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Topic: Commons debate on Scotlands Energy
1. Author:  desparado        
Date: Wed 11th Dec 2024. 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

2. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Thu 12th Dec 2024. 23:42

desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


3. Author:  desparado        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 10:51

Yip, not much. Scotland voice has been ignored by successive WM governments, usually because our MP’s whether Labour or SNP were in the minority. Now we have a Labour Gov with a huge majority and our Scottish Labour MP’s can’t even be bothered to turn up. Tells you everything you need to know about them.

We will never have any influence at WM. Madness continuing sending MP’s there to achieve nowt.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

4. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 10:52

Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42

desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


So you`d rather your MP not turn up at all? Oh, I forgot, Alba don`t have any MPs...

Post Edited (Fri 13 Dec 10:52)

5. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 12:26

Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42

desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


Absolute brain rot

6. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 18:16

Andrew283, Fri 13 Dec 12:26

Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42

desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


Absolute brain rot

Ha ha....going no where with the NuSNP buddy

7. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 18:18

jake89, Fri 13 Dec 10:52

Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42

desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


So you`d rather your MP not turn up at all? Oh, I forgot, Alba don`t have any MPs...

The old Alba trope pulled out again....correct no need them going because they`ve total underachieving....20 yrs of inaction

8. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 19:48

I wonder what Hanvey and MacAskill are up to now? I mean MacAskill will have feathered his nest quite nicely over the many years of having his nose in the trough but Hanvey will have to have found other employment.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

9. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 13th Dec 2024. 20:54

By Tenruh`s standard every member of a minority party in Parliament must be a `trougher`.

10. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sat 14th Dec 2024. 12:10

Guy`s the bitterness is oozing out of your pores , why worry about the Albas of this world, they`re a creation of one failed fake Independence party.

Surely you`re bitterness should be aimed at the SNP rather than a party that wants Independence rather than devolution?

11. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sat 14th Dec 2024. 12:19


Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42


desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


So you`d rather your MP not turn up at all? Oh, I forgot, Alba don`t have any MPs...

I actually would not care because our MP’s have achieved nothing…….If our MP did not turn up would anything change…for better or worse ? Nope.
As long as we are part of the WM system, very little if anything will improve. The only benefits the Scottish people have seen in recent years has been from the Scottish Parliament and that is saying something considering the limited powers they have.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

12. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sat 14th Dec 2024. 12:29

The One Who Knocks, Fri 13 Dec 19:48

I wonder what Hanvey and MacAskill are up to now? I mean MacAskill will have feathered his nest quite nicely over the many years of having his nose in the trough but Hanvey will have to have found other employment.

It`s hard to understand the hatrid all you guys have towards an independent party, but so be it keep voting for the cosy devolutionist party the nuSNP.

I assume you`re including the likes of McDonald,Thewless,Cherries Shepherd and the rest of the mob who the Scottish electorate dumped in July.

Wonder what they're up to now?


Post Edited (Sat 14 Dec 12:30)

13. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sat 14th Dec 2024. 12:34

desparado, Sat 14 Dec 12:19


Tenruh, Thu 12 Dec 23:42


desparado, Wed 11 Dec 16:42

Not one single Scottish Labour MP showed up. Is there really anyone who actually believes that they care a jot about Scotland? House Jocks , that’s all they are..

The SNP had 45+ MPs turn up between 2015 and 2024 what did they achieve.


So you`d rather your MP not turn up at all? Oh, I forgot, Alba don`t have any MPs...

I actually would not care because our MP’s have achieved nothing…….If our MP did not turn up would anything change…for better or worse ? Nope.
As long as we are part of the WM system, very little if anything will improve. The only benefits the Scottish people have seen in recent years has been from the Scottish Parliament and that is saying something considering the limited powers they have.

They`ve no powers, and they`re about to find out in May 26 exactly what the public think of their treacherous time since 2015.
Vote any party other than the fearty SNP if you want independence.


Post Edited (Sat 14 Dec 13:16)

14. Author:  pacifist        
Date: Sun 15th Dec 2024. 11:26

Beware the anti-SNP spoilers. Whose side are they really on? Apparently winning seats isnt a good thing. But losing them is bad.

The SNP are only interested in the wages but not Hanvey?

The hypocrisy is amazing.

The facts are the only political party gets constantly attacked by the media when it comes to Independence and thats the SNP - no-one else. That says it all.

15. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sun 15th Dec 2024. 12:50

Yeah because Labour are getting an easy time from the media after their tax rises on business and going after millionaire land owners. Red Tories though eh?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

16. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sun 15th Dec 2024. 17:01

pacifist, Sun 15 Dec 11:26

Beware the anti-SNP spoilers. Whose side are they really on? Apparently winning seats isnt a good thing. But losing them is bad.

The SNP are only interested in the wages but not Hanvey?

The hypocrisy is amazing.

The facts are the only political party gets constantly attacked by the media when it comes to Independence and thats the SNP - no-one else. That says it all.

That`s because the SNP have deserted independence in the last 10 years.

Why do you think they`ve lost 40+ MPs?

17. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Sun 15th Dec 2024. 18:45

Tenruh, Sun 15 Dec 17:01

pacifist, Sun 15 Dec 11:26

Beware the anti-SNP spoilers. Whose side are they really on? Apparently winning seats isnt a good thing. But losing them is bad.

The SNP are only interested in the wages but not Hanvey?

The hypocrisy is amazing.

The facts are the only political party gets constantly attacked by the media when it comes to Independence and thats the SNP - no-one else. That says it all.

That`s because the SNP have deserted independence in the last 10 years.

Why do you think they`ve lost 40 MPs?

The power makers in the Party maybe but a Party is so much more than individuals in Government
I know they need a real shake up at the top but like it or not, they are the only real alternative to the unionist parties.
I’d like to see Stephen Flynn get a shot at leadership of the overall Party.
I think he’d pick the right cabinet

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

18. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 17th Dec 2024. 14:28

This sum`s Flynn up for me...comments are worth reading also


19. Author:  pacifist        
Date: Sat 21st Dec 2024. 15:30

The SNP lost because everyone wanted shot of the tories. Nothing to do with the big lie from the pretendy Independence suppprters who say the SNP have given up. Utter nonsense.

No-one repeat no-one could believe that Labour would be such a disaster.

Independence support is still strong. The SNP are rising in the polls. The people of Scotland have nothing left to vote for other than Independence and only one party can deliver.

20. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 7th Mar 2025. 16:47

More broken promises -

The UK government is making plans to cut the funding for GB Energy, the state-owned company set up by Labour to drive renewable energy and cut household bills, in June’s spending review. Cuts to the £8.3bn of taxpayer money promised over the five-year parliament would be another blow for Ed Miliband, the energy secretary, after he was overruled by the government when the chancellor, Rachel Reeves, backed the expansion of Heathrow’s third runway.

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