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Topic: Sea Trials
1. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 13th Feb 2024. 13:58

Hundreds of millions over budget and years late but the first of the Ferguson shipyard ferries is finally out on the water undergoing testing. Let`s hope it fairs better than the aircraft carriers constructed here and doesn`t continually breakdown.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

2. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Tue 13th Feb 2024. 20:37

The One Who Knocks, Tue 13 Feb 13:58

Hundreds of millions over budget and years late but the first of the Ferguson shipyard ferries is finally out on the water undergoing testing. Let`s hope it fairs better than the aircraft carriers constructed here and doesn`t continually breakdown.

To be fair, the issue with the aircraft carriers was caused by Americans 😂

3. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 13th Feb 2024. 20:49

Care to elaborate?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

4. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 26th Mar 2024. 19:52

The Victorians build the Forth Bridge quicker than its taking to float these boats....you`ve guessed it another delay.


5. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 17th May 2024. 15:19


6. Author:  OzPar        
Date: Sat 18th May 2024. 02:23

A very interesting proposal. Stuart Ballantyne is a personal friend, someone I have known for 40 years. He has a brilliant mind and has created some superbly innovative craft over here in Oz. Like me he is an exiled Scot. He is some years older than me but a man of tremendous energy. I would have a lot of faith in his plan as he knows the ferry industry inside out. Indeed, I have a feeling he was the chairman of the global ferry industry body some years ago. The Scottish Government would do well to listen to what he has to say.

7. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sat 18th May 2024. 06:24

OzPar, Sat 18 May 02:23

A very interesting proposal. Stuart Ballantyne is a personal friend, someone I have known for 40 years. He has a brilliant mind and has created some superbly innovative craft over here in Oz. Like me he is an exiled Scot. He is some years older than me but a man of tremendous energy. I would have a lot of faith in his plan as he knows the ferry industry inside out. Indeed, I have a feeling he was the chairman of the global ferry industry body some years ago. The Scottish Government would do well to listen to what he has to say.

Apparently he was ignored.

The existing fleet including the part completed ships include accommodation for the ships company along with restaurant facilities, as his designs removed both and cutting the journey time the Scottish government fearing Union upset opted for the status quo.

8. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sat 18th May 2024. 07:15

Poor Admiral Byng

9. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 19th May 2024. 12:59

Whilst I`m sure he had valid points, there are usually good reasons NOT to go with an option, particularly one that sounds like it would save money. I don`t pretend to understand the whole ferry thing but I expect part of the reason related to the staff and the alleged needs for berths for them, even on seemingly short crossings. These ferries should be viewed no differently to trains and buses. They provide vital connections and should simply do what they need to do.

These ferries have been a disaster but I have to say I`ve used Calmac quite a few times over the past few years. Never a delay, never a cancellation, brilliant staff. My only issue was the Norwegian ferry they`ve borrowed as it`s far more basic. That said, it did what it needed to.

10. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 12:41

Good to know that our 6 hunter/killer nuclear subs are all sitting in docks being repaired, one has been stuck for 2yrs!

Kept that quiet, but mention ferries!🤬🤬🤬

11. Author:  widtink        
Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 19:19

Kept it quiet ?
I thought it was common knowledge.
Triumph is now awaiting disposal (at last) so it`s actually 5 subs that are stuck in port.
3 of the 5 could put to sea if they were really needed at a push.... Is the official line. Whether that is true or not is anyones guess.
But we do have surface ships that can track enemy subs and we do have other subs (albeit they are ssbn`s)
It`s weird .... Folk are all "nuke subs are bad" , but now it`s "why aren`t they out there protecting us".



12. Author:  DBP        
Date: Wed 7th Aug 2024. 22:16

Think you missed the point…

It’s about double standards for political point scoring

13. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 08:45

widtink, Wed 7 Aug 19:19

Kept it quiet ?
I thought it was common knowledge.
Triumph is now awaiting disposal (at last) so it`s actually 5 subs that are stuck in port.
3 of the 5 could put to sea if they were really needed at a push.... Is the official line. Whether that is true or not is anyones guess.
But we do have surface ships that can track enemy subs and we do have other subs (albeit they are ssbn`s)
It`s weird .... Folk are all "nuke subs are bad" , but now it`s "why aren`t they out there protecting us".


Or could just get rid of them 🤷🏻‍♂️ if nuclear war does ever happen, then they will be the first target, meaning Scotland gets obliterated. Remove them from our shores and we may just fly under the radar…..you know, since we are slightly more likeable than our southern neighbours (sorry I mean rulers)

14. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 09:59

Dave_1885, Thu 8 Aug 08:45

widtink, Wed 7 Aug 19:19

Kept it quiet ?
I thought it was common knowledge.
Triumph is now awaiting disposal (at last) so it`s actually 5 subs that are stuck in port.
3 of the 5 could put to sea if they were really needed at a push.... Is the official line. Whether that is true or not is anyones guess.
But we do have surface ships that can track enemy subs and we do have other subs (albeit they are ssbn`s)
It`s weird .... Folk are all "nuke subs are bad" , but now it`s "why aren`t they out there protecting us".


Or could just get rid of them 🤷🏻‍♂️ if nuclear war does ever happen, then they will be the first target, meaning Scotland gets obliterated. Remove them from our shores and we may just fly under the radar…..you know, since we are slightly more likeable than our southern neighbours (sorry I mean rulers)

Think Scotland, Especially the central belt would be gone regardless of us housing the UKs naval nuclear arsenal.

15. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 11:53

These subs (Astute class) don’t carry nuclear weapons.

16. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 15:55

widtink, Wed 7 Aug 19:19

Kept it quiet ?
I thought it was common knowledge.
Triumph is now awaiting disposal (at last) so it`s actually 5 subs that are stuck in port.
3 of the 5 could put to sea if they were really needed at a push.... Is the official line. Whether that is true or not is anyones guess.
But we do have surface ships that can track enemy subs and we do have other subs (albeit they are ssbn`s)
It`s weird .... Folk are all "nuke subs are bad" , but now it`s "why aren`t they out there protecting us".


Thought they were Astute class submarines?

17. Author:  widtink        
Date: Thu 8th Aug 2024. 18:56

Andrew283, Thu 8 Aug 09:59

Dave_1885, Thu 8 Aug 08:45

widtink, Wed 7 Aug 19:19

Kept it quiet ?
I thought it was common knowledge.
Triumph is now awaiting disposal (at last) so it`s actually 5 subs that are stuck in port.
3 of the 5 could put to sea if they were really needed at a push.... Is the official line. Whether that is true or not is anyones guess.
But we do have surface ships that can track enemy subs and we do have other subs (albeit they are ssbn`s)
It`s weird .... Folk are all "nuke subs are bad" , but now it`s "why aren`t they out there protecting us".


Or could just get rid of them 🤷🏻‍♂️ if nuclear war does ever happen, then they will be the first target, meaning Scotland gets obliterated. Remove them from our shores and we may just fly under the radar…..you know, since we are slightly more likeable than our southern neighbours (sorry I mean rulers)

Think Scotland, Especially the central belt would be gone regardless of us housing the UKs naval nuclear arsenal.

Don`t know if it`s still.valid but going back to the eighties they reckoned a single hit on Stirling would take out Faslane , Coulport, and Rosyth in a oner.
Why waste three missiles when one would do the job.


18. Author:  widtink        
Date: Fri 9th Aug 2024. 22:30

BBC News - New Turkish-built CalMac ferry delayed by two months

It`s not just Scottish ship building then 😉


19. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sat 10th Aug 2024. 07:24

Just another 130 months and they`ll be level pegging with Ferguson

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

20. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 10th Aug 2024. 09:18

But unfair. It`s more like 70 months.

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