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Topic: SPFLCh Falkirk 1-0 DAFC FT
101. Author:  Westies squint kicks        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:00

Another "nil"

102. Author:  wulliepar57        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:02

I think we are all the same doesn`t matter who you are playing you need to at least have a go ! if that was having a go this lot would get football stopped !
I am absolutely scunnered watching this lot , and I will say it a new manager in the door but nothing different from him ! where is this desire and effort he talks about ? I am almost done watching the same thing week in week out , I have better things to do with my time
Absolutely pi55ed off again , and we are sadly running out of games , we never seem to be able to put a wee run together
Last week was great I enjoyed my saturday evening , this week back to norm

103. Author:  buffy        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:06

Away to Rovers next Friday night

Go / no go
I dinnae ken

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

104. Author:  wulliepar57        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:08

Lorna , save your money ! another place we very rarely turn up at and even when we do we never seem to beat them
You can watch it on BBC ,
the only other bit of advice to you if you stay at hame to watch it , you better shut yer cat in another room so you don`t take yer frustrations oot on it

Post Edited (Sat 08 Mar 17:13)

105. Author:  Berkey        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:09

If we didn’t sign anyone in January and kept mcpake would it be any different to where we are just now?

The new owners getting a bit of a lesson here. No way was yeboah brought in based on the stats. Boothe looks like he’s phoning it in until he can get a move back to sunnier climes in the summer and the likes of otoo look so poor.

Kane the only player who can make an impact on the game. Has Stevens even got an assist yet?

Very little faith this team won’t get out fought in the playoffs.

Post Edited (Sat 08 Mar 18:25)

106. Author:  cammypar 1995        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:11

I was by no means expecting a victory today but is it unreasonable to expect us to at least make an effort to compete?

c'mon the pars

107. Author:  87Par        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:11

We beat Rovers 3 - 1 last time we met.

108. Author:  Raymie the Legend        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:17

Berkey, Sat 8 Mar 17:09

If we didn’t sign anyone in January and kept mcpake would it be any different to where we are just now?

The new owners getting a bit of a lesson here. No way was yeboah brought in based on the stats. Boothe looks like he’s phoning it in until he can get a move back to sunnier climes in the summer and the likes of otoo look so poor.

Kane the only player who can make an impact on the game. Has Stevens even got an assist yet?

Very little faith this team won’t get out tonight in the playoffs.

Up to now, it looks like only JCM has improved us. Stevens started promisingly but has tailed off.
The experiment with the young lads is not really working.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

109. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:23

Absolutely garbage, Tidser can GTF.

No difference from McPake at all.

Not one shot on target and how does Yeboah manage to stay on for 90 mins. One of the worst players I’ve seen.

110. Author:  Rusty Shackleford        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:30

JCM streets ahead of most of them. Kane did his usual but nothing came off for him. Comrie battled.. The rest? Sheesh.

111. Author:  cammypar 1995        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 17:53

Rusty Shackleford, Sat 8 Mar 17:30

JCM streets ahead of most of them. Kane did his usual but nothing came off for him. Comrie battled.. The rest? Sheesh.

Pretty much how I saw it. I honestly think Falkirk could have gone up a few gears if we gave them a scare but were happy enough to coast the game as we were that poor. The Jekyll and Hyde performances have been our downfall all season and ultimately why we are where we are in the league. Some of these boys need to take a long hard look at themselves as that was a poor attempt today.

c'mon the pars

112. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:02

If Kane doesn`t score, then we do not win.
We do not have anyone else.

113. Author:  Raymie the Legend        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:09

Harry Kane would struggle to score most weeks in our team. We just don’t create enough chances.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

114. Author:  doctordandruff        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:10

The whole basis of analytics and sport is that the team plays a certain way, and then you see what your gaps are, and fill them.

All these signings were made to improve or fill spaces in this style of play. It`s not going to change.

115. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:12

Airdrie could over take us on the next few weeks. I’ve said that for ages.

We are the most out of form, boring team to watch in the league and we’re going down. Even if via the play offs we’re going down.

There’s no point turning up at Raith next week cos we’ve already lost, I have no faith in Tidser that he’ll get us out of this at all.

Can guarantee that Yeboah will still start next week and play the whole game, contributing as much as me and I’m sitting watching.

116. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:14

Tidser has lost the support already?

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

117. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:15

Also this team plus with all the new signings, fought back from 3 goals down against them just after Xmas with Lanzarote John leading them, where was that fight and belief today? Tidser has drained the life out of these players, Otoo looks like he’s never played football before.

Give me strength.

118. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:17

I believe Tidser has lost the support already, I’ve said it many times we made a mistake appointing him and we should have went and got Ian Murray.

If Murray was in charge we wouldn’t be in this position.

119. Author:  GJS93        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:23

"Some of these boys need to take a long hard look at themselves as that was a poor attempt today."

might still be able to see their own reflection after the Hamilton game if they were looking long enough.

"Tidser has lost the support already?"

as being shown he never had it amongst some before he was even confirmed which in part is why the board/owner should have been almost ramming it down folks throats in that first week, this is what we are doing, this is why etc.

120. Author:  Connor560        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 18:23

Dandy Warhol, Sat 8 Mar 18:14

Tidser has lost the support already?

Not convinced he ever really had it.

C'mon Ye Pars!

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