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Topic: And the good news is...
1. Author:  onandupthepars        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 01:57

Chris Kane is third top goalscorer in our league (so I have read.)

And, if we can continue to get about a point a game, that`s gonna make it mighty hard for Airdrie to catch us. We`d end up with something like 35 points, and to catch us on that, they`d have to win five of their eight remaining matches and score a few barrowloads.

So I reckon we`re still very much in the driving seat for ninth. Yippy Ki yay!

Post Edited (Tue 11 Mar 02:01)

2. Author:  Parplod        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 03:37

Delusions of adequacy.

3. Author:  Never10yairds        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 06:33

I don’t see us winning a playoff. To stay up I think we need 8th.

4. Author:  GG Riva        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 06:58

Never10yairds, Tue 11 Mar 06:33

I don’t see us winning a playoff. To stay up, I think we need 8th.

I can understand your apprehension, N10Y. I don`t think the Pars have ever negotiated the playoffs successfully. Luckily, chance has no memory, and there`s a first time for everything. 🙂

Still, like you, I hope we can finish higher than 9th and avoid them altogether. In these playoffs, the pressure is all on the team finishing 9th.

Not your average Sunday League player.

5. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 08:10

We won’t pick up a point a game, we have 4 away games left and have only won 1 and drew 2 of the previous 14.

We’ll be lucky to pick up any points on the road for the remainder of the season.

The only home game I think we’ll win is Hamilton.

Not optimistic about Livi, Airdrie or Partick coming to East End.

My fear and gut feeling is we are going to end up bottom.

6. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 08:32

What does our home league record look like?

Equal rights and justice in this time

7. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 08:42

Our home record is W6 D4 L4. Believe it or not Airdrie have a worse away record than us. It`s W0 D3 L11 but if you point that out you`ll be a `happy clapper`!

8. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 09:31

I know folk keep talking about form etc….and if that’s how they want to see things that’s fine.

I look at how teams are playing and Airdrie have played 9 games this year and scored in 8 of them and most of the games they score more than 1 and have plenty shots.

We on the other hand in 9 games since the turn of the year have also played 9 and scored in 3 of them. We also don’t create chances.

Thats the reason behind MY lack of confidence going into these last few games.

9. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 09:41

I think the point is that we are not bad, results wise, at EEP. And Airdrie, results wise, are very bad away from home.

That`s all based on how both teams are playing - over the course of the season and in recent times.

If someone wants to argue that we could lose all 4 away games remaining, I don`t think there is much in the way of evidence to say that`s unrealistic.

We could lose every game and finish last. It is possible. However, if you are that pessimistic, supporting the Pars probably isn`t that good for you.

Equal rights and justice in this time

10. Author:  FA1968        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 11:27

Just make this season end.

11. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 12:04

Forget some of the rubbish that some of
you guys are spewing out. We have a great
support, an excellent football ground. There
is no way we should toiling against all
these run of the mill teams in our league,
Falkirk apart. We should wiping the floor
with the rest. The least we should we, should
be doing, is struggling to get into the top
6 in the Premiership.

12. Author:  onandupthepars        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 13:07

Ref: Parplod, Tue 11 Mar 03:37

`Delusions of adequacy.`


Life in miniature at EEP.
Hey! More good news - we`re on the telly on Friday - don`t we usually play better when the world is watching?

Post Edited (Tue 11 Mar 13:08)

13. Author:  parsmad68        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 13:53

onandupthepars, Tue 11 Mar 13:07

Ref: Parplod, Tue 11 Mar 03:37

`Delusions of adequacy.`


Life in miniature at EEP.
Hey! More good news - we`re on the telly on Friday - don`t we usually play better when the world is watching?

I must admit, I have never experienced this yet 😂, but fully expect much better than the insipid nonsense we had during the festive period that I felt was McPake’s final nail in his coffin at EEP.

14. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 14:04

I’ve been a Pars fan for around 30 odd years and usually I’m optimistic but recently my optimism his began to disappear with every week.

Obviously I’d want us to stay up but there is little evidence from what we’ve seen that it’s possible.

We shouldn’t have to be hoping for Airdrie to drop points and not catch us but that’s where we are.

15. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 14:42

I would imagine the fans of every team in the League are hoping the teams around them will drop points. That`s how fitba` works.

16. Author:  Berkey        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 17:26

Airdrie hadn’t won a game since the start of the season and then turned us over with ease. Airdrie not won away all season, on paper there best chance to get that away win will be at east end.

One thing is for sure, if the opposition are ever in need of a result to end a bad run the pars will often give them it.

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!

17. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 17:33

We can always depend on you to look on the bright side.

18. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 17:39

wee eck, Tue 11 Mar 17:33

We can always depend on you to look on the bright side.

Lol. He`s no far off the mark this time though.

19. Author:  Ahoy!Ahoy!        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 18:02

Yes Im aware that’s how football works.

I was referring to the fact that we shouldn’t solely be relying on Airdrie not winning for us to stay up, we should be going out to win games and get ourselves out of this mess.

20. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 11th Mar 2025. 18:10

Do you seriously think anyone connected with the club doesn`t understand that? What do you think they`ve been trying to do throughout their football careers? It`s hard to believe you`ve been following football for over 30 years.

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