1. Author: Par in Luzern Date: Sun 8th May 2011. 12:54 This is quite brilliant - Well done to whoever made it! Reply |
2. Author: Korona Kid Date: Sun 8th May 2011. 12:56 Wathced it last night, quite simply the funniest thing all season! Quality effort "In your Falkirk slums!" Reply |
3. Author: Valley Par Date: Sun 8th May 2011. 13:16 funny as f... ! Reply |
4. Author: Andrew283 Date: Sun 8th May 2011. 13:29 What was that noise? It was the sound of the Wee Teams bottle crashing! I thought I recognised it. Our bottle crashed a long time ago.... Brilliant Reply |
5. Author: Loyal Par Date: Sun 8th May 2011. 23:29 " The T-Rex was acting the f@nny, so I burst them " - genius! As is the doleful music that plays each time Pishy Brown Shoes is mentioned! I wet myself. Reply |
6. Author: JBPar Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 00:46 Bizarre and funny! Reply |
7. Author: paid2play Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 02:44 Sory - absrolutely boring infantile bollocks. Reply |
8. Author: kozmasrightfoot Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 08:52 Get a sense of humour ya pleb. Pars fan. Magpies fan. Mens tennis fan. Alternative rock fan. Not a fan of much else. Reply |
9. Author: Kerkey Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 09:30 Absolute quality!!! Reply |
10. Author: paid2play Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 09:33 wanna stick yer right foot where the sun disnae shine kosma?! Ive seen your physog and laughed for hours pal ;op - nothing wrong with my sense of humour - That was just not all that funny. Even if it is a wee bit funny it is far from "Brilliant". Reply |
11. Author: Good old cage days Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 09:46 Lol! Well done to whoever made that coz they owe me a new keyboard! Coffee went everywhere. Haahhhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahha. 10/10. Reply |
12. Author: Stoo Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 11:11 aaaaaaahahahahaha im giggling like a girl! Reply |
13. Author: Colonel John Matrix Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 13:27 Twas I. The king of procrastination. Damn uni work still not done... Reply |
14. Author: kozmasrightfoot Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 14:04 paid2play,what the hell is my 'physog'? If you are attempting a witty retort and lame keyboard warrior threat to my rather obvious observation, then at least try to make it legible. Physog, ha ha ha what a numpty Pars fan. Magpies fan. Mens tennis fan. Alternative rock fan. Not a fan of much else. Reply |
15. Author: SanguinePar Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 14:29 Um... ***Red carded despite breaking no rules, not swearing and not being abusive. ThaiPar out*** Reply |
16. Author: paulg Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 14:33 Physog is your coupon,your boat race, your pus.aka your face Reply |
17. Author: helensburghpar Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 20:57 I thought it was brilliant, well done. Reply |
18. Author: kozmasrightfoot Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 21:16 So paid2play is slagging off my appearance because I make a wee comment about his humour, thats pretty sad. Did you really read my comment, then go to the rogues gallery to seek out my picture because you were so offended/angry at what some random forumite said? If thats what happened you need to get a grip son, because thats a bit creepy. Physog is a new word for me,consider it lodged in the mental dictionary. Also,my wife doesn't think I am ugly and thats all that matters to me. If however you were just having a joke then thats cool, its really hard to gauge on a forum. Pars fan. Magpies fan. Mens tennis fan. Alternative rock fan. Not a fan of much else. Reply |
19. Author: SanguinePar Date: Mon 9th May 2011. 21:26 Think he was just kidding: Ive seen your physog and laughed for hours pal ;op The winkie-stickie-out-tongue thing is the clue ;-) ***Red carded despite breaking no rules, not swearing and not being abusive. ThaiPar out*** Reply |
20. Author: Colonel John Matrix Date: Tue 10th May 2011. 13:05 Is it not 'fizzog'? Reply |