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Topic: Six Nations
41. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 11:51

Most of the pundits have written Scotland off Dave 1885

Could play into our hands if England get too cocky

I will not watch it as I will be at EEP ..

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

42. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 12:04

Buspasspar, Sat 22 Feb 11:51

Most of the pundits have written Scotland off Dave 1885

Could play into our hands if England get too cocky

I will not watch it as I will be at EEP ..

Theyve been writing us off against them for the last 5 years lol the fact is England aren’t as good as they think they are.

43. Author:  P        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 16:49

Buspasspar, Sat 22 Feb 11:51

Most of the pundits have written Scotland off Dave 1885

Could play into our hands if England get too cocky

I will not watch it as I will be at EEP ..

Try for Scotland after 3 1/2 mins

44. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 17:10

Scotland been very good so far

45. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 18:23

England easing ahead as the game enters its final stages. England were probably there for the taking but it`s been an engaging encounter.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

46. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 18:26

Not clinical enough and now losing our heads. Only going one way now.

47. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 18:39

Finn not having a good tournament at all. Misses have cost us today

48. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 18:46

Think it’s time for Gregor to go. We have stalled now and not improving in terms of getting results. Losing to that England side is a bad result, they looked very poor.

49. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 19:13

Missed the first twenty mins or so by being at EEP watching an infuriating performance by the Pars. Then proceeded to watch an infuriating performance by Scotland.
The commentators were waxing lyrical about the boys in blue, but they had not converted possession into enough points and if I was a betting man I would have put a wedge on England to win at HT.

Second half I counted nine times we lost the ball and we also conceded nine penalties in the SH alone…that’s was cost us the game.

Could DVM tried to get closer to the posts before he touched it down? It also seemed as if Russell hurried the conversion as the camera man almost missed it……very unlike FR to miss so many kicks at goal. The pitch was very slippy so I am assuming that was maybe a factor.

Townsend has had his time……

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

50. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 19:23

There`s a lack of logic there, surely, saying we lost the game because Russell missed three conversions and DVM should have touched down nearer the posts, then calling for the manager`s head?. Isn`t that the only game we`ve lost at Twickenham under his management? This is the most exciting Scotland team I`ve seen and by a long way.

51. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 19:55

wee eck, Sat 22 Feb 19:23

There`s a lack of logic there, surely, saying we lost the game because Russell missed three conversions and DVM should have touched down nearer the posts, then calling for the manager`s head?. Isn`t that the only game we`ve lost at Twickenham under his management? This is the most exciting Scotland team I`ve seen and by a long way.

Its not exciting when its predictable in terms of end results. The last 2/3 6 Nations we should have been going into them thinking we could seriously challenge and it’s been over after 3 games every time.

You need to change when progress stalls, or you start going backwards. GT has taken us to better heights, but his times up now.

And Duhan couldn’t get closer, 3 English men in a line between him and posts, Finns place kicking was poor today, bring back Paterson and Laidlaw!

52. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 20:05

I didn`t see the first two missed conversions but by all accounts they were well within Finn`s usual capability. If he nails one from three we win the match and everyone`s happy. And how was it not a penalty when Itoje bent over that ruck with his feet in the air and killed the ball? It`s easy to say changing the coach will improve things but it doesn`t always work.

The stats

FT: England 16-15 Scotland

Scotland had 59% of territory and 58% possession.

Outscored England three tries to one

Carried 936m to 474m

Gained 521m to 323m

Made nine line breaks to two

Beat 35 defenders to 10

Made 247 passes to 99

Was that a snatch and grab by England?

53. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 20:14

wee eck, Sat 22 Feb 20:05

I didn`t see the first two missed conversions but by all accounts they were well within Finn`s usual capability. If he nails one from three we win the match and everyone`s happy. And how was it not a penalty when Itoje bent over that ruck with his feet in the air and killed the ball? It`s easy to say changing the coach will improve things but it doesn`t always work.

The stats

FT: England 16-15 Scotland

Scotland had 59% of territory and 58% possession.

Outscored England three tries to one

Carried 936m to 474m

Gained 521m to 323m

Made nine line breaks to two

Beat 35 defenders to 10

Made 247 passes to 99

Was that a snatch and grab by England?

It was, but at the end of the day we lost, and have now lost 2 of our 3 games so far this campaign. Including against a lacklustre England.

54. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 20:34

What makes you think changing the coach would help?

55. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 20:39

wee eck, Sat 22 Feb 20:34

What makes you think changing the coach would help?

It might not, but doing the same thing over and over again with no change clearly isn’t.

Another frustration is our constant lack of discipline. Every game we are always on edge of yellows or getting them. We got lucky with the head on head that the refs were lenient.

Post Edited (Sat 22 Feb 20:40)

56. Author:  P        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:15

wee eck, Sat 22 Feb 20:34

What makes you think changing the coach would help?

By crikey I wish you worked for me, you’re unwavering commitment to ‘management knows best’ in all scenarios is unsurpassable 👏👏👏

57. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:18

Scotland Golden generation is going to end with up just under the big boys. What could have been

58. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:38

Townsend`s win ratio as Scotland coach is 57%. In the last 50 years only Ian McGeechan has bettered that and his was 57.58%.

59. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:56

Okay .. since I started this thread here are my own personal thoughts

We were superb today .. showed England up for what they are .. But and it is a big But .. for all our possession .. our time in the 22 .. we have a problem in getting the ball over the line .. for years now

Every man gave his all today ..

Will never blame anyone for that performance

Fair credit to England .. they dug in and sneaked a win like the last game against France

Signs of a good team

Post Edited (Sat 22 Feb 22:02)

60. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 22:37

Wee Eck misses the very stat that cost us the game…..penalties conceded. It seems that every game we concede more than the opposition. Getting turned over and losing possession in the oppositions 22 waaay too often.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

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