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Topic: Davos
41. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 11:03

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 27 Jan 08:22

Well Trump the superb negotiator has a great solution to the Israel-Palestine war. Get all the Palestinians...and chuck them into Egypt. Problem solved. I can`t believe no one thought of this already. Clear the people off their land and let some rich people have it.

Yeah Egypt does not want them, why would they want a bunch of terrorist extremists in their country?

Post Edited (Mon 27 Jan 11:04)

42. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 12:19

More to the point, why would people want to leave their home to live somewhere else? This would suggest the IDF have acted to clear people off the land.

43. Author:  Bletchley_Par        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 12:53

Topic Originator: jake89
Date: Mon 27 Jan 12:19

More to the point, why would people want to leave their home to live somewhere else?

Yeah, god knows why they`d want to do that.

Egypt should build a big beautiful wall or something to keep them out.

44. Author:  Luxembourg Par        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 14:31

Bletchley_Par, Mon 27 Jan 12:53

Egypt should build a big beautiful wall or something to keep them out.

Egypt is building a new walled buffer zone more than 2 miles wide on Gaza border


Post Edited (Mon 27 Jan 18:45)

45. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 16:28

The link doesn`t work but I`m sure this is an extension of the existing wall (fence). So Egypt doesn`t appear open to Palestinians coming in but Trump wants them to leave so Israel can take over Gaza. How is he planning on influencing this? That`s assuming any Palestinian wants to leave given they consider it their land.

46. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 20:13

"I`m a recovering alcoholic.

At the time, I was not recovering. I would combine alcohol with my politics and I`d put it online too.

I spent a lot of time on social media in the comments section arguing with strangers about nothing. And it just became more or less my identity.

The less I had a life, the louder I was about being a Trump supporter. And instead of trying to figure out what was causing these problems, looking at myself, I blamed other people and politics. That`s easy to do.

And I fit right into the MAGA circle."

Jason Riddle, on why he rejected Trump`s pardon.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

47. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 21:52

jake89, Mon 27 Jan 16:28

The link doesn`t work but I`m sure this is an extension of the existing wall (fence). So Egypt doesn`t appear open to Palestinians coming in but Trump wants them to leave so Israel can take over Gaza. How is he planning on influencing this? That`s assuming any Palestinian wants to leave given they consider it their land.

Looks like Trump is scratching around trying to find a payoff to the jewish wido for her $100 million campaign donation.

Post Edited (Mon 27 Jan 21:53)

48. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 27th Jan 2025. 22:21

Not sure I follow Tenruh. I`m not familiar with the woman you are referring to but my understanding is she`s pro-Israel and donated £100m. Presumably Trumps approach to Gaza (essentially kicking out people of Muslim faith into Egypt) would appeal to her? I may be misunderstanding though as I`m not overly familiar with the conflict.

49. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 28th Jan 2025. 09:00

[Post Deleted] - Reported as abusive

50. Author:  parsfan        
Date: Tue 28th Jan 2025. 09:54

Tenruh, Tue 28 Jan 09:00

jake89, Mon 27 Jan 22:21

Not sure I follow Tenruh. I`m not familiar with the woman you are referring to but my understanding is she`s pro-Israel and donated £100m. Presumably Trumps approach to Gaza (essentially kicking out people of Muslim faith into Egypt) would appeal to her? I may be misunderstanding though as I`m not overly familiar with the conflict.

Jews don`t part with that amount of money unless there`s some payback.


Can you name any racial/religious groups that characteristically do?

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

51. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Tue 28th Jan 2025. 13:41

I`m surprised anyone feels the need to bribe Trump, I`m sure his friendship with Epstein will have provided the opportunity for plenty of pictures of him in compromising positions with young people to keep him fully compliant

52. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Thu 30th Jan 2025. 06:50

Do any of you listen to Klaus Schwab and his proclamations?

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

53. Author:  DBP        
Date: Thu 30th Jan 2025. 12:38

I did recoil a bit at the above statement about Jews …unless deliberately playing the Jewish/money stereotype, I’ll read it as nobody parts with £100m without wanting/getting something in return

54. Author:  DunfyDave        
Date: Mon 3rd Mar 2025. 19:52

red-star-par, Tue 28 Jan 13:41

I`m surprised anyone feels the need to bribe Trump, I`m sure his friendship with Epstein will have provided the opportunity for plenty of pictures of him in compromising positions with young people to keep him fully compliant

^^^ I suspect this is what Putin has hanging over Trump 🤔


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