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Topic: Dunfermline`s £5m
1. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 14:38

Gone. Cheers Labour. Labour Fife Council also raising council tax over 8% despite an underspend last year. Nice.

The only thing that could be worse would be if there was some sort of scandal at NHS Fife. Oh, wait..

2. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 15:29

Labour are scumbags, WEF riddled liars.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

3. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 15:39

£13.1m is all that is needed to secure community facilities (including a pool) in Inverkeithing for when the school leaves - wholly expected that the area will be sold off for housing and the money will be pulled.

4. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 19:07

£8 million required for the Abbey renovations too.

5. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 20:07

The Abbey is privately owned so would need to apply for grants if it wants/needs contributions.

The lack of pools at both Woodmill and Inverkeithing is a disgrace. Dunfermline`s population has grown about 25% in 25 years yet it has two fewer pools than it had in 2000.

6. Author:  desparado        
Date: Tue 18th Feb 2025. 22:42

The only funds Scotland gets are levelling down funds.

But we voted to get shafted in 2014. As our ex viceroy said…” Suck it up “ .

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

7. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 19th Feb 2025. 06:58

Where did it all go wrong ? Labour again running Fife Council and they`ve regained all their Fife Westminster seats they lost in 2015.....Luckily the Scottish Parliament s voting system should save nuSNP in 2026.

Post Edited (Wed 19 Feb 06:59)

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