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Topic: You couldnae make it up…
1. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Fri 15th Nov 2024. 13:12

Health Secretary Neil Gray apologises for not taking a ministerial car to transport him and “guests “ (including family) to other matches as well as his those involving his beloved Aberdeen. Just take a freebie limo to a different stadium every week son, that’ll shut them up!

Meanwhile Humza Yousaf accuses Elon Musk of trawling through his private messages in order to dig up stuff to “ besmirch his reputation” He must have something to hide then!

2. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Fri 15th Nov 2024. 13:19

Difficult to know what Humza could be hiding that could further hurt his reputation.

3. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 15th Nov 2024. 13:52

I wasn`t impressed by the opposition`s responses to his statement. It was quite clear they had prepared them in advance and took no notice of what he actually said. Why didn`t they ask him why the meetings he said took place at these match visits could not have been arranged at Hampden or Holyrood during the normal working week?

4. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Sat 16th Nov 2024. 13:12

Starlink to be used on Highland trains.....Humza will be ragin.

The massive racist will also be pissed that the satellite and dishes are WHHHhite.

5. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sat 16th Nov 2024. 17:05

I would have thought the Glasgow-Fort William route would have been a better test area for the system.

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