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Topic: `Taking back control`
1. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 14:21

At the time of the EU referendum `Taking back control` was the main slogan of the Brexiteers. Leaving the EU would give the UK back its sovereignty and independence from EU interference. In recent weeks we`ve heard that the great British institution, Royal Mail, is being taken over by a Czech millionaire, and the Belfast shipbuilder, Harland and Wolff, is about to come under the control of the Spanish state-owned shipbuilder, Navantia. How is that `taking back control`?

Apparently Navantia already has a business relationship with Harland & Wolff. It is the main contractor on a project to build three support ships for the Royal Navy, with Harland & Wolff acting as UK subcontractor. How does that work? At the time of the Scottish independence referendum weren`t we told that, in the event of Scotland leaving the UK, Scottish shipbuilders would be disqualified from working on UK defence contracts on grounds of security?

Post Edited (Sun 29 Dec 14:23)

2. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 14:48

Scottish yards build all of the Royal Navy’s frigates and destroyers. A benefit of being in the Union…

3. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 14:57

And Macquarie have just increased their share of the UK`s core gas transmission network from 80% to 100%.

As I predicted quite some time ago, Brexit was a complete nonsense, based on the votes of people who generally didn`t have a clue what they we`re voting for, only a few of a narrative what they were voting against, and that narrative was generated by folk working for personal interests.

4. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 15:10

`Scottish yards build all of the Royal Navy’s frigates and destroyers. A benefit of being in the Union…`

We were told that benefit would disappear if Scotland left the UK as these contracts would go to other UK yards, yet here we are with contracts going to a company controlled by the Spanish state-owned shipbuilder.

5. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 16:07

Parboiled, Sun 29 Dec 14:48

Scottish yards build all of the Royal Navy’s frigates and destroyers. A benefit of being in the Union…

No they don`t. For a start, some are being built in Barrow.

6. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 17:36

It’s not about the ownership of the company. It’s about security clearance and the physical location.

For example, Leonardo and Airbus are foreign-owned, but have ‘List X’ secure sites in the UK. But ‘UK eyes only’ means just that.

7. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 17:59

So what would have stopped Scottish shipyards building British ships?

8. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 18:22

wee eck wrote:

> So what would have stopped Scottish shipyards building British
> ships?

Security clearance.

9. Author:  DBP        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 18:49

We would need somewhere to maintain and build our own ones…

How many ships do the uk navy have? - wondering what our share would be?

10. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 19:45

Well if we are going by a population ratio share then we be entitled to about a fraction of a single frigate and a fraction of a single destroyer.

Post Edited (Sun 29 Dec 19:47)

11. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 19:58

Was led to believe that many European nationals worked on the 2 carriers that were built in Rosyth?🤔

12. Author:  DBP        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 20:16

Cool so not much of the horrific National debt Westminster built up will be ours either then 👍

13. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 20:33

Mind how they told us it would allow the nation to take control of its borders too? Hows that going?

Just wait till Reform gets in and those destroyers and Frigates are patrolling the channel sinking migrant vessels every day……..at least so they say anyway.

14. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Mon 30th Dec 2024. 11:39

LochgellyAlbert, Sun 29 Dec 19:58

Was led to believe that many European nationals worked on the 2 carriers that were built in Rosyth?🤔

It must have been the Italian, French and Spanish bits that didn`t work.

15. Author:  pacifist        
Date: Sat 4th Jan 2025. 18:29

An independent Scotland will have the same potential to build as Norway. The geographical location and the protection for rigs that will be around for 25 years at least will demand that.
The ideas that westminster are doing us favours is nonsense. They are putting orders to the best companies that can deliver.
But few companies will survive only on naval orders.

However, given the Royal Navy is quite small and that we would only get 12% of it - not a lot of boats - we would be investing for several decades at least.

16. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 8th Jan 2025. 13:44

Is this another example of the UK `taking back control`? As its name implies the developer, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, is an investment fund headquartered in Denmark, a country the same size as Scotland.

From BBC News -

`Work is under way to create one of the largest energy storage facilities in Europe at Coalburn in South Lanarkshire. Developers say the two huge neighbouring battery farms - one at the site of a former opencast coal mine - will store enough electricity to power three million homes. The one gigawatt facility is being constructed in two phases with the first due to be operational later this year. It will be charged using excess power from wind farms with the electricity being discharged when demand is high or renewable generation is low. The giant batteries will operate for two hours at a time before being depleted.

Work on the first phase started in November 2023 with the developers - Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) - confirming that construction would begin shortly on stage two. Alongside the final investment decision for the Coalburn 2 site, CIP has also confirmed that work will begin soon on a similar sized battery farm near Kincardine in Fife.`

17. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 11:13

Ah well, UK economy going down the tube, Truss going to sue Starmer🤭

What a place this UK nation has become, a chancellor who is running the economy who maybe isn`t even qualified, according to rumours ?

Country was close to blackouts on Wednesday apparently 😲

Looking forward to the food price rises along with power, still no mention of Brexit!

Trump still to come!

Time for Scotland to move!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤞

18. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 11:44

Maybe Trump will come to our rescue as he`s threatening to do with Greenland!

19. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 11:54

Swinney says he “intends to finish the task” on Independence. Does he no ken Indy was finished years ago?

20. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 12:51

Maybe it would be `finished` if voters could be convinced of the benefits of the Union. The Unionists have actually lost ground since 2014.

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