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Topic: Alcohol in stadiums - heads up
41. Author:  saltonsgonagetu        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 11:17

MinnesotaAndy, Fri 7 Mar 11:10

Scottish alcohol deaths at 15-year high
IMO I think the ban on alcohol in stadiums should be kept.

If this is correct then surely the Scottish government minimum pricing on alcohol has failed .

42. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 11:27

Again, a ban on £6 pints in a football stadium isn’t going to help with alcohol related deaths…….

43. Author:  parsmad68        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 12:16

I would question those statistics like any statistics.
For example we all remember the lie of COVID statistics or has that been forgotten now.

44. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 12:19

Youngsters are not allowed to buy booze
yet somehow they manage to get it. Remember
that some of our so young louts are in their eary 20s.

45. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 13:17

I think that selling alcohol in the stadium will actually help the problems occasionally caused by the young teams behaviour.

Older people will have a few pints in them, and so will be more likely to give the unruly youngsters a good punch in the puss if they overstep the mark- that`ll teach them

46. Author:  parsmad68        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 15:21

red-star-par, Fri 7 Mar 13:17

I think that selling alcohol in the stadium will actually help the problems occasionally caused by the young teams behaviour.

Older people will have a few pints in them, and so will be more likely to give the unruly youngsters a good punch in the puss if they overstep the mark- that`ll teach them

🤣 Brilliant. Thanks for that.

47. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 15:38

parsmad68, Fri 7 Mar 12:16

I would question those statistics like any statistics.
For example we all remember the lie of COVID statistics or has that been forgotten now.

Like "Safe and effective".

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

48. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 15:41

Prohibition and putting prices up doesn`t stop those determined to get hammered.

Personally, I think football has changed drastically over the past few years. People expect "experiences" nowadays and those who say they don`t are becoming a minority.

I remember watching the Blue Jays many years ago and it was far more of an event. Loads of food outlets serving all sorts of food and drink. Quite different to your typical Scottish pie and Bovril.

I`m not convinced serving alcohol during a game is necessarily worthwhile but it would be good to see more thought put into the catering facilities. I appreciate we can`t go throwing money around but the catering at East End is pretty poor IMO. Would no small outlets be interested in setting up a concession on match days?

49. Author:  Par Dan        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 17:37

It’s 2025 I definitely believe you should be able to buy a pint at the football without a riot breaking out.
I’d go one further and offer a mild to medium strength sedative just to combat the eye bleeding football we’ve been accustomed to over the past few years .

50. Author:  fcda        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 18:33

Makes sense to trial it. It`s a long time since it was first banned. Could be restricted to certain areas of the ground, if necessary.

Start in the lower leagues. Move up every 6 months or so if it`s going ok. If it starts to look dodgy re-apply the ban at that level and above. Review (and maybe retry) every few years.

51. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 06:34

Of course but the Main Stand only, where
no one throws flares onto the pitch.

52. Author:  allparone        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 07:48

The concourses in the main stand and the North West/East aren’t big enough if we were to follow the English model. It would only work in the Norrie and Cowden end.

53. Author:  fcda        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 08:51

In England they`re trialling allowing alcohol in the seats at women`s games.

Don`t see that much point of trialling the current English model. Trial the full experience and see how it goes.

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