Topic: President Trump |
61. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Thu 7th Nov 2024. 23:44 Hamas calls for peace now Daddy`s home. Rumour has is Putin and Zelenskyy are to meet next week for sit down talks. ![]() Reply |
62. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 01:35 That is not entirely true, Bletchley Par. Hamas has done nothing of the sort. Here is the actual quote... "The election of Trump as the 47th president of the USA is a private matter for the Americans," Hamas Political Bureau member and spokesperson Basem Naim told Newsweek, "but Palestinians look forward to an immediate cessation of the aggression against our people, especially in Gaza, and look for assistance in achieving their legitimate rights of freedom, independence, and the establishment of their independent self-sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital." "The blind support for the Zionist entity `Israel` and its fascist government, at the expense of the future of our people and the security and stability of the region, must stop immediately," he added. === As for Ukraine... well, finally, the truth is coming out, and all those lies your mainstream media have fed you can be exposed. Ukraine lost this war many months ago, and the savageness of it all could have been prevented very early in the piece, but for Boris Johnson and Joe Biden telling Zelenskyy that NATO has got his back. More than a million people have died unnecessarily because of this. It is utterly disgraceful. And yes, as Russian president, Putin was morally obliged to stand his ground against the NATO advance eastwards. Would an American president allow a similar encroachment into Mexico by Russia??? Of course not! Zelenskyy has nothing left to negotiate. He is fecked. Putin holds all the cards. The grim truth is Ukraine will be considerably smaller and weaker when all this is sorted. The irony of ironies is that NATO will cease to exist pretty soon. Trump will ensure that. What a shambles! Reply |
63. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 02:43 The fighting in Israel and Palestine will stop. And yes, Zelenskyy will accept defeat and the war will end. NATO is not going anywhere, the European nations will have to up their defence spending, probably at the expense of the climate scam and obviously they will have some spare change not having to send billions to fund Zelenskyy`s coke habit. People will stop dying, NATO will be stronger, fantastic stuff. Oh and the big Orange fella will be back on Twitter (not it`s real name) with the presidential account triggering all the left people. It`s gonna be bigly biblical. ![]() Reply |
64. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 07:19 Putin was morally obliged to invade Ukraine and bomb apartment blocks, supermarkets and hospitals. Incredible. If he is morally obliged then you`d agree he should be morally obliged to start bombing Helsinki and Stockholm next then as the expansion eastwards (or democratic nations exercising their rights) has continued. Had the Ukrainians not resisted they wouldn`t be smaller or weaker because Ukraine would no longer exist. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
65. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 08:07 Sarcasm does not translate well when you are discussing serious issues like war TOWK, it`s much better to talk plainly so the issues can be discussed without thing getting lost in translation. Firstly I tend not to take sides in foreign civil wars be they in Israel or the former soviet union. And yes I view the Russian-Ukraine war as a civil war, albeit one that was just delayed in the post since the break up of the Soviet Union. Putin will tell you he invaded to fight back against the Nazification of Ukraine and to protect Russian speakers who were being ethnically cleansed in Eastern and southern Ukraine. Now when I say Nazification, I`m not Talking about the modern left`s usage of the word when someone strays from the groupthink and they get called a Nazi, a fascist or "literally" the Austrian painter, I`m talking about real blood and thunder Nazis, that even the Guardian was calling out in 2014 before the Maidan Revolution. Now I`m not interested in discussing whether you believe these things to be true, in whole, in part or at all, I`m just stating Putin`s reasons or excuses for his invasion. Ukraine has lost the war and if Harris had won no doubt Zelenskyy would have fought to the last man then fled to the USA to live his life in exile while hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were dead. Your claim that Putin would go on to bomb Stockholm is ridiculous in my opinion and Helsinki only slightly less so. The details of the Armistice that will now happen will probably be something along the line of a demilitarised zone within Ukraine and autonomy for ethnic Russians who live in those areas. Putin has to be allowed to "win" and I think this will be seen by the west as a small enough win to cope with and the killing can stop. ![]() Reply |
66. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 08:54 My claim that Putin would go onto bomb Helsinki and Stockholm was in reply to Oz who said that Putin was morally obliged to invade Ukraine due to NATO eastern expansion which has only increased massively since the invasion. NATOs border with Russia has more than doubled since the invasion. That was quite clear though in my original post. And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
67. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 09:22 For goodness sake, TOWK, can you not understand that Putin was morally obliged? He is the leader of a country that was and is directly threatened by NATO`s eastward advance. Quite rightly, a DMZ should be established between the two parties. And Finland and Sweden would do well to rethink their positions. History will show that their entry into NATO was unnecessary. Putin has zero ambition to go further west than he has, let alone head into the Baltic. Indeed, at one time, he offered to join NATO! Historians will likely take an entirely different viewpoint on the conflict from that broadcast day after day in the Western media. Folks directly profiting from the military-industrial complex have perpetrated so many lies to an unquestioning press. Only now are people beginning to understand that they have been fooled. Sadly, it is too late for a million who lay dead in Ukraine and Russia. Reply |
68. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 09:38 Threatened how? Are you so indoctrinated by the propaganda that you honestly believe that NATO was going to invade Russia? In your eyes does Russia bear no responsibility for the million dead? And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
69. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 09:55 I would argue that you are the one who has been indoctrinated and brainwashed with nonsense from your media. NATO poked the bear for years, and finally, the bear reacted. We`ve gone through this on another thread, so there`s no need to repeat it. Let`s say we agree to disagree. Reply |
70. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 12:03 Honestly, the level of STOOPID displayed on this thread by Oz and Bletchley is beyond belief but unsurprising. I`m still torn on whether Bletchley is on the wind-up, but if his sentiments are genuine then you really have to wonder what went wrong? Somebody who speaks so authoritatively on "the Climate Scam", yet refuses to engage with someone who has the scientific knowledge to counter his propaganda is your textbook example of Narcissism. Much like the orange man himself. As for Oz, well, I might be "boringly predictable" in saying this, but he really has shown his true colours as the terrible human being he is. Pretty much every statement made on Ukraine is devoid of any knowledge of either Ukrainians or Russians as ethnic groups or of the history of said ethnic groups and nation states. It is also abundantly clear that he has absolutely ZERO military background or knowledge of warfare and weaponry. We see his rampant infatuation with authoritarians such as Xi and Putin and a completely biased take on theocratic rule in the Middle East. According to our resident Infowars Bureau Chief: Zionist = Bad, Islamist = Good. United Russia & CCP = Morally correct in attacking and threatening neighbours, Democratic States = Bad for opposing Authoritarianism. One can only shake the heid. Particularly so when, at the age of 70, his parents would have been involved in WW2. And of course, his claims of "I know how the media works" and advanced years mean that everybody else is wrong and should kowtow to his vastly superior "knowledge". Simply put, that is ego and generational indoctrination of "respect your elders" talking. As someone who is a Swedish citizen and member of the reserve branch of the Swedish Defence Forces, I can tell you that Sweden and Finland would NEVER have joined NATO had it not been for Putin`s decision to attack Ukraine. This was done simply to create a Boogieman and maintain his hold on power. Nothing else. Reply |
71. Author: OzPar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 13:19 Terrible human being??? WTF!!! You don`t know me! Behave yourself. You have been factually wrong on pretty much everything you have posted here. Not to mention agist... one day, when you grow up and stop being a drama queen, you might discover that age need not be a factor, provided you have an agile and inquisitive mind. In the meantime, Hong Kong is a good city, but it can be pretty suffocating. Get away from the expat bankers and their insular lifestyle. It will close your mind. I have family connections there, so I am familiar with your work environment and the insular lifestyle that many expats there lead. Your comments on Xi`s China reflect this. Open your mind to what has been going on there, and you will realise that the Chinese are wonderful people—not the bogeymen you fear. As for Russia-Ukraine, I am no Russophile, but I understand where Putin is coming from. You currently sit in the heart of Asia, but your mind is Eurocentric. I have lived in the Asia Pacific area for 35 years. naturally, I have a different perspective than you. You seem to be a Pars fan, though I can`t remember you ever commenting on the football. There is no doubt that you see things only in black and white. Nuance is not in your vocabulary, and you seem unable or unwilling to consider an opposite viewpoint. Perhaps that`s a generational thing. Reply |
72. Author: red-star-par Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 14:04 "terrible human being"? That`s quite a comment. HJ does seem quite intelligent but clearly has some kind of disorder where he doesn`t have any inkling of how offensive and dismissive of other people`s opinions he can be. Play the ball rather than the man. He could do with showing some humility. I welcome the viewpoint offered by OzPar (and previously Sammer, who I hope is okay). It`s always worth reading and considering the opinions of others as we are only getting a very one sided view of the world through the mainstream media Reply |
73. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 14:41 Oz, your posts have descended to the same depths as Sammer`s before he disappeared to the Gulag. I took classes in Russian and Asian Economics, History and Politics in Sweden (which was neutral until 2022) just out of interest, so I do actually have quite a strong knowledge on the history of both countries and the current society. To be honest, I know more about both China and Russian than I do about most European states. If you want to talk morals, then let`s. YOU are the one who has called for the death of Israeli civilians at the hands of Islamists. YOU are the one who tries to blame the victim in the Ukraine conflict that was started by a KGB gangster who has a habit of doing so to maintain his own position - you say this conflict has cost 1Mn lives yet you claim the instigator is "morally correct". YOU are the one who defends a regime in China that is impoverishing its own people to maintain its own kleptocracy. I work in Hong Kong with firms every day that are looking to shift their operations abroad due to how Xi`s Government behaves. I travel over to the mainland every few weeks for work, so I`ve seen a good chunk of it including the abandoned construction sites, empty LED-laden skyscrapers, polluted rivers, smog etc. You have a HUGE number of highly educated folk now who have had to resort to working as taxi drivers or "yellow coat" delivery men. I have good friends from the Mainland that I`ve made here and also with whom I studied in Durham. They will openly tell you about the state of affairs in China. They get no healthcare, no free education and what they do get is provided on the basis of a family`s loyalty to the CCP. One particular friend is gay and working for a Mainland state owned company. His job at the moment is basically to falsify reports to tell the Chinese government that the company is meeting the Central Government`s 5% growth target. He`s worked for several firms that do EXACTLY the same thing year on year. Not since Mao has China been so closed off economically as it is now. IF you`d spent any time here, you`d understand that the Mainlanders who have not experienced the outside have very little in the way of standards and are more obsessed with money and getting rich quick. Even the Hong Kongers seem to pick and choose when they implement particular regulations, from private businesses upto and including government institutions. You can try and claim all you like that this is the viewpoint of expats in Hong Kong, but that really isn`t the reality. You are right that the Chinese are a wonderful people. The sad thing is that much of their culture has been destroyed and corrupted by a kleptocracy (remember the Great Leap Backwards?) just as bad as that of Stalin or Hitler. They deserve better. Post Edited (Fri 08 Nov 14:43) Reply |
74. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 14:42 You said something similar of the Iranians. I had a good few of them in my research group in Heidelberg and they were great people. The difference between them and a number of Mainland Chinese is that they are not corrupted by "face culture" - they will quite openly tell you that their government is F***ed, which is considerably rarer among Russians and Chinese. As somebody who claims to have been a news bureau chief, surely you must be aware of the state of Mainland Chinese media and the "Xi Jinping thought" education programs that are being taught in schools there? Kids are actively taught to hate Japan and there was in fact an 8 year old stabbed to death up in Shenzhen last week simply for speaking Japanese. It really is quite incredible how you claim that the Western Media is somehow corrupt and spreading propaganda, yet you eagerly repeat the narrative of regimes that have ZERO transparency or accountability and tell everybody else that THEY are wrong. Reply |
75. Author: hurricane_jimmy Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 14:53 RSP - There is a clear distinction between having a different viewpoint and actually spreading misinformation. Oz, Bletchley and Sammer`s posts are/were rife with it. As for playing with the ball and not the man, I think you`ll find that Oz simply didn`t like being taken to task by somebody younger than him. That is quite common among men generally. You`re quite welcome to claim that I require some humility or whatever but there were those who welcomed the "alternative viewpoints" of Hitler and Lenin. How did that turn out? I`d recommend you go and seek out some of the young Russians who left in the wake of 2022 or some of the Chinese diaspora whom the CCP consider dissidents. You`ll get some very interesting stories out of them that could be considered "alternative viewpoints". Reply |
76. Author: shellypar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 15:02 Why does everyone have to go for personal attacks lol, its quite embarrassing, regardless of what ur opinion on a matter is, no matter if 95% agree there will be 5% who dont, so instead of being a pair of prannies why dont u read clearly what each of u saying, and debate on that, rather than resorting to childish insults COYP Reply |
77. Author: ipswichpar Date: Fri 8th Nov 2024. 15:29 We`ve gone from "let`s agree to disagree" to 3am on a Sunday morning on Guildhall Street in super quick time! Reply |
78. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Sun 10th Nov 2024. 03:11 All the states have now declared. 312 Trump v 226 Harris. Trump won the Presidency, The Senate, The House and The Popular Vote. ![]() Reply |
79. Author: Bletchley_Par Date: Mon 11th Nov 2024. 17:20 Kamala only won states that do not require Voter ID. ![]() Reply |
80. Author: ipswichpar Date: Mon 11th Nov 2024. 17:27 That`s convinced me Blether Par. Indeed, I bet she didn`t actually receive a single vote....I reckon she voted for Trump herself. Reply |