Topic: Margaret Ross |
81. Author: The Lawyer Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 20:50 Very sad news. She was an absolute stalwart of the Club and did so much for us both during the darkest days and ever since. Paraid Reply |
82. Author: TAFKA_Super_Petrie Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 21:05 Desperately sad news RIP Margaret. --------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() [b]"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."[/b] Reply |
83. Author: BaysidePAR Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 21:17 I was fortunate enough to meet Margaret a few years ago when my son and I volunteered to help with the season ticket stickers. More recently my wife and I were chatting to her on Sunday in the Kingsgate. Margaret was an absolute gem. The world is a lesser place without her. Frances and I are so stunned at her passing, words fail me. Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this sad time. Reply |
84. Author: diskodeek Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 22:27 I grew up with her son in the same village - very sad news. A huge Pars fan, and a very nice person. she will be missed by many, a superfan, who would do anything for her club. Reply |
85. Author: Boomer Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 22:30 Like many on here never knew Margaret apart from a few friendly words when I was in the company of people she knew. Totally dedicated to the Pars it is a sad sad day for all who love DAFC. Reply |
86. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 22:41 Sad, sad news. A very much loved, admired and respected Pars fan. Will be greatly missed. Condolences to her family. RIP Margaret. Reply |
87. Author: dafcj78 Date: Fri 16th Dec 2016. 23:22 So sorry to hear this news. RIP Margaret !!! Cmon DA Post Edited (Fri 16 Dec 23:24) Reply |
88. Author: oapar Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 08:01 Absolutely devastating news for DAFC. Margaret worked tirelessly for the club, the fact we still have a club today is testament to her hard work and determination. She looked after so many aspects of the club, she will be very hard to replace. As well as her many other duties she looked after the welfare of the players, and was quick to spot if help was needed. Margaret was well known and also respected by so many other clubs, the messages already received show just how much everyone who met her thought of her. She loved the Pars and made it her mission to ensure the club succeeded in every way. RIP Margaret and condolences to Tom, family and your many friends. Reply |
89. Author: 1970par Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 08:11 Some words which I feel describe a lovely person and a personal friend, how Margaret lead her life, always looking to do something good and without a bad word to or about anyone, her "dash" is an inspiration to us all The Dash, by Linda Ellis I read of a man who stood to speak At the funeral of a friend He referred to the dates on her tombstone From the beginning to the end He noted that first came her date of her birth And spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all Was the dash between those years For that dash represents all the time That she spent alive on earth. And now only those who loved her Know what that little line is worth. For it matters not how much we own; The cars, the house, the cash, What matters is how we live and love And how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard. Are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left, That can still be rearranged. If we could just slow down enough To consider what’s true and real And always try to understand The way other people feel. And be less quick to anger, And show appreciation more And love the people in our lives Like we’ve never loved before. If we treat each other with respect, And more often wear a smile Remembering that this special dash Might only last a little while. So, when your eulogy is being read With your life’s actions to rehash Would you be proud of the things they say About how you spent your dash? Post Edited (Sat 17 Dec 08:34) Reply |
90. Author: LochgellyAlbert Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 08:40 Never met the lady but heard plenty of good things about her, a terrible loss especially at this time of the year. RIP Margaret. Reply |
91. Author: Hockeyboy Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 08:55 Never met Margaret either but every time I was at EEP she always seemed to be there, have to admit I shed a wee tear when I heard this sad news. she did so much for our club and will be a huge loss. RIP Margaret and condolences to her family and friends. Reply |
92. Author: bobopar Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 09:36 RIP Margaret, could not believe it when I seen it yesterday. Fantastic ambassador for the club and human race in general. Will be sadly missed. Reply |
93. Author: orco Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 10:26 Very sorry to hear this. I had the pleasure of speaking to her at a Supporters Trust event at Hampden a couple of years ago. She seemed a very nice lady. It was obvious she was passionate about football and the Pars in particular. RIP Reply |
94. Author: Socks Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 11:55 I couldn't put words to this yesterday, and I still feel completely stunned at this - it just seems unbelievable that someone who seemed to be involved in everything, and who was still relatively young, is no longer around. I only knew Margaret through Pars-related stuff, starting during the time when things were seriously bad in 2012/13. She was an intelligent person with a very personable manner, which allowed her to represent both herself and DAFC very well indeed. We have been genuinely fortunate to have her so deeply involved in the last few years. I'm geuninely sorry that Margaret is gone, but she will most certainly not be forgotten. Reply |
95. Author: Gala Tartan Army Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 16:35 The members of the Gala Tartan Army would like to pass on our condolences to all the friends and family of Margaret and to Dunfermline Football Club . We have met her many times at Pars hospitality and Scotland games and were in her company at Wembley . Margaret was a highly intelligent ,lovely, friendly, woman who will be sadly missed by us all here in the Borders . A very sad day ! Reply |
96. Author: pargelly Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 21:26 New a little about you but after reading the stories above im near to crying ,god bless you . Reply |
97. Author: englishpar Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 21:33 Result today probably doesn't matter after the news about Margaret. Never met the women but heard so many good things about her. RIP Reply |
98. Author: donj Date: Sat 17th Dec 2016. 22:58 Sad thing to ask but I really would like to attend Margarets funeral so if the date is known can somebody post it.I'll obviously stay back as it will be well attended but I really would like to show my respects. Reply |
99. Author: Sticky Par Date: Sun 18th Dec 2016. 07:19 I had the pleasure and privilege to meet and speak to Margaret on a number of occasions, lovely lady. Sadly missed RIP. Sticky Par Reply |
100. Author: Townsvillepar Date: Sun 18th Dec 2016. 21:25 I had the distinct pleasure in having a chat with Margaret when I was last home a couple years of years ago. She was a lovely lady who had great pride in Dunfermline Athletic. I wanted to thank her for the large part that she had in saving the club that I have supported for over 60 years. She was unassuming and just felt that the Pars had to be saved. As someone has said before, the world is a poorer place after the passing of Margaret. Sincere condolences to her family and the thousands of Pars supporters. RIP Margaret Reply |