3-4 month deals at £xk a week isn`t phasing our owners. Refreshing.
I think they have deep pockets

PS With his experience I think Oakley will stroll it

Post Edited (Fri 14 Feb 00:23)

2. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 09:17

I don`t think we can say he`s experienced. He`s played 50 odd games and he`s 25. That`s the sort of experience you`d expect a 19 year old to have if he`s any good.

3. Author:  Bandy        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 09:36

He`s played 50 odd games and, going by Wiki, each one of them has been at a higher level than where we currently are.

That`s pretty good experience in my eyes.

4. Author:  shellypar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 09:50

He also was out for a whole season due to a back injury, that could have stunted his development a bit, but it seems he clearly can operate at a higher level


5. Author:  Berkey        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 18:22

Hope so, I know his back injury not in the same league as but he’s been a disappointment as was from a higher level so should have shown in our team.

Hopefully he can restart his career by ripping it up for the next 13 games!

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!

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