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Topic: Booze Cruise
1. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 13th Feb 2025. 17:15

I live approx a 40 mins drive .. 40 miles from Berwick on Tweed
Decided to have a wee trip down as my whisky supply was running short

4 ltr bottles of Whyte and Mackay locally £104 Berwick £74
14 bottles of yellow tail wine locally £ 112 Berwick £84
Petrol approx £12 .. Its a no brainer .. Slàinte Mhath

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

2. Author:  neilholland999        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 08:27

Did you know about the Berwick prices in advance, or did you just take a punt?

If the former, how did you find out about the prices?

3. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 08:30

Worth it if buying in bulk but not factoring in the cost of your time. A far cry from the traditional booze cruise to France to load up the boot with wine and beer. Those days were already long gone and Brexit was the final nail in the coffin.

4. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 09:06

I googled it neil .. Morrisons also 25% discount on 6 or more bottles of wine
Whisky £18.50 Ltr .. £26 here

Time no a problem for an auld man jake .. need something to do .. also its a nice easy drive down and Morrisons is just as you come into Berwick

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

5. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 14:36

That`s quite the saving BPP 🥃🥃

6. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:00

Its good Big T

watching for Tesco doing the 25% of 6 bottles of wine and we will head down with my Granddaughter when her colleague discount card is the 15% week

Might have to hire a transit :-o))

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

7. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:19

Boy from my work goes down there all the time for cider. Saves a fortune. Whenever I`m in Berwick for a wee day oot, I always bring him some back. I`ll give you a shout next time I`m down, to see if you are needing stocked up mate 👍

8. Author:  fcda        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:22

Depends what brand you were looking at (Royal Terrace?) but it`s generally cheaper to buy from Amazon. I compared prices of 1L bottles at Morrisons here and Berwick with Amazon:

Cowden: 26, Berwick: 24, Amazon: [b]18.97[/b]

Whyte & Mackay
Cowden: 26, Berwick: 21, Amazon: [b]18.47 [/b]

Famous Grouse Finest
Cowden: 26, Berwick: 22.50, Amazon: [b]19.50 [/b]

Grant`s Triple Wood
Cowden: 26, Berwick: 22.50, Amazon: n/a

Royal Terrace
Cowden: 26, Berwick: 18.45, Amazon: n/a

Label 5
Cowden: 26, Berwick: 22.50, Amazon: n/a

Amazon Blended Scotch Whisky `Special Reserve` (4.5/5 stars): 17.99

9. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:52

Thats interesting fcda

Are Amazon allowed to deliver to Scotland at these prices ? taking into account the minimum pricing policy ?

Whyte and Mackay was £18 .50 in Berwick Morrisons

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

10. Author:  buffy        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:52

Ocht thought this was a trip doon memory lane.
Kavos 1988 booze cruise to Corfu town.
Size 10 bikini
Cannae mind much else

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

Post Edited (Fri 14 Feb 15:55)

11. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 15:55

That made me spit ma cheap beer oot buffy :-o))))

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

12. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 16:08

Buspasspar, Fri 14 Feb 15:52

Thats interesting fcda

Are Amazon allowed to deliver to Scotland at these prices ? taking into account the minimum pricing policy ?

Whyte and Mackay was £18 .50 in Berwick Morrisons

Someone said on another thread that they were. I assumed it depended which depot the alcohol was sourced at.

13. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 16:21

My Granddaughter works in Tesco and they used to do Whyte and Mackay for £20 club card

When the second minimum price rise came in it went up to £26 and was told it will never to fall below that again due to the policy

I may be totally wrong here but I don`t think any one can deliver to a Scotland address at English prices .. interesting if there is a loophole

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

14. Author:  allparone        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 16:43

Buspasspar, Fri 14 Feb 16:21

My Granddaughter works in Tesco and they used to do Whyte and Mackay for £20 club card

When the second minimum price rise came in it went up to £26 and was told it will never to fall below that again due to the policy

I may be totally wrong here but I don`t think any one can deliver to a Scotland address at English prices .. interesting if there is a loophole

There is a loophole. From the Scot.gov site

“Minimum unit pricing does not apply to alcohol sales which are despatched from outside Scotland directly to a buyer within Scotland. For example, fulfilling an online order.”

15. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 16:52

There are some weird things across the border. If I go on the NHS website it does ask what country I live in, but also where my GP surgery is (I.e can live in Scotland or England but receive treatment in the other).

16. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 17:02

Well allparone you may have just saved me £12 in petrol money .. Will miss the MacD which is opposite Morrisons tho .. ach weel

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

17. Author:  fcda        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 17:15

Buspasspar, Fri 14 Feb 15:52

Thats interesting fcda

Are Amazon allowed to deliver to Scotland at these prices ? taking into account the minimum pricing policy ?

Whyte and Mackay was £18 .50 in Berwick Morrisons

Yes Amazon can deliver here at those prices. My numbers were off the Morrisons site after selecting pick up from Berwick. Guess W+M has gone up.

Edit: Free delivery at Amazon with Amazon Prime or if the order is over £35, so two bottles.

Post Edited (Fri 14 Feb 17:19)

18. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 19:49

Topic Originator: ipswichpar
Date: Fri 14 Feb 16:49

They were apparently on their way to sort it all out down here but were found absolutely houlet in a supermarket car park in Berwick.

Hats doffed ipswichpar .. superb !! :-o))

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

19. Author:  MikeyLeonard        
Date: Fri 14th Feb 2025. 21:17

Alkies !

20. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Sun 16th Feb 2025. 15:33

You got a drink problem BPP?🤔🥃🍷🍻🤣🤣🤣

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