Topic: Trump shot |
21. Author: jake89 Date: Sun 14th Jul 2024. 22:17 Guns are always an interesting one. Unless you`re a farmer, it`s unlikely anyone in Scotland needs a gun. However, in the US they know the bad guys have guns so the good guys need them too and sometimes the good guys can go bad too. As much as I think Trump is a moron, I don`t wish him dead. He believes in his cause and, although he comes out with some very disgusting statements, I`d suggest we have far worse in this country in terms of politicians. Reply |
22. Author: Dave_1885 Date: Sun 14th Jul 2024. 23:01 We do, but they aren’t in charge of the biggest red button in the world…. Reply |
23. Author: red-star-par Date: Sun 14th Jul 2024. 23:19 Tbh, I wouldn`t have shed any tears if it hadn`t missed. There are quite a few political figures the world over who I could add to that list as well Reply |
24. Author: widtink Date: Mon 15th Jul 2024. 01:12 Dave_1885, Sun 14 Jul 23:01 Pretty sure Russia has a bigger button. Admin Reply |
25. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Mon 15th Jul 2024. 01:48 It`s always those who are against the globalists, the swamp, the establishment or the deep state and their wars that seem targeted for elimination. Reagan, Lincoln, JFK, RFK, Garfield. The Democratic Party is the manifestation of that in the USA, the Party of slavery, the Confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crowe. Reagan eventually brought about the end of the cold war, Lincoln the end of slavery, JFK`s civil rights bill passed by the Republicans against the Dixiecrats wishes and the hope RFK offered with his run. We have went from the Abrahamic peace accords under President Trump that promised peace in the middle east to the brink of WWIII under Biden. Blessed are the peacemakers, the architect has not finished with Trump, he has more work to do. Stolen elections have consequences and the crooked 2020 election has had terrible consequences for the world. Reply |
26. Author: Andrew283 Date: Mon 15th Jul 2024. 14:43 Bletchley_Par, Mon 15 Jul 01:48 You lost me after that first line. Hahahahaha. Absolutely mental stuff Reply |
27. Author: OzPar Date: Tue 16th Jul 2024. 02:59 Yes, the 2020 election was stolen, and it did have terrible consequences for the world, but not in the way you describe it, BP. The theft took place when Biden stole Bernie Sanders`s Democratic candidacy. How different would the world look today had he been elected US president? If only Sanders had called himself a social democrat and not a democratic socialist—"socialist" is such a swear word in America, and the Democratic hierarchy made damn sure he was defeated in the primaries. Reply |
28. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Tue 16th Jul 2024. 03:18
I didn`t actually describe how it was stolen, but yes the Democratic nomination was fixed to allow Biden to win. In an honest run-off I think Saunders would have been the winner. I`m not convinced Saunders would have beaten Trump no matter what Bernie called himself, but it would have been interesting to watch. Bernie being pro-war and a champagne socialist I think means if he won we`d be pretty much where we are now with wars, high inflation, open borders and indoctrination in schools. His big chance was in 2016, but he acquiesced to crooked Hillary and his chance was gone. Reply |
29. Author: OzPar Date: Tue 16th Jul 2024. 03:31 Yes, I have some sympathy for your points, too, BP. I agree that 2016 was the greater theft. Bernie came out against the Palestinians early doors, but I note that he has since turned that around and is quite loud in his opposition to war and Israel now. But it is all a bit late in the day. A champagne socialist? I don`t know. Socialism in America is hard to define, but it is nowhere near how it would be represented in Britain or Australia. Perhaps something mildly left of centre is as radical as Bernie would have been in practice as president. But we will never know. Reply |
30. Author: Andrew283 Date: Sat 27th Jul 2024. 12:17 So, turns out he was uninjured from the shooting...the ear plaster was for show/sympathy. Shock Reply |
31. Author: sadindiefreak Date: Sat 27th Jul 2024. 15:59 Andrew283, Sat 27 Jul 12:17 Where did the blood come from then? Reply |
32. Author: buffy Date: Sat 27th Jul 2024. 19:41 There was a hole in his upper lobe. I think folk were saying it was a shard of glass from the teleprompter. Must have been a hell of a fright for him whatever it was. You could see he was clearly in shock even a week later. ”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019” Reply |
33. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sat 27th Jul 2024. 20:09 Telling his supporters to vote him this election and they won`t need to vote again in the future. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
34. Author: jake89 Date: Sun 28th Jul 2024. 08:09 The One Who Knocks, Sat 27 Jul 20:09 Because they`ll be dead? Reply |
35. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sun 28th Jul 2024. 10:17 Well he said he`ll be a dictator on day one and dictators tend to do away with free elections once in power. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
36. Author: Andrew283 Date: Mon 5th Aug 2024. 17:55 He`s now threatening to close down Google 😂😂 Reply |
37. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 00:22 Andrew283, Mon 5 Aug 17:55 Why? Elon Musk is his biggest fan? Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte Reply |
38. Author: P Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 06:56 AdamAntsParsStripe, Wed 7 Aug 00:22 You’re thinking of twitter Reply |