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Topic: Full club update on youtube
1. Author:  RMGpar        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 18:14

Video up on youtube with Cook, with the club update....

2. Author:  saltonsgonagetu        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 18:47

Link to video


3. Author:  ParfectXI        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 19:00

Cook sounds like a proper Chav who’s completely out of his depth in the job he’s supposed to be doing!

4. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 19:29

I didn`t get that impression at all.

5. Author:  MikeyDee        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 19:32

Neither did I

6. Author:  The Artful Dodger        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 19:33

Topic Originator: ParfectXI like
Date: Wed 5 Mar 19:00

Cook sounds like a proper Chav who’s completely out of his depth in the job he’s supposed to be doing.

Strange take that reeks of classism imo. Not Cook’s biggest fan but that interview was more than adequate.

Post Edited (Wed 05 Mar 19:35)

7. Author:  RossF        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 19:44

Not a big fan of Cook but didn’t think he came across that way at all. He did say the last time he aims to communicate more with fans and failed to do so. Hopefully this time he means it.

I’m disappointed the Rosyth facility wasn’t addressed. This was the clubs pride and joy not too long ago and you hardly hear a peep now.

Once again it sounds positive for the future but I remain skeptical until I see evidence. Pars fans have been told many times in the last few years that the future is exciting and I’m still to see it. Hopefully we will survive and build on next season. Sadly at the moment it all seems to rely on Chris Kane’s fitness from now til the end of the season.

8. Author:  fcda        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 20:04

Came across well. Nothing too surprising but positive noises about increasing fan engagement and restarting the fan forums.

9. Author:  CitizenPar        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 20:06

I thought he came across quite well and hopefully we can look forward to a positive future for the Club

10. Author:  neils        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 20:07

Came across well, and explained as much as he could I suppose.

Sounded promising, and he explained clearly, I feel no need for him to make statements about everything anyway, and it`s clear why he couldn`t make updates before.

Make no bones about it, we are pushing towards staying up this season with most of the squad not at this level, We were in a real state before the season started, so I he strengthening is more than welcome, and I feel we are in a much better place.

It was interesting , Gordon Waddell was on off the ball last week, and he was saying he assumed at the start we would be doomed this season due to our mess, but we`ve hung on there

11. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 20:16

Cook spoke very well I thought. Agree about not mentioning things like the training facility.

Have to confess I assumed ALL clubs were doing analytical work as it seems like common sense to me. Interesting to hear so few are doing it properly.

Pleased to hear one of the board is a marketing person. I felt that when we were in the 1st Division the marketing was fantastic. That then disappeared after we got promoted. I`ve said it on here before but we need to get the club representing Dunfermline the city as well as the club. Things like the work volunteers do going round schools is one part of it but it`d be great to look at other ways to get the kids and their families in Dunfermline supporting the Pars even if they can`t make it along to EEP. Depressing.enough seeing Fife kids and adults wearing Celtic/Rangers shirts but even worse when it`s English, German and Spanish teams. Maybe get Leish to use his powers as Provost to create a local bylaw banning non-Pars shirts!

12. Author:  Jeffery        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 20:28

I didn`t realise Park Bench Sports were also involved at Septemvri in Bulgaria. Penny just dropped about why Mebude ended up there until the end of the season!!

I wonder if we might see more players moving between Septemvri, us and Cordoba. I did wonder if someone doing well like Mullin might end up moving `up` to Cordoba.

Good news re: Sky being put back in. If they get the screens sorted too then it might help encourage folk along a bit earlier.

Good interview all round.

13. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 21:56

ParfectXI, Wed 5 Mar 19:00

Cook sounds like a proper Chav who’s completely out of his depth in the job he’s supposed to be doing!

That sir is utter pish.

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

14. Author:  Rigger Al        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 22:26

CitizenPar, Wed 5 Mar 20:06

I thought he came across quite well and hopefully we can look forward to a positive future for the Club


15. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 22:52

No complaints from me with the interview. The right questions were asked and we got some honest replies not just the usual waffle you expect sometimes.
I do think should we survive relegation our future is bright.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

16. Author:  Alter Ego        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 23:05

Tbh I think it was a well put rehearsed interview beforehand but Mr Cook came out well from it. Let’s see what happens.

Mon the Pars!

17. Author:  OorWullie        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 23:31

It was obvious it was a well rehearsed interview. In the interest of balance, I`d like to pick up on some points.

We were told back in pre-season that we would get regular updates. Well it`s March now. Not my idea of regular. Again, we are promised this will be more frequent going forward. Let`s see.

Mr Cook advised that Pars fans should not be worried about another huge loss. We were told the same one year ago by GMBH. 7 months later they wanted out. Could we be looking at the same one year down the line?

Only two other clubs published their accounts for the same period - Partick recorded a loss of £152K and Queen`s Park a loss of £364K but Queen`s did move into their new stadium during this period. Compare these numbers to ours. I did not include Falkirk and Livi as they were in different leagues.

We have appointed Scott Gordon to the board. We are told that he comes as a Comms and Marketing expert. We already have Alister Burn - Head of Commercial and Chris Addison - Marketing Manager. David Cook was Chief Commercial Officer at Notts Forest. How many commercial/marketing people do we need? We can`t even sell out the Hospitality Boxes. How much are we paying for these guys? it`s been well stated from various that Mr Cook is on £160K. Let`s assume Alister and Chris take £100K between them and Scott will probably be on at least £75K - that`s £335K and probably conservative. Can a club in the Championship really support this expense?

I`ve just seen the Courier report that Raith made £48,295 for the 12 months to the end of May last year. Mr Cook said it was practically impossible to make a profit and maintain "sporting performance". Raith proved you can do both. For a long time they looked like they could win the league.

Post Edited (Wed 05 Mar 23:39)

18. Author:  thebear        
Date: Wed 5th Mar 2025. 23:47

He wasn`t good ir bad bit just spouted what we all knew

19. Author:  Parfect69        
Date: Thu 6th Mar 2025. 00:01

So I got the impression data analysis choose our signings and not the manager or does the manager choose then they do data to see if they would fit? …. Thumbs up for Sky Sports 👍

20. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Thu 6th Mar 2025. 00:05

How can we complain we get no information then, when an interview like this is done, complain that we learned nothing new?

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