Topic: Biden Trump debate |
1. Author: DBP Date: Thu 27th Jun 2024. 17:34 Anytime going to watch this (or tape it) I’ve heard they both think they can deal some blows to the other so may be fun watching two pensioners going at it! Reply |
2. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 00:14 Let`s see which one shits their pants first... Reply |
3. Author: wee eck Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 00:17 The microphones can cut out to prevent them talking over each other. Pity we didn`t have that in the UK debates. Reply |
4. Author: Tenruh Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 05:48 wee eck, Fri 28 Jun 00:17 I`ve so little interest in this election that I`ve avoided every single TV debate. 2015 , posters on house windows flags everywhere big buzz after the Indy referendum, this year nothing , cannot see a big turnout on polling day. Reply |
5. Author: DBP Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 06:15 Last night was the first debate Try not to let your anti snp drive and desperation to express that throughout every thread blind you from reading what the topic actually is about mate Anyway I’ve taped it, 2am too late for me to stay up so will watch this morning Post Edited (Fri 28 Jun 06:24) Reply |
6. Author: P Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 11:22 Tenruh, Fri 28 Jun 05:48 The heading says Biden Trump and there’s only 3 posts - how is it even possible to be so confused about the subject of the thread 😂 Reply |
7. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 11:56 Biden is surely gone, and the Democrats are urgently scrambling for a new candidate. This should have been sorted out six months ago. Reply |
8. Author: DBP Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 13:46 That was awful! They have to switch Biden to someone who isn’t so decrepit… Trump wasn’t great but Biden looks like he might not even make the election! Reply |
9. Author: wee eck Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 13:46 If ever there was an argument in favour of an age limit for Presidential candidates surely this was it? Reply |
10. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 14:08 wee eck, Fri 28 Jun 13:46 Trump 78 Biden 81 Not much of a gap there. Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte ![]() Reply |
11. Author: wee eck Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 14:26 Well maybe they should disqualify convicted felons or compulsive liars or narcissists, etc. The US may like to think it`s the cradle of democracy but if it produces a choice between two candidates like those it needs some kind of reset. Reply |
12. Author: DBP Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 18:14 Maybe not in numbers, but big difference in appearance - biden basically elderly and infirm - couldn’t believe what i was watching Need to get a credible alternative if want a chance of beating trump Reply |
13. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 18:33 What Wee Eck says above pretty much sums it up perfectly. Biden, Israeli support aside, has actually done a pretty solid job as US President. Personally, I agree with the point that the US needs better and younger candidates. That said, the whole narrative about Biden being "in cognitive decline" is something that has been pushed by the American Republican side to deflect from the criminality of Trump. Trump himself said that the easiest way to be elected was to stand for them and exploit their lack of grey matter. The orange man seems to forget that much of what he claims as his "success" was due to the policies of the Obama administration. Honestly though, its quite interesting and ironic to see disinformation agents like OzPar parroting the Rupert Murdoch narrative RE Biden straight from Sky News Australia. Reply |
14. Author: DBP Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 18:51 Eh? Did you watch the debate? I’ve no dog in that fight, don’t watch sky news from oz or here in uk - just saw what I saw and no one can deny that he is elderly and infirm and physically too old Reply |
15. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 19:17 We shouldn’t discount Biden had to overcome a stutter when growing up which really affected him speaking in public. It’s a psychological problem which may come when under stress Having said that, his forgetfulness must be worrying for his supporters. Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte ![]() Reply |
16. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 19:43 A quite possibly politically fatal night for Biden. This is terrible for Ukraine, extremely worrying for European/East Asian security and for the Palestinians it`s disastrous. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
17. Author: buffy Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 21:31 The complete opposite tonight in his post debate speech in Raleigh “Biden addresses age concerns head on= Biden has delivered what may turn out to be the most memorable moment of this speech, addressing the concerns about whether his age has made him too old for another term head on. "I know I`m not a young man - to state the obvious," he says, before being interrupted by enthusiastic chants of "Joe Joe Joe" from the crowd. "I don`t walk as easy as I used to. I don`t speak as easy as I used to, I don`t debate as well as I used to but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong, I know how to do this job," he says. "I know what millions of Americans know: when you get knocked down, you get back up." "I would not be running again if I did not believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job," he adds.” White House staff also confirmed he is recovering from a cold. ”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019” Reply |
18. Author: jake89 Date: Fri 28th Jun 2024. 22:26 Eventually people will realise that the President doesn`t run the country. He or she has plenty of people who do the real work. They`re just the face. Reply |
19. Author: OzPar Date: Sun 30th Jun 2024. 05:58 The problem is that the face in question is frail and clearly lacking confidence. That is not what the world (never mind the USA) needs at this time. That debate performance only served to emphasise that critical decisions are being made by people other than the president—invisible people—and that is dangerous beyond all measure, especially at a time when we have multiple conflicts, any of which could lead to a nuclear confrontation. It is tempting to sympathise with Biden`s carefully scripted speech defending his age, but common sense should tell you this man is not well. He should be heading to retirement, not another four years in the White House. Trump must be stopped. He is certainly to win in November as things stand. The Democrats must call a halt to this farce and bring in someone younger to see off the Donald. Reply |
20. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Sun 30th Jun 2024. 13:10 It`s is interesting the Biden`s stammer has only surfaced in his extreme old age. Here he is in 1993 talking about how America as a nation must enforce it`s immigration laws and a secure border, he has no speech impediment here. Here he is in 2007 while campaigning for the democratic nomination describing Barak Obama as "the first sort of main stream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy". No speech impediment here. In 2006 he said "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” with no speech impediment. Here is Joe in 2010 giving his eulogy to his mentor exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan Robert Byrd, he gives a long and heartfelt speech very clearly. Here he is in his 1988 run for the white house telling a journalist he had a much higher IQ than him and that he qualified with 3 degrees and top of his class (76th out of 85th). no hint of a stammer here. Here is Mr Biden giving a speech he "borrowed" from Neil Kinnock in 1988, a passionate one about how his ancestors were coalminers of Wales....errr I mean Pennsylvania playing football after their shifts. Very clear speech. It is very strange that his stutter is nowhere to be found, much like the claims of his cold were not mentioned before the last debate? Maybe he will do better in the next one when he does not have the questions given to him beforehand and he has to think on his feet? ![]() Reply |