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Topic: Cook, Root cause of our problems!
21. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:18

Hunter78, Sun 9 Mar 16:31

kelty_par, Sun 9 Mar 15:17

Cook was to blame despite not being at the club when we were relegated, being the face but without much say under GmbH, and having said that the new owners leaned on John Colquhoun for a lot of their decisions. Gotcha. Let`s face it, there`s been an agenda against Cook since he came in. I`m not saying he`s been brilliant, but clearly there are folk who either didn`t like an outsider coming in, or no longer have their pals in positions of power, or who made their mind up as soon as he was appointed because he wasn`t someone they knew or knew of.

Rubbish. He was appointed by GMBH and was there man, he was absolutely all over the John Hughes appointment, he was the only Director who interviewed him!! He also fully ran the club day to day for the Germans, to suggest otherwise shows you’ve been nowhere near the club except a matchday

Cook was appointed in February 2022. Hughes was appointed in November 2021. So, despite not being an actual director at the time, you`re telling us that he was the only director who interviewed him?

Equal rights and justice in this time

22. Author:  Hunter78        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:53

DA-go Par Adonis, Sun 9 Mar 19:18

Hunter78, Sun 9 Mar 16:31

kelty_par, Sun 9 Mar 15:17

Cook was to blame despite not being at the club when we were relegated, being the face but without much say under GmbH, and having said that the new owners leaned on John Colquhoun for a lot of their decisions. Gotcha. Let`s face it, there`s been an agenda against Cook since he came in. I`m not saying he`s been brilliant, but clearly there are folk who either didn`t like an outsider coming in, or no longer have their pals in positions of power, or who made their mind up as soon as he was appointed because he wasn`t someone they knew or knew of.

Rubbish. He was appointed by GMBH and was there man, he was absolutely all over the John Hughes appointment, he was the only Director who interviewed him!! He also fully ran the club day to day for the Germans, to suggest otherwise shows you’ve been nowhere near the club except a matchday

Cook was appointed in February 2022. Hughes was appointed in November 2021. So, despite not being an actual director at the time, you`re telling us that he was the only director who interviewed him?

Yes, he’d been working with Ross McArthur and GMBH prior to the formal announcement, exactly like what’s happened this time around

23. Author:  DA-go Par Adonis        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 20:14

Whilst still employed by Nottingham Forest?

Equal rights and justice in this time

24. Author:  Hunter78        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 20:42

DA-go Par Adonis, Sun 9 Mar 20:14

Whilst still employed by Nottingham Forest?

Simply ask at the next fans forum. You’ll get your answer.

25. Author:  JTH123        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 20:56

I`ve said it before. Looking for someone or even everyone to blame when things don`t go well on the park is worse than a joke. Just leave him to do his job and stop making up absolute nonsense about his salary cause there are folk on here that can`t think for themselves and lap up that sort of stuff as fact.

I don`t know him from Adam but guys like him can`t win. They get zero credit when things go well but loads of stick when it goes badly.

26. Author:  fcda        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 21:06

David Cook is a natural left back. I don`t know why the owners have him at CEO.

27. Author:  OorWullie        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 21:06

JTH123, Sun 9 Mar 20:56

I don`t know him from Adam.

There are plenty people who do

28. Author:  kelty_par        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 22:08

I heard David Cook was the reason Jock Stein left to go to Hibs. I`m in the know, you see. Friends in high places. I also know for a fact he`s sitting on the Iceland investigation and knew the whereabouts of Noel Hunt`s dog all along. And he doesn`t like kittens.

29. Author:  OorWullie        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 22:20

kelty_par, Sun 9 Mar 22:08

I heard David Cook was the reason Jock Stein left to go to Hibs. I`m in the know, you see. Friends in high places. I also know for a fact he`s sitting on the Iceland investigation and knew the whereabouts of Noel Hunt`s dog all along. And he doesn`t like kittens.

Not even remotely funny kp. Stick to football as you know your football

30. Author:  Rusty Shackleford        
Date: Mon 10th Mar 2025. 10:36

Humans, understandably, look for simple solutions to complex problems in order to make sense of the world. The reality is Cook is a useful scapegoat, especially as he`s a Pars fan earning a decent whack from the club.

I have no insight into whether or not he`s doing a good job or not but we`ve underperformed as a club for years and years. There`s more to it than blaming the current exec or blaming the current manager.

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