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Topic: Highlights Morton + Michael Tidser + Chris Kane
21. Author:  fcda        
Date: Sun 2nd Mar 2025. 20:56

Berkey, Sun 2 Mar 18:16

As I’ve said, McCann did great to hold off the defender then just chucked it in there which thanks to putting into a dangerous area AND Kane gambling that he thought McCann would just go low and hard meant we got a massive goal.

Maybe it`s something they`ve worked on in training? Maybe they spoke about it during the game?

22. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 2nd Mar 2025. 21:02

Chris Kane confirms the manager persuaded him to get involved after `results came back which were positive`. Whether that means they`ve resolved his issues remains to be seen I suppose.

He also said he tells wide players to cut the ball back and he`ll always make that run at the near post so maybe that`s another reason McCann didn`t need to look up before releasing the ball.

23. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Sun 2nd Mar 2025. 21:07

My understanding is that he has a permanent issue with his calf muscle. It can be managed but it can`t be fully fixed.

Equal rights and justice in this time

24. Author:  pars4life1        
Date: Sun 2nd Mar 2025. 21:10

Kane wasn`t anywhere close to being fit. Playing 30 mins was a struggle for him even deliberately not taking a lot of runs on that he normally would.

He was still our best player by a distance but there`s no doubt it`s a gamble that we`ve not caused too much damage chasing(and winning) those 3 points. We`re mid table and he`s not in the squad, never mind playing an extended period.

25. Author:  onandupthepars        
Date: Sun 2nd Mar 2025. 21:42

Judging by the highlights, I don`t think Bene went through the Morton player to get the ball. You can see he`s knocked the ball well away to the left afore the Morton man starts to fall. I think the ball was in front of the Ton man, Bene was at the side, stretched his leg in front and knocked the ba` away a tad afore the Ton man hit his leg and fell. Bene`s Innocent! Free Bene!

26. Author:  cammypar 1995        
Date: Mon 3rd Mar 2025. 06:37

I don`t mind that to be fair get to the byline and put it in a dangerous area how many times have we seen goals like that against us. Put the ball in a dangerous area and anything can happen deflection etc.

c'mon the pars

27. Author:  kozmasrightfoot        
Date: Sat 8th Mar 2025. 14:08

That second Kane goal was marvellous. A dodgy ref would have given a foul but it wasn`t. Not a good camera angle for the red so I can`t comment on that.

Pars fan.
Magpies fan.
Mens tennis fan.
Alternative rock fan.
Not a fan of much else.

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