Topic: SNP on the way back |
1. Author: pacifist Date: Sat 7th Dec 2024. 18:44 The Scottish budget has boosted SNP support. The SNP have blind-sided Labour who are now 3rd in England after Reform. Independence is still high and only the SNP can deliver - no-one else. Reply |
2. Author: Tenruh Date: Sat 7th Dec 2024. 20:39 pacifist, Sat 7 Dec 18:44 As long as you`re getting a wage out of it you would say that. Post Edited (Sat 07 Dec 20:57) Reply |
3. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sat 7th Dec 2024. 21:58 In first past the post elections I`d say being third behind two right wing parties isn`t necessarily a bad thing if they split their base. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
4. Author: Parboiled Date: Sun 8th Dec 2024. 08:00 ...the logic of that escapes me, but I haven’t had my morning fart yet Reply |
5. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Sun 8th Dec 2024. 09:52 Well I`d wager that most reform voters will be former Tory voters. Not all as some will be from labour stock but still a majority will be right leaning. So let`s say it`s a seat that at the last election the Tories narrowly lost to Labour (or held, it doesn`t matter in this scenario). Both Labour and the Tories share of the vote will go down as Reforms share increases substantially but it will affect the Tory share greater which may allow Labour to hold (or gain) a seat that without Reform splitting the Tory base that they wouldn`t have managed. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
6. Author: Tenruh Date: Sun 8th Dec 2024. 11:24 Tenruh, Sat 7 Dec 20:39 [url][/url] Reply |
7. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Sun 8th Dec 2024. 18:41 The One Who Knocks, Sun 8 Dec 09:52 Hasn’t this been the way for many years though. Unionists will latch onto any party with a chance of success. Labour and Tories have switched places already and I’d expect Labour to be second in 2026 with reform 4th in front of the Libs but their combined share of the vote won’t be any better than previous years. SNP will win but sadly will have to rely on the Greens for that pro Indy majority again. I would really like more Indy parties in the mix. Alba shoot themselves in the foot as they can’t get over their hatred of Sturgeon etc perhaps understandable but they’re not putting Indy front and foremost in their plans. Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte ![]() Reply |
8. Author: wee eck Date: Mon 9th Dec 2024. 13:47 The Guardian reports - The Scottish Labour party appears to be in the doldrums after a spate of dire polling results and a fresh crisis over a police investigation into Labour’s leader in Edinburgh. The party has been rattled by a surge in support for the Scottish National party in a spate of recent opinion polls, mirroring Labour’s steep decline at UK level. The latest for the Sunday Times Scotland by Norstat puts Scottish Labour on 21% - its lowest figure for three years - and the SNP on 37%. Those numbers appear to vindicate John Swinney’s decision in last week’s Scottish budget to reintroduce a universal winter fuel payment for pensioners, and to promise scrapping the two child cap next year – policies Keir Starmer has refused to endorse. Sunday’s papers also included the revelation that Cammy Day, the leader of Edinburgh city council, was under police investigation for allegedly sexting Ukrainian women refugees. Day denies any wrongdoing. Anas Sarwar, the Scottish Labour leader, suspended Day on Saturday night but the controversy threatens the party’s control over Edinburgh. Despite leading the city’s third largest party, Day had run a minority administration with support from the Liberal Democrats in a unionist alliance to lock out the SNP, which has the most councillors overall. Post Edited (Mon 09 Dec 13:50) Reply |
9. Author: wee eck Date: Mon 9th Dec 2024. 17:57 Update from the Guardian - Cammy Day, the leader of Labour’s minority administration in Edinburgh, has quit after being accused of bombarding several Ukrainian women refugees with sexually suggestive messages about meeting for dates. The allegations emerged over the weekend in the Times and Sunday Mail after Police Scotland confirmed they were investigating allegations that Day has sexted the women using social media. Day denied any wrongdoing and said he would cooperate fully with the police and council investigations, but his resignation will trigger a battle for control over Edinburgh’s administration. Day became council leader, despite leading the third largest political group, after brokering a deal with the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives to block the Scottish National party from taking control despite being the largest party on the council. Reply |
10. Author: jake89 Date: Mon 9th Dec 2024. 21:37 Women? 🤔 I suggested before this election that Labour getting plenty Westminster seats in Scotland could be an absolute gift for the SNP in the 2026 Holyrood election if fractures began to show. It appears this is coming true but a LOT quicker than I expected. Reply |
11. Author: desparado Date: Tue 10th Dec 2024. 16:13 Support for independence at a four year high. Ten years after missing our opportunity to break from cess pit WM, with every single thing worse now than it was then despite all the promises (lies) and no sign of anything getting better soon. Labour in Government will be a gift to SNP as those daft enough to vote for them will soon realise that there is no difference between the blue or red Tories. The thought of Nigel Farages mob getting anywhere near government should put the fear into any fence sitters. If we as a nation allow these right wing nut jobs any say on how our country is run then we deserve everything coming our way. It won’t be pretty. What an opportunity we missed in 2014. Reply |
12. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Tue 10th Dec 2024. 19:30 desparado, Tue 10 Dec 16:13 I agree but how are we going to achieve another referendum when Westminster won’t allow one? An unlawful one perhaps which would be boycotted by the unionist parties won’t work either. Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte ![]() Reply |
13. Author: desparado Date: Tue 10th Dec 2024. 20:30 If we play by their rules then we are as well changing the sign at the border to Scotlandshire tomorrow. WM has no veto over Scottish sovereignty and they can make up any laws that they like…..that, will never change and they know it. Unfortunately SNP are far too timid to push the issue. What an opportunity we missed in 2014. Reply |
14. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Tue 10th Dec 2024. 23:34 Hold an advisory referendum on the day of a Holyrood election and Invite EU and UN observers in. Of course the UK will say this is illegal, but puts them in the awkward position of having to say the election is valid but the referendum isn`t. Also puts Unionists in a position where they either have to Boycott the election and accept a majority SNP government or get out and vote which removes any claims of supposed "invalidity". Agree on the point of the SNP being too timid but I will say I think we`re still to see potential successors to Swinney emerge. I`d still love to see Joanna Cherry or Alyn Smith have a go because Westminster would find it very hard with their respective legal backgrounds. Reply |
15. Author: Tenruh Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 06:35 Until we get the byre cleaned out of all the troughers , devolutionists and the gatekeepers Scotlands going nowhere regards Independence. [url][/url] Reply |
16. Author: Parboiled Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 10:04 hj …I take it that your proposal would involve two ballots either one of which could be ignored by voters on the day…ie you’re blethering a load of mince as usual? Reply |
17. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 12:24 C`min Parboiled, surely you can muster something better than that? Your standard is dropping... Reply |
18. Author: Parboiled Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 14:48 The UN? The EU? Your piffle is rising! Reply |
19. Author: wee eck Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 15:04 This exchange at PMQs today sums up the contempt the Westminster government has for anyone supporting Scottish independence - `Chris Law (SNP) says support for Starmer is plummeting in the polls, but there is now majority support for independence. (He is referring to the recent poll, putting support for independence at 54%.) Who is best to decide what is best for Scots? The party that won the general election, says Starmer.` Reply |
20. Author: AdamAntsParsStripe Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 17:06 I’ve always thought the higher the % of people who want independence, the less chance of any referendum being offered. The only reason we had one in 2014 was because David Cameron was convinced that No would win easily putting Indy (to bed) for many decades given only 30% were pro Indy in 2012. No UK government will give another one when Yes has a chance of success. The only thing which might happen is a Scottish Labour for example rebelling against their UK landlords and embracing something close to independence like DevoMax which , let’s face it, is what Alex Salmond wanted in the first place as a stepping stone towards independence. Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte ![]() Reply |