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Topic: Australia bans social media for under-16s
21. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 17th Dec 2024. 14:23

NMCmassive, Mon 16 Dec 21:14

parathletic, Thu 5 Dec 08:53

I saw that St Pauli FC became the first major football club to leave X the other week calling it a `hate machine`.

Left a hate machine and joined an open forum for nonces.

I actually opened a blue sky account just to see what all the fuss was about. One of the first posts on my feed was someone advocating for leniency towards MAP’s… (Minor attracted people if you’re unsure what MAP stands for. Basically an acronym that the woke mob/LGBTQIA2Splus brigade are pushing)

LGBTQIA2Splus isn’t something I’ve made up either. That’s what they want to be known as now. They’ll use the plus sign ➕ rather than the word but the plus sign won’t show when I write it in a post

As someone who knows many LGBTQ etc people, I very much doubt they do. In fact, most I know don`t consider themselves part of the community as it now represents so many groups that they don`t feel they have much in common with. That said, these groups exist for a reason - abuse. If everyone could stop being obsessed by how people dress or who they share their bed with we wouldn`t need these groups. Same applies to skin colour, race, religion etc. We`re all human at the end of the day. Maybe focus on the ones who are bad humans.

22. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Sun 22nd Dec 2024. 00:57

jake89, Tue 17 Dec 14:23

NMCmassive, Mon 16 Dec 21:14

parathletic, Thu 5 Dec 08:53

I saw that St Pauli FC became the first major football club to leave X the other week calling it a `hate machine`.

Left a hate machine and joined an open forum for nonces.

I actually opened a blue sky account just to see what all the fuss was about. One of the first posts on my feed was someone advocating for leniency towards MAP’s… (Minor attracted people if you’re unsure what MAP stands for. Basically an acronym that the woke mob/LGBTQIA2Splus brigade are pushing)

LGBTQIA2Splus isn’t something I’ve made up either. That’s what they want to be known as now. They’ll use the plus sign ➕ rather than the word but the plus sign won’t show when I write it in a post

As someone who knows many LGBTQ etc people, I very much doubt they do. In fact, most I know don`t consider themselves part of the community as it now represents so many groups that they don`t feel they have much in common with. That said, these groups exist for a reason - abuse. If everyone could stop being obsessed by how people dress or who they share their bed with we wouldn`t need these groups. Same applies to skin colour, race, religion etc. We`re all human at the end of the day. Maybe focus on the ones who are bad humans.

We all know gay folk. I don’t know any that want to be associated with the alphabetti spaghetti movement that is the LGBTQIAS2➕

Is there homophobia? Absolutely. As there is with everything but it’s also true homophobia is at an all time low. Homosexuality doesn’t curb any of your legal rights as a person anywhere in the western world. Quite enlightening that there are gay activists trying to distance themselves from the TQIAS2➕

If you find the time, it’s worth takibg 10mins to look at the characters behind the Green/SNP policies for self ID. Plenty of “hate speech” openly spewed onto the internet. Usually directed towards women for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


23. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Sun 22nd Dec 2024. 01:02

I would also add that TQIAS2➕ imo is making life more difficult for people who genuinely are trans and really struggle with gender dysphoria.


24. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 22nd Dec 2024. 09:09

I think we`re saying the same thing here, NMC. The people I know understand the need for raising awareness but the issues of trans people are not the same as gay or lesbians.

Similar with BAME. The A is particularly troubling - what KIND of Asian?

Both BAME and LGBT are lazy groupings imo.

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