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Topic: Labour new clothes
21. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 15:26

The hospitality packages for Sarwar and other MSP’s were all within the rules and were declared. His just happens to be the highest in cash terms over the last three years.

What’s in it for the various donors though?

Starmer is struggling with explaining some of his. Either poor memory or poor judgment in the first place.

I only got free specs from the NHS as a kid and always bought my own clothes from my first wage onwards!

22. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 15:39

red-star-par, Wed 25 Sept 14:58

It`s beginning to look like all politicians from all parties are a bunch of greedy little piggies with their snouts in the trough.

I bet Ed Davey didn`t even pay for his shots in the paddle boards and water slides.

23. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 17:12

According to polling by YouGov, 80% of Britons do not think politicians should be allowed to accept gifts like clothes or concert tickets.

That figure includes 29% of people who think that it was acceptable for politicians like Keir Starmer to have accepted donations like this, because that was within the rules, but that the rules should be changed to stop this; and 51% who said accepting gifts should be banned, and that even knowing the rules allowed it, it was wrong for the politicians who did accept gifts to do so.

I`m surprised Angela Rayner, a single mum, social housing tenant, who followed the traditional route into Labour politics via trade union involvement, didn`t see the potential pitfalls of accepting such gifts. She`s had her share apparently, including holiday accommodation for her and her partner in a New York apartment.

24. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 17:26

jake89, Wed 25 Sept 14:35

I don`t know where Parboiled lives, but what was the alternative in Dunfermline?

Suppose we could have given the SNP another go Jake.

25. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 21:30

Tenruh, Wed 25 Sept 17:26

jake89, Wed 25 Sept 14:35

I don`t know where Parboiled lives, but what was the alternative in Dunfermline?

Suppose we could have given the SNP another go Jake.

I`ll make the jokes...

26. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 25th Sep 2024. 22:03

wee eck, Wed 25 Sept 17:12

I`m surprised Angela Rayner, a single mum, social housing tenant, who followed the traditional route into Labour politics via trade union involvement, didn`t see the potential pitfalls of accepting such gifts. She`s had her share apparently, including holiday accommodation for her and her partner in a New York apartment.

Across in New York for New Year celebrations and put up in a luxury central apartment along with her friend.

Gift declared as £12K in value , as many have said that is seriously undervalued!🤔🤭🤬🤬🤬

27. Author:  DBP        
Date: Thu 26th Sep 2024. 07:09

Who’d have thunk it… Anas Sarwar and Douglas Ross declared the highest value of gifts in Scotland!

…but what about that book of stamps! 🫠

28. Author:  desparado        
Date: Thu 26th Sep 2024. 19:49

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 25 Sep 14:35

I don`t know where Parboiled lives, but what was the alternative in Dunfermline?

And therein lies the problem. It makes no difference, none whatsoever who we elect as our MP. We still won’t have a maternity hospital, we still won’t have a proper hospital, the high street will still be a dump and Fife council will still continue to underspend in Dunfermline.

The only significant change we can ever make is the one we did not take ten years ago.

Things will only get worse and we only have ourselves to blame. What a shame for our kids and grandkids, but we have foisted this on them.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

29. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Thu 26th Sep 2024. 22:03

desparado, Thu 26 Sept 19:49

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Wed 25 Sep 14:35

I don`t know where Parboiled lives, but what was the alternative in Dunfermline?

And therein lies the problem. It makes no difference, none whatsoever who we elect as our MP. We still won’t have a maternity hospital, we still won’t have a proper hospital, the high street will still be a dump and Fife council will still continue to underspend in Dunfermline.

The only significant change we can ever make is the one we did not take ten years ago.

Things will only get worse and we only have ourselves to blame. What a shame for our kids and grandkids, but we have foisted this on them.

But it`s not us the voting public that`s done it, we put our faith in charlatans who promised to deliver Independence and done nothing whatsoever to make it a reality.

Ever get the feeling we`ve been cheated?

30. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Thu 26th Sep 2024. 22:15

No Maternity hospital - Health is devolved.

No Proper hospital - Health is devolved.

Fife council underspend in Dunfermline - Dunfermline could declare independence from Fife?

"What an opportunity we missed in 2014." - Yeah we could have been even further up shrek creek.

We have a loony governments in both Westminster and the pretendy parliament who are obsessed with the net zero climate scam.

We should be fracking, we should be digging coal, we are an energy rich nation(s) who are believing in an environmental conspiracy theory.

We have consigned our children and children`s children to a future of poverty and our elderly to cold, cold winters for many years to come.

Not to mention the most terrifying thing, that if these climate zealots actually manage to achieve their carbon targets they could wipe out every plant and animal on earth.

31. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Thu 26th Sep 2024. 22:45

There were a few climate induced mass extinctions during the period covered by that graph. The planet`s ecosystem went through more than a few shifts which created conditions which were intolerable to the continuation of a huge chunk of the life which existed.

One of the favourite tools of climate change deniers is to suggest that climate change zealots are claiming that it would somehow kill the actual planet. We`re not concerned about the planet, it`ll be fine and life will adapt to the new climate.

Human civilization is not so adaptable though.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

32. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 06:45

I`m sure you`re aware, Bletchley, but that graph you posted came from a Trump advisor and is, as one might expect, "fake news".

The hospital and Fife council notes are very much correct though and would not be resolved by independence. Fife Council and the Fife HSCP are only interested in central Fife. That`s been true for almost 30 year.

33. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 10:21

Well we all know about the stitch up that is Fife Council, even though the SNP won a clear majority!

Fracking? You must be joking when you consider what`s under the Fife land mass!

34. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 10:46

Fife Council clearly using up their budget at the minute on the roads, never seen so many pothole/road repairs at the same time in my life 😂

35. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 11:46

You`ve got to laugh at Unionists who dismiss Holyrood as a `pretendy parliament` then criticise it for the lack of a maternity hospital or a `proper hospital` in West Fife. Maybe if it had the full powers of a national parliament it would be better able to find the resources to provide such services.

36. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 11:59

wee eck, Fri 27 Sept 11:46

You`ve got to laugh at Unionists who dismiss Holyrood as a `pretendy parliament` then criticise it for the lack of a maternity hospital or a `proper hospital` in West Fife. Maybe if it had the full powers of a national parliament it would be better able to find the resources to provide such services.

Not really given it was Sturgeon as Health Minister who signed off the downgrading of QMH whilst rejecting a similar proposal in the west.

Fife Council predates devolution but in my opinion should be disbanded. It would be far more effective bringing back the district council areas. It would be arguably less financially efficient but would mean informed local decision making whereas right now it`s chaos. Planners in Glenrothes making decisions on West Fife without even a visit. Let`s not forget it was councillors in East Fife who signed off the ridiculous McDonalds at Duloch!

37. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 12:11

Well, I`ve never understood how our `pretendy parliament` is also one of of the most powerful devolved legislatures in the world as we are constantly told.

38. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 13:54

I mean, if Bletchley is either too deluded or too thick to understand the high school level Chemistry and Physics principles behind climate change, why bother taking anything he writes seriously?

People like that deserve to be mocked and nothing more.

39. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 16:56

Topic Originator: Wotsit
Date: Thu 26 Sep 22:45

There were a few climate induced mass extinctions during the period covered by that graph. The planet`s ecosystem went through more than a few shifts which created conditions which were intolerable to the continuation of a huge chunk of the life which existed.

It`s certainly complicated, trying to formulate an equation for the whole planet is not something you are going to learn from a high school book and anyone who suggests it`s that simple obviously is seriously lacking in critical thought.

It is funny that the real "climate change deniers" are the ones who cry to claim we are in an unprecedented time of the climate changing, which we obviously are not.

The word "denier" is used for a specific reason, to try and stifle debate, it`s an unscientific strategy and an unscientific word because the whole house of cards collapses when scepticism is applied the multiple trillion dollar "climate industry" and it is more akin to a religion than an area of science.

It`s another case of "trust the science" where a lot of dilettantes who do not have the synaptical ability to grasp an esoteric subject delegate their thinking to others.

Post Edited (Fri 27 Sep 16:56)

40. Author:  P        
Date: Fri 27th Sep 2024. 17:35

hurricane_jimmy, Fri 27 Sep 13:54

I mean, if Bletchley is either too deluded or too thick to understand the high school level Chemistry and Physics principles behind climate change, why bother taking anything he writes seriously?

People like that deserve to be mocked and nothing more.

I am pretty certain nobody takes anything he writes seriously

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