Topic: LA Wildfires….. |
1. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 09:11 Now 5 massive fires burning uncontrolled right along the north of the city borders. Think it’s recorded as the worst ever seen there. Couldn’t imagine the fear folk are going through for both their lives and their homes. Meanwhile their President incumbent is a firm believer that Climate Change doesn’t exist…….wonder what he will say about all of this as he has seemed quiet so far. Reply |
2. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 09:33 Mental that the state dumped billions of gallons of reserve water just before them and thousands upon thousands of insurance policies were cancelled just before too. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Reply |
3. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 16:31 Three months ago on the Joe Rogan podcast the now President Elect Donald J. Trump.
The OP claims the incumbent POTUS does not believe in Climate Change? I had no idea Biden was "a denier". The good news is that when Trump becomes President because he knows that a changing climate is ubiquitous real solutions like the ones he was suggesting can be implemented. Good luck to all those fighting this disaster caused by Newsome`s (non) forest clearing policies, incredible that LA, a city next to the ocean runs out of water in it`s fire hydrants. Post Edited (Thu 09 Jan 16:31) Reply |
4. Author: LochgellyAlbert Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 19:03 Horrendous incident for the firefighters with winds approaching 100mph they`re in an impossible situation, they really can only assist in the evacuation of people. Reply |
5. Author: Bamba-Daft Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 19:51 Dave_1885, Thu 09 Jan 09:11 The mayor withdrew $17.5m of funding from the fire service. The fire chief is on record saying DEI is her top priority.. now they’re short of firefighters because they’re only willing to hire certain types of people. The fire hydrants are empty, because environmentalist nut jobs complained about fish being harmed by using the water in the reservoir. Post Edited (Thu 09 Jan 19:53) Reply |
6. Author: Andrew283 Date: Thu 9th Jan 2025. 22:25 The reservoirs are empty because California sells the vast majority of it to farms and industry. This is the direct consequence of rampant capitalism Reply |
7. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 08:31 Man arrested for arson. Crazy. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Reply |
8. Author: DunfyDave Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 16:51 Dandy Warhol, Thu 9 Jan 09:33 ^^^ Are you suggesting that the insurance companies cancelled policies knowingly that the fire risk was increasing? Atrocious if this is the case!!! DunfyDave Reply |
9. Author: buffy Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 18:27 Probably because they know that wildfires can completely decimate properties and they can’t afford to pay out claims, imo. Before Florida was hit with their most recent tornado some major insurance companies also withdrew their policies. ”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019” Reply |
10. Author: jake89 Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 18:33 Which is taking the piss given all those houses will have been assessed when applying for the home and building insurance. It`s why they check the postcode, proximity to water, history of movement etc. Scumbag behaviour to wait until they know something will happen then cancel policies. Reply |
11. Author: Dandy Warhol Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 18:43 DunfyDave, Fri 10 Jan 16:51 You wouldn`t like to think so but insurance of any sort, especially in the US is filthy cynical. I don`t wanna go down like disco. Reply |
12. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 18:56 Topic Originator: jake89 like The alternate may be the insurance company going bust with all that entails. So they either tell them beforehand "We can`t cover this" and giving folk time to make alternate arrangements or wait till afterwards when they can`t pay out. I doubt the actuarial tables factored in no water in the fire hydrants. Given the average price of a Palisade home is about £5,000,000 I think it is the things that can never be replaced with money that will be missed the most. It also means the less wealthy won`t be seeing a hike in premiums to rebuild Hollyweirdo`s houses. ![]() Reply |
13. Author: jake89 Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 19:14 Bletchley_Par, Fri 10 Jan 18:56 What you`re describing then is blatant fraud. You can`t offer a policy and then pull it when it might cost you money. All insurance policies are a gamble. Someone might pay for their whole life and never need it, or their house might burn down two months into the policy. It`s like going to the casino and demanding you get your money back if you lose. Reply |
14. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 19:27 Topic Originator: jake89 like No, what I`m describing is the reality of the smallprint of an insurance contract. Us here in the Kingdom are not really subject to the natural disasters that occur in Babylon, especially SoCal, many of these polices would exclude natural disasters like earthquakes or fire, given that there have been people arrested for suspected arson that throws another spanner in the ointment. Yes, it is like going to a Casino in that they can ask you to leave at any time if they think you are costing them too much. ![]() Reply |
15. Author: P Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 20:19 I understood it to be that the insurance companies assessed the increasing level of risk and at renewal hiked premiums up accordingly to the extent that they were too great and individuals did not renew / cancelled their policies. Similar to increasing premiums on properties that regularly flood. Post Edited (Fri 10 Jan 20:20) Reply |
16. Author: jake89 Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 22:26 P, Fri 10 Jan 20:19 Exactly. You can`t cancel someone`s insurance just because you`ve had second thoughts. If that`s permitted then why bother with insurance at all? They ask you questions, assess the risk and give you an appropriate price. Reply |
17. Author: wee eck Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 22:48 I saw an interview with a guy who was a former Olympic swimming medallist who had lost his home. His priority was to save his dog rather than his medals. He said he had no insurance and he thought that was the case for about 70% of those who had lost properties in the fires. Reply |
18. Author: NMCmassive Date: Sat 11th Jan 2025. 01:13 California and LA politicians have been making bad decision after bad decision and now that there is a real danger to life, livelihood and people’s homes it’s all starting to come out of the woodwork. I can’t see Gavin Newsom lasting long after all this. I seen someone pointed out the diversion of funds from the Fire departments and then the DEI hiring policies which left the fire departments short staffed but it goes back further than that. They had also withdrawn funds for park and public land maintenance etc basically they thought it was cheaper to not maintain the land through Forestry projects and if someone’s house was damaged/destroyed then the response and the funds would be covered by FEMA and not out of the state budget. Insanity if you ask me but not unlike our decision to cut back maintenance on our drains and waste water systems and only unblock once it’s been flooded. Also worth noting that there seems to be arsonists at work (I think there has been at least 1 arrest) which is absolutely horrendous. COYP Reply |
19. Author: NMCmassive Date: Sat 11th Jan 2025. 01:18 wee eck, Fri 10 Jan 22:48 Recently listened to Quentin Tarantino talking about it (not on purpose it just happened to come up in the conversation) Some people were getting quotes of up to $150,000 per year for their home insurance 😱 COYP Reply |
20. Author: PARrot Date: Sat 11th Jan 2025. 01:21 Bletchley_Par, Fri 10 Jan 18:56 Sometimes not often but sometimes you make sense. ![]() Reply |