Topic: £35 million for a statue |
21. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Mon 20th Jan 2025. 13:27 PARrot, Mon 20 Jan 13:01 Seriously? OK, there was no Panama papers and increase from the government every year lol. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Reply |
22. Author: Wotsit Date: Mon 20th Jan 2025. 16:56 Parrot, did you read the criticisms of Charlie for the rent he takes from charities or the millions on rent for the empty prison? His Ma also took that money. Oh, and she paid off the victim of her paedophile son to shut her up. The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy. Reply |
23. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Mon 20th Jan 2025. 17:07 I read that at "Bute House"....jings what a relief! I became a republican when William gave Jacinda McHorseface the Earthshot gig, but rather old Lizze than Elsie McSelfie. ![]() Reply |
24. Author: Roger Daltrey Date: Wed 22nd Jan 2025. 12:14 PARrot, Mon 20 Jan 10:51 The Royal family have the biggest private art collection in the world and take multi millions out of the public purse every year. But you`re quite sure she`d prefer to build homeless shelters and give nurses pay rises, despite never having done either in her decades long rule? ![]() Reply |
25. Author: MessiPar Date: Wed 22nd Jan 2025. 14:01 I think PARrot is one of the brainwashed minority that actually thought the queen was all for the people...wrong Reply |
26. Author: red-star-par Date: Wed 22nd Jan 2025. 14:21 Roger Daltrey, Wed 22 Jan 12:14 I`d seen it reported years ago that the queen of england had over 5,000,000 individual pieces of art. More recently this has been reported as over 1,000,000 pieces, so I`m not sure what`s happened to the rest of it. When you consider the collection includes thousands of originals by the likes of Vermeer, Canaletto, Rembrandt, Titian, Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo (and possibly the other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle), the value of the art that she keeps hoarded away from the public must be worth many billions alone. I think the family`s true wealth is under reported, safely kept hidden off shore, like many other criminals do with the proceeds of crime. To paraphrase Carnegie, the queen who dies rich, dies disgraced, and there must be no queen so shameful than elizabeth the second, queen of a nation where a quarter of kids live in poverty while she hid her wealth offshore and still sponged off the country Reply |
27. Author: Alter Ego Date: Wed 22nd Jan 2025. 20:31 The people that work behind the scenes in the Royal family are around 150 personnel from the security to lawyers/accountants and directly paid to do their duties when needed 24hrs a day. If they say jump you say how high! Mon the Pars! Reply |