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Topic: The dis United Kingdom
21. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 21st Dec 2024. 18:27

Well, I would be happier with English-born people living in Scotland having a vote than Scottish-born people living abroad having one. What investment are they making in the country?

Alan Cumming was born in Scotland so by your definition he would be entitled to vote anyway.

You`re another one who is constantly telling us you`re against independence but never tell us what the benefits of the Union are. What exactly is it you like about the way Westminster runs the country?

22. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Sat 21st Dec 2024. 19:38

‘Alan Cumming was born in Scotland so by your definition he would be entitled to vote anyway.’

Yes, but people born in Scotland who can’t afford to buy property just to get a vote would also be entitled to vote.

You could made case for it being based on residence, or you could make a case for it being based on place of birth. My point was you can’t mix and match to get the result you want.

23. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sat 21st Dec 2024. 19:53

...and still you don`t tell us what you like about the Union.

How do you feel about us being in a Union where we need the Unionists` permission to have a referendum on whether the majority of us want to stay in it? Do you think that`s democratic?

24. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 22nd Dec 2024. 23:41

The silence is deafening.

25. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 23rd Dec 2024. 11:33

wee eck, Sun 22 Dec 23:41

The silence is deafening.


26. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Thu 26th Dec 2024. 11:01

I, too, wait with baited breath to hear the benefits of the Union.

It would seem though that there are simply none that cannot be outweighed by joining the largest single market on the planet.

27. Author:  Luxembourg Par        
Date: Thu 26th Dec 2024. 19:36

wee eck, Sat 21 Dec 19:53

...and still you don`t tell us what you like about the Union.

How do you feel about us being in a Union where we need the Unionists` permission to have a referendum on whether the majority of us want to stay in it? Do you think that`s democratic?

Benefits of being in the Union…?

1. We get to house the nuclear déterrant far from any big cities (oh, except Glasdi, but that doesn’t count)
2. We get to send almost all taxation revenues South and get some pocket money back, described as a subsidy.
3. We get all those annoying heavy industries closed - why produce steel when we can buy it from China?
Shipbuilding? Nah, don’t need that on an island nation.
Coal mining, nope, put those uppity fekkers that want a decent wage right on the dole, can buy coal from Poland.
4. U.K. knows best, will look after you, shoosh and take your medicine
5. We have too much electricity generation, it was needed that the Longannet power station got closed to even it out.
Still have more electricity generation? Well we can transmit it down south for free, helping us out again…
6. As an oil producing nation, we don’t need processing facilities - we can ship the oil directly south and buy it back again at a premium, see how we are being taken care of?
7. Water? Damn, we have too much, better that we pay for pipes to pump it all south for free, to ease our strain.

That enough to be going on with?

28. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Fri 27th Dec 2024. 14:10

Those who don’t live in the UK should keep their gobs shut, and those who moan about living in the UK should bog off…the utter guff spouted by them is pure parochial piffle…

29. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 27th Dec 2024. 14:27

Parboiled, Fri 27 Dec 14:10

Those who don’t live in the UK should keep their gobs shut, and those who moan about living in the UK should bog off…the utter guff spouted by them is pure parochial piffle…

Maybe those that live here in Scotland and spout a load of utter guff constantly trying to bring the nation down, should also bog off

30. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 27th Dec 2024. 15:06

Parboiled, Fri 27 Dec 14:10

Those who don’t live in the UK should keep their gobs shut, and those who moan about living in the UK should bog off…the utter guff spouted by them is pure parochial piffle…

So you`re not allowed to complain about the country you were born and live in? Basically "suck it up or move on?". Do we also apply that incredible logic to supporting the Pars? Don`t complain, just go and support someone else? Plumbing new depths on here...

31. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 11:42

New poll . Yes lead …. Again…..

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

32. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 12:37

A poll by the National nae doobt?

But take heart , spluttering Pete Wishart has got a book out - “Inside the Indyfef”

Most unusual for the losers to write about a battle they got thumped in, but he has a brilliant idea for a National Convention on Indy, that’ll get them marching up the hill and doon again!

33. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 12:55

We`re still waiting on you telling us the benefits of the Union...

34. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sun 29th Dec 2024. 13:23

55% Yes………38%, No, If/When Farage becomes PM. Let’s hope Reform win the next GE then. Indy will be inevitable. Parboiled can head south dress up in chainmail and join up with all his gammon faced right wing loonies and dream of empire. Farage will bring back the glory days for England 🤣

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

35. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 30th Dec 2024. 07:14

You need leadership to lead Indy first....not leading their own interests .

Another 10 year`s of inaction awaits.


Post Edited (Mon 30 Dec 07:18)

36. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Mon 30th Dec 2024. 09:43

You’re not enthused by spluttering Pete’s proposal for a National Convention then?

37. Author:  pacifist        
Date: Sat 4th Jan 2025. 18:38

The possibilities for 2026 are looking much better.

The unionist vote is splitting all over the place with the arrival of reform. They will be shooting each other in the foot.

The Independence vote, however, coalescing around the SNP, has the chance to win the majority of seats and, this time, votes.

That makes a huge difference.

38. Author:  desparado        
Date: Sat 4th Jan 2025. 22:16

We vote pro independence parties in at 2026 Holyrood elections or Scotland is finished. It’s that simple.

English politicians will destroy the whole of the UK as they have been doing for the past 14/15 years…

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

39. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sun 5th Jan 2025. 10:41

pacifist, Sat 4 Jan 18:38

The possibilities for 2026 are looking much better.

The unionist vote is splitting all over the place with the arrival of reform. They will be shooting each other in the foot.

The Independence vote, however, coalescing around the SNP, has the chance to win the majority of seats and, this time, votes.

That makes a huge difference.

Please explain to me what is different going forward which you`re parties ignored over the last 10 years? Where`s the independence you`ve been promising us

You constantly go on about the independence movement coalecing around the SNP. All you are interested in is seats for you and your SNP pals and then put independence on the back burner.

Proof below


Post Edited (Sun 05 Jan 10:50)

40. Author:  the saline hill puma        
Date: Sun 5th Jan 2025. 11:53

Tenruh, Sun 5 Jan 10:41

pacifist, Sat 4 Jan 18:38

The possibilities for 2026 are looking much better.

The unionist vote is splitting all over the place with the arrival of reform. They will be shooting each other in the foot.

The Independence vote, however, coalescing around the SNP, has the chance to win the majority of seats and, this time, votes.

That makes a huge difference.

Please explain to me what is different going forward which you`re parties ignored over the last 10 years? Where`s the independence you`ve been promising us

You constantly go on about the independence movement coalecing around the SNP. All you are interested in is seats for you and your SNP pals and then put independence on the back burner.

Proof below


You are a total slaver.

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