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Topic: A Heartfelt Apology
41. Author:  Aaron Labonte        
Date: Sat 8th Feb 2025. 22:55


Still haunts me 😂

42. Author:  GG Riva        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 07:57

Thank you so much to all of you for your uplifting messages of support. I feel so much better for it. It was quite bewildering to have my post so completely misunderstood by some people on this forum, and I blamed myself for that. One of the hazards of communicating with people we don`t know, I suppose, and I`m glad it`s all behind me now. Not the best birthday I`ve ever had, for sure. 🙄

I`m still minded to take a wee break from posting. I haven`t done so since my wee mum died 12 years ago, so it`s perhaps well overdue. I`ll still have a gander at the forum to read what my fellow Pars fans are posting. I won`t be in Aberdeen for the game today as Sunday is our family day when our children and grandchildren descend on us for dinner, but I`ll be kicking every ball in front of the TV.

I hope those of you who make the trip enjoy every minute. 🙂

Not your average Sunday League player.

43. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 08:35

They weren`t truly offended GG, they were virtue signalling pearl clutchers simping on behalf of a cause completely unrelated to them because their lives are a bit hollow.
Ignore them, don`t care about their hackneyed , cliché ridden protestations and enjoy your break.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

44. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 08:55

DBA, Sat 8 Feb 22:20

Aaron Labonte, Sat 8 Feb 22:14


You should have taken Larsson down mate.

A bit tricky when you are on your erse.

45. Author:  StackPar        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 09:01

I didn’t see your post GGRiva before it was deleted but wouldn’t believe for a second there would be any malintent behind it. I’m not a regular poster but am drawn to the forum to follow news of our beloved Pars and you have long since been one, if not the, most pragmatic and thoughtful posters. A voice of reason. The act of apologising for any unintended offence taken is a measure of you. Don’t be too hard on yourself and keep the posts coming.

46. Author:  Big T Par        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 10:21

Good to see you back GG.

47. Author:  RhinoPars        
Date: Sun 9th Feb 2025. 15:45

I also think no need for an apology.

48. Author:  kozmasrightfoot        
Date: Thu 13th Feb 2025. 14:39

I read that post. Hee haw wrong with it.

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.

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