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Topic: We`ve lost one of our own
1. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:20

I am very sorry to report that one of our own, Keith Brown - known on here as parforthecourse – passed away this morning, following what is thought to have been a massive heart attack.

Keith had been a healthy, happy 46-year-old.

He became a Pars fan in 2001 when his wife, Sarah, “forced” him to move to Dunfermline. He and his 16-year-old son have been season ticket holders at East End Park for many years.

Keith was the primary driver behind the establishment of the Pars Fan Loan Fund earlier this year. His enterprise and initiative got a group of us together to create the zero-interest fund that could provide Pars fans in temporary financial difficulty with a means to access small loans, and thus avoid the loan sharks. The fund will continue.

The group members - Donj, LPF, Raymie, Rusty, Lux, GG Riva and I - are unified in our admiration for Keith and the type of person he clearly was. Although, most of us only knew him “virtually”, the word gentleman very easily comes to mind. His professional manner, combined with the time and effort he spent in setting up this fund to help others, spoke volumes about the kind of guy Keith appeared to be.

We have certainly lost an honourable member of the Pars family today.

Our deepest condolences to Sarah, their two children, and all of the family.

2. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:30

That's absolutely tragic news to hear. RIP Keith

3. Author:  EastEndBoy        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:35

Desperately sad news. On reading the OP I did a search for his name across the forums. What a lovely sounding gent.

And the work he put into the loan fund deserves massive respect. His family should be incredibly proud.

Very sorry to hear this.

RIP, Parforthecourse.


4. Author:  Raymie the Legend        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:37

Never did I imagine what the content of my unread messages would be. Shocked and saddened to learn of Keith`s passing.

A gentleman, indeed.

RIP, Keith and sincere condolences to all the family.

It`s bloody tough being a legend
Ron Atkinson - 1983

5. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:46

I never had the privilege of meeting Keith outside of our exchanges on here and on our group chat but he came across as a lovely bloke with a real desire to help other people and he will be missed by all.

RIP Keith and condolences to Keith's family.

6. Author:  Stanza        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:46

That sounds really tragic, and such an awful shock for the family. Really sorry to read that news.


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7. Author:  Superally        
Date: Tue 8th Jun 2021. 23:49

Sad news indeed Had been a sound contributor on here for years. My condolences to his friends and family RIP

2009/10, 2010/11, 2013/14, 2015/16 dafc.net Prediction League Champion

It's a well known medical fact that some men were born two drams below par.

8. Author:  Rusty Shackleford        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 00:38

Just awful news. Only knew Keith through the WhatsApp group for the loan stuff but what a complete gent for being the driving force behind the initiative.

Love and thoughts to his family.

9. Author:  Milos Drizzle        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 00:59

Jeez, horrible news, such a young age too. I had various virtual interactions with him around the app back in the day and he was always understanding and supportive. My thoughts go to his family and friends.

This is my signature

10. Author:  GG Riva        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 05:13

Just woken up to this deeply sad news. Like the others in the group, I'd never met Keith, but the banter on the group chat was first class and we were recently discussing possible outdoor venues where those of us who live locally might meet up for a pint. If we do now it will be a much more sombre affair.

My deepest condolences to Sarah and her family. I think it's no exaggeration to suggest we all considered Keith a real friend, even though we'd never met and held him in the highest regard for setting up such a worthwhile initiative. It speaks volumes about the caring gentleman he was. Gone far too soon.

Oz, thanks for putting this on the forum.

Not your average Sunday League player.

11. Author:  JTH123        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 07:13

Tragic news. I can't imagine what his family is going through.
It certainly brings home how fragile life is. It was 40 years last Friday since my dad died and I've already outlived him by 8 years. It focusses the mind.
RIP Keith.

12. Author:  eastendalloapar        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 07:23

RIP Keith.

matt forsyth

13. Author:  MDCCCLXXXV        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 07:37

Thoughts and prayers go out to Keiths family and friends.

RIP parforthecourse

East End Park is a symbol of all that is DAFC.

14. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:00

🙁 Thoughts with his family.

15. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:06

Tragic news 😔

16. Author:  Parfect68        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:13

RIP parforthecourse. Tragic news.

17. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:14

Awful news to wake up to. R.I.P. Keith

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

18. Author:  AlterPar        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:15

Once arranged a game of badminton with Keith through this very forum.He was a lovely chap. Very sad news,way too early RIP

19. Author:  skbb        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:21

Awfully sad news. Keith was a lovely helpful guy. On behalf of Dasc we would like to offer our condolences to all his family.

20. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:40

Tragic news, taken too soon, condolences to his family, RIP Keith 😪

21. Author:  wetherby        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 08:43

RIP parforthecourse. Thoughts are with the family.

22. Author:  RhinoPars        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 09:12

Sad news.

23. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 09:21

A tragedy and deepest condolences to his family.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

24. Author:  StevenPar77        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 09:23

Another one of the good guys gone too soon.
Sincere condolences to the family.

25. Author:  Berry        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:06

My best wishes to his family and friends, did not know him but recollect reading his posts on this forum from time to time and came across a gentleman.

It’s such a shame that he was taken at that age.

I think it would be a nice touch if we had a Roll of Honour on this forum somewhere, this site has been around for many years with many posters contributing and it would be nice to have a place where we can reflect back and recognise those who’ve sadly passed away throughout the years who have played a part in this forums history. One for Brian to consider I’d suggest.

Post Edited (Wed 09 Jun 10:06)

26. Author:  Pars232        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:38

This is so sad, to hear of someone taken so young and without being able to say goodbye. Rest in peace sir

27. Author:  Parsweep        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:38

Awful news .
No age at all .
Condolences to all his family and friends .
R I P Keith 😞


28. Author:  brian        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:44

tragic news indeed, condolences to Keiths family.

Berry, good idea to remember people in that way.

contact: email me
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ParsTV: https://ParsTV.co.uk

29. Author:  londonparsfan        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:45

Agreed that's a nice idea Berry.

30. Author:  parfection        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:48

Words alone always seem so inadequate at times like these, but there is more to this online community than mere words. This thread alone testifies to a genuine sense of loss of course, but also a sense of respect for and gratitude to an online friend who contributed so much here over the years.
Thanks for everything Keith, and my sincerest condolences to your loved ones.

31. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 10:57

Taken in his prime - tragic.


32. Author:  Leamington_sPAR        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 11:18

That’s awful news and my condolences go to family and friends of Keith.

33. Author:  Gaz3822        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 11:37

RIP parforthecourse

34. Author:  Rastapari        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 12:28

Peace be, may his foot tread an easy path, wherever he may roam.

Carole Baskin fed Rasta to a tiger.

35. Author:  steaua        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 13:09

Condolences to Keith`s Family and Friends. R.I.P. x

Post Edited (Wed 09 Jun 13:10)

36. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 13:30

So very sad and so very young ...thoughts and deepest sympathy to his Family and friends

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

37. Author:  TAFKA_Super_Petrie        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 14:47

Very sad. RIP


[b]"People always talk about Ronaldinho and magic, but I didn't see him today. I saw Henrik Larsson; that's where the magic was."[/b]

38. Author:  kozmasrightfoot        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 15:19

He helped me out greatly when I was having a hard time. Great guy whom shall be sorely missed.

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.

39. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 15:54

Awful news. Best wishes to the family.

Equal rights and justice in this time

40. Author:  Angus_W        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 16:15

You’ll forever be one of the DAFC family.


“.........it ain’t over till the Pars score!”

41. Author:  dave67        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 18:44

My thoughts go out to his family

42. Author:  EEP        
Date: Wed 9th Jun 2021. 21:02

Taken so young….. RIP Parforthecourse.

43. Author:  Kessel        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 00:43

Didn't know the gentleman but sounds a great guy. RIP.

44. Author:  QPR_Par        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 01:13

It’s tragic to lose somebody so young, and even more so when it’s somebody so supportive (and active in their support) for those facing difficulties in their life.
Sincere condolences toKeith’s family and friends.

45. Author:  SergioDuarte        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 01:22

RIP Parforthecourse

46. Author:  Frank Butchers LoveHandles        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 01:40

He sounded like a brilliant guy and my heart goes out to his family and friends. The initiative he arranged seemed typical of the sort of kind and selfless person he was, RIP Keith.

Awight Pat!

Post Edited (Thu 10 Jun 02:11)

47. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 08:35

Tragic news. So young and so sudden. RIP Keith.

Think i'll be nicer to everyone in chats. You never know when your last words will be your last words.

48. Author:  marspar        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 10:01

The last thing I expected to read when I scrolled through .net yesterday was this. Truly shocked. Its amazing how many people Keith has touched without even meeting them in person, it shows you what kind of character he was.

I knew of Keith through a mutual friend but also worked with him for a year or so in Glasgow. We`d often walk to Glasgow Queen Street together after work and chat about life, work, The Pars.

At one time he was a Meadowbank Thistle fan but when he moved to Dunfermline he began to support the Pars. Its clear from the comments on here how much he was involved in the Pars family. He would always go out of his way to help others.

I can’t remember how he knew Michael Bristow, a lifelong Wolverhampton Wanderers FC fan who died at the age of 32 in 2008. Keith donated a trophy to Wolves in Michael`s name and would often go to the last home game of the season to present it to the Academy Scholar of the Year. A fitting tribute to Keith would be a similar award presented to the Pars in his name?

He also loved his racquet sports and was a member at Dunfermline Tennis Club. He was lucky enough to have visited Wimbledon to watch the tennis too.

A genuinely great guy. A funny, helpful, caring, family man that’s been taken far too soon. RIP Keith.

Post Edited (Thu 10 Jun 10:12)

49. Author:  StevenPar77        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 11:25

marspar, Thu 10 Jun 10:01

The last thing I expected to read when I scrolled through .net yesterday was this. Truly shocked. Its amazing how many people Keith has touched without even meeting them in person, it shows you what kind of character he was.

I knew of Keith through a mutual friend but also worked with him for a year or so in Glasgow. We`d often walk to Glasgow Queen Street together after work and chat about life, work, The Pars.

At one time he was a Meadowbank Thistle fan but when he moved to Dunfermline he began to support the Pars. Its clear from the comments on here how much he was involved in the Pars family. He would always go out of his way to help others.

I can’t remember how he knew Michael Bristow, a lifelong Wolverhampton Wanderers FC fan who died at the age of 32 in 2008. Keith donated a trophy to Wolves in Michael`s name and would often go to the last home game of the season to present it to the Academy Scholar of the Year. A fitting tribute to Keith would be a similar award presented to the Pars in his name?

He also loved his racquet sports and was a member at Dunfermline Tennis Club. He was lucky enough to have visited Wimbledon to watch the tennis too.

A genuinely great guy. A funny, helpful, caring, family man that’s been taken far too soon. RIP Keith.

Lovely post marspar.

50. Author:  TigerPar        
Date: Thu 10th Jun 2021. 13:41

Terrible news, RIP Parforthecourse. Condolences to Keith’s family & friends

51. Author:  buffy        
Date: Sun 13th Jun 2021. 14:23

Only just catching this news about Parforthecourse.
Very sad to read. Ty Oz and MarsPar. Lovely words.
RiP Keith.

Good idea, Berry.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

52. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Fri 18th Jun 2021. 10:02

Received this message from Keith`s wife Sarah...

Keith`s funeral will take place on Saturday 26th June at Kirkcaldy Crematorium.

Funeral cars will be leaving our home at 9.35am and the cortège will make its way down to Halbeath Road and drive slowly past East End Park, at approximately 9.40am, where you may wish to gather along with others to pay your respects.

The cortège will then drive to Kirkcaldy Crematorium for the funeral service.

Thank you so much to you all for your wonderful tributes to Keith. We feel very grateful to have so many kind and supportive people around us.

Please feel free to share this message with others who may wish to be involved.

With many sincere thanks,

Sarah, Olivia and Luke.

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