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Topic: Tiler/Bathroom Specialist Recommendations?
1. Author:  Neil_Philp        
Date: Wed 11th Sep 2024. 16:17

Hi Guys,

Inherited a flat with a bit of a leaky shower!
Had a look at the problem, no pipes leaking but the grouting, sealing and tiling in the shower is pretty bad.
Could maybe do it myself but want it done properly and professionally TBH

Any recommendations for a Tiler/Bathroom specialist

Thanks again folks

Post Edited (Wed 11 Sep 16:18)

2. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 11th Sep 2024. 17:55

If you do it yourself, make sure you get rid of the old sealant rather than going over the top. Easy to cut it out using a Stanley knife. Then make sure you get some decent silicone and one of those little tools to make it neat. It`s not that hard to do. If the grout has gone around the tiles it may be you need to remove any tiles in the area and let the wall behind dry out first (or replace completely if it`s plasterboard).

3. Author:  sintv        
Date: Wed 11th Sep 2024. 19:42

My grandson is a tiler but he`s on holiday and not back till Sunday so if you don`t get someone reply to post

4. Author:  P        
Date: Sat 14th Sep 2024. 08:02

Also looking for someone who can swap out bathroom taps

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