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Topic: Pocket Money
1. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Sat 31st Aug 2024. 14:01

What is average for 8 and 11 year olds nowadays.

2. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 31st Aug 2024. 14:26

£50 😉

3. Author:  KirklistonPar        
Date: Sat 31st Aug 2024. 15:22

£10 to £15 a week. But housework like putting clothes away, keeping bedroom tidy and emptying the dishwasher when it needed is all required to get the pocket money in the first place. Money deducted if not done.

4. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Sat 31st Aug 2024. 16:05

£0, and we don`t have any problems getting them to do jobs around the house.

High academic efforts results in them getting what they want (within justifiable reason). They don`t tend to ask for much, but do like going to charity shops to find a bargain.

Additionally we tend to give them some money around summer and Christmas holidays.

5. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Sat 31st Aug 2024. 21:53

ipswichpar, Sat 31 Aug 16:05

£0, and we don`t have any problems getting them to do jobs around the house.

High academic efforts results in them getting what they want (within justifiable reason). They don`t tend to ask for much, but do like going to charity shops to find a bargain.

Additionally we tend to give them some money around summer and Christmas holidays.

I have to admit I do like a look through a charity shop these days 😂


6. Author:  TAFKA_Super_Petrie        
Date: Sun 1st Sep 2024. 16:57

Charity shop dynamic has totally changed though.

There`s a lot more younger studenty types working there now and anything that has a sniff of having any value is cross checked online and (over) priced accordingly in my experience.

Still get the odd bargain but the days of getting absolute gems or steals for a couple of quid are over.

Back to pocket money £5 for my two and related bonuses for good report cards etc.


[b]"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."[/b]

7. Author:  widtink        
Date: Mon 2nd Sep 2024. 14:29

TAFKA_Super_Petrie, Sun 1 Sept 16:57

Charity shop dynamic has totally changed though.

There`s a lot more younger studenty types working there now and anything that has a sniff of having any value is cross checked online and (over) priced accordingly in my experience.

Still get the odd bargain but the days of getting absolute gems or steals for a couple of quid are over.

Back to pocket money £5 for my two and related bonuses for good report cards etc.

There`s still gems to be had at charity stores these days .
You can`t blame them for trying to get as much profit as possible.
Why sell something for £20 if a quick web search tells you that item can fetch £200.
Instead , mark it up to £100.
That way the chosen charity is getting a nice big profit and the customer is getting a good deal too.
First thing they do with a potential high value item is check the web , eBay , marketplace etc...
I speak from experience.
A lot of charities also sell items online where you can get some really great bargains .


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