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Topic: If Iceland, why not Scotland?
1. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 6th Jan 2025. 17:34


2. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Mon 6th Jan 2025. 17:57


Many of us have known this for years .. why oh why would Westminster try and keep us if we were no use to them ?

They cannot survive without Alba .. We are one of the most natural resource Countries in the world.. and England the Bastard nation will continue to live and survive of our backs

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

3. Author:  desparado        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 17:05

If Singapore, Malta, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, Finland, but to name a few…..Why not Scotland…?

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

4. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 10th Jan 2025. 19:03

desparado, Fri 10 Jan 17:05

If Singapore, Malta, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, Finland, but to name a few…..Why not Scotland…?

Because 300 years ago Scotland was sold down the river by some rich lairds who sold out their country after losing a load of cash. Sound familiar?

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