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Topic: Good Read
1. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 27th Mar 2020. 21:55

I like a good adventure thriller mystery type book which probably covers most
Check out Denzil Meyrick's DCI Daley books also if you like Jack Reacher go and read Mark Dawson's John Milton books they are superb

2. Author:  JTH123        
Date: Sun 29th Mar 2020. 20:56

Second that for the Milton series. Kept me going for a good while.

3. Author:  shrek par        
Date: Sun 5th Apr 2020. 12:41

Into the black is what I'm reading currently all about the development of the space shuttle. Didn't realise it was all started back when Apollo xiii was launched. Another interesting piece was how the computers were all early 70s hardware and were a massive 104k of memory. They had six on board plus mag tapes for all the mission profiles. The attention to detail was staggering.

4. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 9th Apr 2020. 11:11

Reading plenty myself just now mostly on kindle .... just finished the new Jack Reacher.... Blue Moon .... actually got a wee bit fed up with it :(

5. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 10th Apr 2020. 16:16

I've read most of the Jack Reacher books and yeah they are all very samey. I just wish for once he'd get beat up .

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

6. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 10th Apr 2020. 19:51

Same here Towk but this last one rambled on and on a wee bit
Check out Mark Dawson especially the John Milton books helps if you read them in order but not entirely necessary
Stay Safe

7. Author:  sintv        
Date: Tue 14th Apr 2020. 20:39

The Spider Shepherd books by Stephen Leather are excellent if you like Reacher. Also Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp series are great reads

8. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Tue 14th Apr 2020. 20:55

Thanks sintv
I have read the spider shepherd books by S L and they are good
I have not heard of Vince Flynn so i will check him out and let you know
do I have to read them in order ??

9. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Tue 14th Apr 2020. 21:01

Bought book 1 from kindle sintv will start it tonight cheers

10. Author:  sintv        
Date: Wed 15th Apr 2020. 20:00

Flynns books stand alone though there are some personal details that jump about if you read them in wrong order. I could send some epub files if you want

11. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Wed 15th Apr 2020. 20:35

Not sure what an epup file is sintv

I paid £5.99 on kindle for the first one started it last night and enjoying it thanks for the heads up

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

Post Edited (Wed 15 Apr 20:43)

12. Author:  sintv        
Date: Wed 15th Apr 2020. 20:48

Ive a Kobo so my books are in epub format. Yours are mobi, I think. Easily converted with Calibre or I can convert some for you.

Post Edited (Thu 16 Apr 08:48)

13. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Sat 18th Apr 2020. 09:26

Meant to add "I am Pilgrim" is a cracking book as we sintv

14. Author:  shrek par        
Date: Sat 18th Apr 2020. 16:52

Just finished dead man's trousers by Irvine Welsh. Follows on from porno/the blade artist

15. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Sat 18th Apr 2020. 17:35

Will check them out shrek par
Dinnae laugh but I have never watched Trainspotting

16. Author:  DayMan        
Date: Mon 20th Apr 2020. 19:31

I'm currently reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

It's fascinating but I'm having to read most paragraphs a few times for it to register fully.

Is your cat making too much noise all the time?

17. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Tue 21st Apr 2020. 11:21

Enjoy DayMan

Can mind as a boy back in the 50's lying on ma back on the pavement and naming all the stars

18. Author:  shrek par        
Date: Sun 26th Apr 2020. 23:33

Now onto Vietnam by max Hastings, bit dry and draws on a lot of previous writings by others. Forgotten voices of the Falklands war is excellent. Another I've just finished was Cod,itsall about the role the fish has played throughout history and was both well written and exceptionally interesting for such a bizarre subject manner.

19. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Tue 28th Apr 2020. 00:56

shrek par, Sat 18 Apr 16:52

Just finished dead man's trousers by Irvine Welsh. Follows on from porno/the blade artist

Just finished that myself tonight, really good read, although I have been swearing like a Leither since I started reading it. On the back of that I just bought A Decent Ride by Irvine Welsh, which is about Juice Terry

20. Author:  Johan_Cruyff        
Date: Tue 28th Apr 2020. 17:00

The Tom Thorne series by Mark Billingham is brilliant.

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