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Topic: Add yourself to the Pars Map
81. Author:  TigerPar        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 21:50

Nice one Coreservers, was sure I had seen other Pars over here.

82. Author:  PNE par        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 21:59

Added, thats preston on the map.

83. Author:  DunPar        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 21:59

What about keeping the Pars badge for the living fans and a black one for the deceased (including those that are drifting on tidal waters) ? Poor Osama - I had no idea he was actually a Pars man............

84. Author:  macapar        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 22:57

Sorry Fargo failed gepgraphy and engerlish.

85. Author:  Peter        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 23:02


Aye, only reason his location was discovered was he tried to sign up for ParsTV at the weekend, that was the givaway

86. Author:  McParvie        
Date: Wed 4th May 2011. 23:36

Added myself in my seat at EEP ;oD

Small crowd so far tho :-S

Pmsl at some of the names - JawsPar ;oD


87. Author:  The-Pars        
Date: Thu 5th May 2011. 01:02

Added - Hi fellow Edinburgh Pars!!

I seem to live quite near "Char" and "we won the cup in 68" nice to know there is a pars close by!!

Post Edited (Thu 05 May 01:08)

88. Author:  williamgeorgefraser        
Date: Thu 5th May 2011. 18:20

Strange there aren't more than 2 of us in France especially since there are two small towns called Pars (Pars-les-Romilly and Pars-les-Chavanges).

89. Author:  The LonePar        
Date: Thu 5th May 2011. 20:57

Done (twice) - Kemnay in Aberdeenshire!

Aluglaze your home. All together now.

90. Author:  IndianPar        
Date: Thu 5th May 2011. 23:27

Got Bangalore on the map as well!

91. Author:  williamgeorgefraser        
Date: Sat 7th May 2011. 12:27

Will Piracy Par be able to fish Osama oot o the watter before Jaws Par gobbles him up? We should find out in the next few days.

92. Author:  Fyvinho        
Date: Sat 7th May 2011. 12:57

Thats me got a pars badge marker now....:) bit wee tho....:(

The King sits in Dunfermline Toon drinkin the blood red wine

93. Author:  Swisspar        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 09:23

As someone suggested before this thread needs to go on sticky ! The reason I'm saying this is because Pars fans do tend to travel around a bit, so they could possibly make contact with a "Local Par" on their travels.

94. Author:  Wedge        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 11:22

Can you move your marker once you place it?

If yes i will put mine up stright away!

Post Edited (Wed 11 May 11:25)

95. Author:  ab30parslass        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 11:59

just added and posted on FBook

96. Author:  no-sssweat        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 12:36

Surprised to find I wont be the only par when I move to San Jose in august :)

97. Author:  Irishpar        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 12:57

Tried adding this but stays on 'map loading'....

98. Author:  Mr Mac        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 13:59

Added myself (Twice probably) but can't see my marker; should be next to Pishy Brown Shoes Par ......... hmmmmm

99. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 14:18

Done.....I think

100. Author:  Swisspar        
Date: Wed 11th May 2011. 23:02

If you change your location, I'm sure you can re-locate. ( not as if it's not logical !) I actually have two pegs(markers) , just in case I'm in Southampton!

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