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Topic: In Ruins
21. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 12:58

Jake I don`t think the currency issue has anything to do with what actually physical currency we use. It`s all to do with how strong it will be how much interest the markets will charge the Scottish government to borrow. I suspect it will be very high.
If a independent Scotland joins the EU there will be no choice but to have a hard border , with the customs and passport checks that entails, with rUK.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

22. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 13:01

Still waiting for your suggestion on how the SNP moves towards something you accept isn`t possible, Tenruh.

I know it`s just been his birthday but I don`t think Jesus holds an SNP membership.

23. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 13:44

‘Meanwhile a Brighton Labour politician is arrested for child grooming, wonder how MSM will cover that?’

Well it’s in most of the papers, but the BBC and the Guardian are still just ignoring it.

24. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 14:07

jake89, Sun 12 Jan 13:01

Still waiting for your suggestion on how the SNP moves towards something you accept isn`t possible, Tenruh.

I know it`s just been his birthday but I don`t think Jesus holds an SNP membership.

Write to your local SNP MSP and ask them to clarify the independence process they used to get your vote that might work 😉

p.s. remember you don`t now have a SNP MP

25. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 14:55

Doesn`t look they`ve got a plan...how do you guys (J&E) read it ?


26. Author:  DBP        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 15:26

Still waiting to hear yours

27. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 12th Jan 2025. 19:42

There isn`t a legitimate route, which is why it`s baffling that your criticising a party for not managing to find a solution.

The SNP may make little progress towards independence but they at least protect what we have already. Under Labour the plan is to devolve a series of powers to local councils. I can`t emphasise enough just how stupid that is with a population as small as Scotland.

28. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 06:10

DBP, Sun 12 Jan 15:26

Still waiting to hear yours

Why should I have one? I`m not a paid politician, and the ones who are use the independence mantra to gather votes with it but fail to deliver. Don`t you feel you`ve been cheated.

29. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 06:20

jake89, Sun 12 Jan 19:42

There isn`t a legitimate route, which is why it`s baffling that your criticising a party for not managing to find a solution.

The SNP may make little progress towards independence but they at least protect what we have already. Under Labour the plan is to devolve a series of powers to local councils. I can`t emphasise enough just how stupid that is with a population as small as Scotland.

What progress towards independence have the SNP made? Plenty of promises 6 weeks before an election, and then it`s all forgotten about. Alas the last election shows signs that the electorate have finally awakened.

What you want is Devolution not independence, how often do you hear the words to small to stupid ?

30. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 07:43

I`ll break this down for you:

1. There is no legal way to hold a referendum on independence. You have accepted this.

2. What I have said is the SNP prevent the erosion of current powers, not that they will get Scotland it`s independence.

3. They cannot get Scotland it`s independence because of 1.

I`m not sure what of the above you fund hard to understand, or what better plan would come from your chums in Alba or Wings. As I`ve said many times before, it`s easy to snipe from the sidelines. Don`t get angry with the SNP, who in my opinion do a better job of representing Scotland than the unionist parties. Get angry with the utterly ridiculous position that Scotland cannot leave a supposed "union". Can you imagine the outcry if the EU had said the UK couldn`t vote to leave the EU?

31. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 12:52

I`ve actually changed my mind maybe there is a route to independence.

Let`s all get behind Nicola to deliver.


32. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 15:59

Daniel Defoe (c.1660-1731): "The Scots will be allowed to send to Westminster a handful of men who will make no weight whatever. They will be allowed to sit there for form`s sake to be laughed at."

33. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 13th Jan 2025. 20:04

Tenruh, Mon 13 Jan 12:52

I`ve actually changed my mind maybe there is a route to independence.

Let`s all get behind Nicola to deliver.


Thanks Stuart 😂

34. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 14th Jan 2025. 22:15

wee eck, Sun 12 Jan 11:42

Tenruh, you`re one of these posters on here who would suck the hope out of everyone. I can`t remember the last time you made a positive point. All you do is repeat old grievances and fight old battles. You come across as a very bitter person and that`s a hard position to make any progress from. I find it very hard to believe that you actually want independence.

Oh dear, here`s someone more bitter than me.

Its very hard to believe Sturgeon wanted independence?


35. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 15th Jan 2025. 00:05

Do you get commission for all those `referrals`? You rarely seem to come up with an original idea yourself.

36. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 24th Jan 2025. 10:46

Well if you cannot get on the list next year there`s still other options for the troughers .


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