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Topic: The birds and the bees
21. Author:  parsmad68        
Date: Sat 20th Jul 2024. 10:34

The Pollinators is a great movie about the plight of the bee in America. I just cannot believe the extent we go to for mass food production, then I watched the Biggest Littlest Farm in the World and there are people in the world who know what to do. Just that it will not make profit without food being more expensive. Governments just pass this down the line until there will be no line left.
On the up side there were bundles of bees on the Mull of Kintyre. I think it is because it is mainly untouched.

22. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sat 20th Jul 2024. 12:51

Sorry Dave did you mean to say you`d rather have a pigeon than a bat or did you mean cat?

Post Edited (Sat 20 Jul 12:52)

23. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 20:13

Well Brucefield is full of tits… make of that what you will

Seriously though we used to get a flock of small birds ( I think they were house sparrows but I’m definitely no expert so I could be wrong) that would hover over the back of everyone’s adjoining back gardens but I’ve not seen them this year. We definitely still get the bees tho. I can tell because I sit smoking my vape at my front door and the bees must use it as a way point cos pretty regularly they fly up to my door, look at it then move off in the same direction.


24. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 20:14

And no the good tits either…


25. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 9th Aug 2024. 00:25

parsmad68, Sat 20 Jul 10:34

The Pollinators is a great movie about the plight of the bee in America. I just cannot believe the extent we go to for mass food production, then I watched the Biggest Littlest Farm in the World and there are people in the world who know what to do. Just that it will not make profit without food being more expensive. Governments just pass this down the line until there will be no line left.
On the up side there were bundles of bees on the Mull of Kintyre. I think it is because it is mainly untouched.

Always wanted to eventually have a garden with a beehive. Fascinating creatures. We will be very much worse off without them

26. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Fri 9th Aug 2024. 16:25

Our bird bath attracted a bunch of wee sparrows today. There were six of them in it at one stage, two or three more squabbling to get in. Turned into a mass brawl!

27. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sun 11th Aug 2024. 21:52


What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

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