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Topic: Wee bams
21. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Mon 18th Nov 2024. 21:16

jake89, Mon 18 Nov 20:42

NMCmassive, Mon 18 Nov 19:35

jake89, Sun 17 Nov 21:07

As I was coming out of ASDA earlier a group of neds were getting kicked out. They were doing that weird bouncy dance like the Hibs casuals did at Falkirk. Absolutely hilarious watching 10 of them trying to act like hard men. Unfortunately, it appears they then went round the back of Pets at Home and set the bins and crates alight. The word is they were also chucked out of Burger King. Is it time the Scottish Government reconsidered both free bus passes and when a person can be charged? I`m sure it looks great if they see crime figures dropping but some of these kids are little psychos.

C’mon Jake! How else are we supposed to make it look like the government are having a positive effect!!!


One more year and they`ll be gone. Unfortunately, the replacements will be even worse!

Labour & SNP are not actually that far from each other apart from the obvious.

Quicker Greens are out the better. They’re all bat sh1t crazy


22. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 18th Nov 2024. 21:19

The Greens are already out. Yousaf dissolved that agreement and since then Swinney has cancelled a few of their proposals, which is why they removed their supported for the National Care Service a few weeks ago. All the other parties object to the creation of the National Care Service despite Labour promoting the exact same thing in England. Politics in this country truly is in the gutter.

23. Author:  DBA        
Date: Mon 18th Nov 2024. 23:22

Should we ban alcohol cos adults are assaulted every weekend by a few bams?

The hate that the free bus passes for young people get for causing "anti-social behaviour" is unreal. It`s a massive positive and the negative behaviours should be targeted, not the scheme.

24. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 18th Nov 2024. 23:38

Well said, DBA. Politicians get blamed for everything nowadays.

25. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Mon 18th Nov 2024. 23:55

veteraneastender, Mon 18 Nov 19:23

"Add in absentee parenting to that!"

Throw in irresponsible parenting to the mix.

A few years ago a youth worker in the Council told me that he and a colleague did covert observation of a known trouble spot where minors congregated of a Friday evening for a drinking session.

They noted parents driving up and dropping off their kids near the location, along with carry outs.

Our parents knew about our illegal drinking (ok they didnt give us the booze) but we all knew that if we stepped out of line in the sense kids do these days we would get our @rses handed to us on a plate.

Yeah we played chap door run and others threw eggs at my house on halloween, but assaulting workers, trashing shops and fire raising (except on the beach) were never in our thoughts.

26. Author:  DBP        
Date: Tue 19th Nov 2024. 06:41

Completely agree DBA - such a positive thing and I don’t think a defence of, “he wouldn’t have set fire to that skip or physically assaulted that man and woman if it wasn’t for the fact that he was able to take advantage of scheme that allowed him to travel at no cost”

27. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 19th Nov 2024. 07:09

The issue is the impact of a minority abusing it. A driver dead, others leaving the profession and a spike in antisocial behaviour.

So if not revoking free bus passes, what is the solution? Curfew on use? Ban the bad kids for 6-12 months?

The bus passes are only putting a focus on the issue though. There was antisocial behaviour from a minority of kids before hand, the bus passes just mobilised it. There are more clubs and what not than there ever were when I was a kid so the argument of "they`re just bored" (as was said when I was a kid!) goes out the window.

Assuming these kids were the same kids, within a couple of hours they had:

Created a disturbance in Burger King involving shouting and swearing in front of kids
Spat on people in ASDA and been physically removed
Set bins alight behind a shop containing animals
Given a train conductor a bloody nose and torn hair out a woman`s head.

That is not normal behaviour even if under the influence. As much as Nicola Sturgeon disagreed, children are smart enough to know right from wrong. My kids are in primary school and know all those things are wrong so the implication that under 25s still have brains that are forming is weak in most cases. The reality is it`s just a mechanism to slow/reduce figures.

28. Author:  jake89        
Date: Thu 21st Nov 2024. 23:05

That`s the Abbeyview Community centre been attacked. Little shits chucking stuff and trying to attack the staff. It`s barely been open a month and the natives are already trying to destroy what is a fantastic asset for the community. The little darlings have spray painted all the units in the Halbeath Retail park too. Wonder if Saint Nic is regretting increasing the age of criminal responsibility?

29. Author:  Parnott        
Date: Fri 22nd Nov 2024. 05:51

Increasing the criminal age of responsibility because your brain hasn`t fully formed until 25 whilst simultaneously trying to lower the voting age. You honestly couldn`t make it up.

30. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 22nd Nov 2024. 18:59

Saint Nic?! Don`t go all Tenruh on us now Jake!

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

31. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 22nd Nov 2024. 20:02

The One Who Knocks, Fri 22 Nov 18:59

Saint Nic?! Don`t go all Tenruh on us now Jake!

Very clever woman but lacking in common sense a lot of the time.

32. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Fri 22nd Nov 2024. 20:46

I know but just called her Sturgeon. After all a wise man once said "Tenruh is under the misconception that using incorrect names is witty when it just makes him look a bit daft".

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

33. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 23rd Nov 2024. 11:35

The One Who Knocks, Fri 22 Nov 20:46

I know but just called her Sturgeon. After all a wise man once said "Tenruh is under the misconception that using incorrect names is witty when it just makes him look a bit daft".

Some of them have earned the title. As I said, very clever person but also did so much damage to Scotland. She`s also part of the reason there`s no A&E in Dunfermline anymore.

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