Topic: Child Poverty Rates |
1. Author: desparado Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 12:08 A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Child poverty rates are expected to fall in Scotland during the next four years from 23.7 to 21.8 % …. Still shockingly high for an oil and gas producing nation. I wonder why that is ? Scotland is the only part of the UK where rates are expected to fall. I wonder why that is ? England expected to rise from 30.8 to 31.5 %. I wonder why that is ? Wales expected to rise from 32.3 to 34.4%… a horrendous figure. I wonder why? I am sure our resident “ The Union at all cost” posters will enlighten us. Explain why it is so high and give us their ….reasoned….thoughts as to why Scotlands figures are substantially lower…….. What an opportunity we missed in 2014. Reply |
2. Author: Parboiled Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 13:20 That’s a forecast which may not become a fact. What is a fact that the SNP Scot Gov have overseen the worst drug and alcohol death rates in away and gloat when you’ve got something to gloat aboot…. Reply |
3. Author: wee eck Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 13:50 You`re the one who seems to be gloating. Reply |
4. Author: jake89 Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 14:39 Parboiled, Wed 29 Jan 13:20 These things cannot be resolved quickly, child poverty can (to a certain degree). The rate in Scotland has been 20-25% for as long as I can remember. The main reason it`s remaining that way currently is additional child benefits that are paid in Scotland and not in England. While I don`t disagree with that, more needs done to properly eradicate poverty. No-one should be struggling to stay warm and fed in this country. It`s an absolute disgrace. While rates are fairly standard across Scotland, parts of England have percentages in the 40s! That-is-disgusting. I hope this remains in the minds of our MPs when they sit about Westminster blethering nonsense while people are suffering. We need change now, not in 5 years. Same applies to drugs and alcohol but that will take decades to resolve, particularly in the west of Scotland where the health outcomes are appallingly bad. Reply |
5. Author: LochgellyAlbert Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 15:02 Hearing the drug figures are falling as well, seems they`re rising down South!🤔😲 Reply |
6. Author: McCaig`s Tower Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 15:34 Do these rates measure relative or absolute poverty? Are they measured against local or national benchmarks? There will be a lot of factors at play - such as differences in labour markets, housing markets and demographics. The Child Payment will be one factor. Reply |
7. Author: wee eck Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 16:03 Would you not expect a politically-neutral organisation like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to measure them consistently? Reply |
8. Author: Wotsit Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 16:31 McCaig`s Tower, Wed 29 Jan 15:34 Presumably they will have used the same criteria over the past two years, so there is a like for like comparison? The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy. Reply |
9. Author: desparado Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 16:39 Topic Originator: Parboiled Date: Wed 29 Jan 13:20 That’s a forecast which may not become a fact. What is a fact that the SNP Scot Gov have overseen the worst drug and alcohol death rates in away and gloat when you’ve got something to gloat aboot… Typical response from someone who is incapable of giving Scotgov credit for anything. Someone who is actually happy to hear bad news about his adopted country, Drug deaths being one. I don’t think it would matter who was in power in Holyrood we would still have the same issue with drugs. There is not too much Scotgov can do when English county line gangs are able to spread their deadly wares in our country so easily. How long did it take our Governor General to approve a safe consumption room which opened only recently ? These have been proven to reduce drug deaths but WM blocked it for years as it was politically expedient for them to do so. FWIW drug deaths are spiraling out of control in Englandshire as is knife crime. Both are broadly consistent in Scotland. Getting back to child poverty rates. The UN themselves I believe said that Scotgov’s child payment was the single biggest factor anywhere in Europe for reducing poverty. I don’t think they have a political agenda. Our resident “ Union at all cost” posters cannot for the life of them congratulate the nasty SNP for absolutely anything….whilst telling us that we are better together with that mob in WM who are basically destroying the very fabric of our society.. What an opportunity we missed in 2014. Reply |
10. Author: Tad Allagash Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 16:50 Decimal points in a forecast - spurious precision. Pinch of salt required. Reply |
11. Author: desparado Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 16:54 England and Wales significantly higher than Scotland…..No salt needed. Do you think Scot Gov policies are helping to reduce child poverty and if so do you welcome it ? Simple question that even a rabid unionist should be able to answer. What an opportunity we missed in 2014. Reply |
12. Author: Tad Allagash Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 17:43 ‘Do you think Scot Gov policies are helping to reduce child poverty and if so do you welcome it ?’ The only honest answer is I’ve no idea. I don’t even know what the definition of child poverty is. I’m sure it’s not something you can precisely measure though. Reply |
13. Author: wee eck Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 17:50 That`s why politically-neutral organisations like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a charity which `works to speed up and support the transition to a future free from poverty, in which people and planet can flourish` are important. Reply |
14. Author: jake89 Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 17:58 Tad Allagash, Wed 29 Jan 17:43 Proportion of children living in households with equivalised incomes below 60% of the median (middle) UK income in the current year. Reply |
15. Author: DBP Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 18:06 Heard a stat today that the uk is now poorer than the poorest state of USA (Mississippi) Reply |
16. Author: The One Who Knocks Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 18:31 If true then most of Europe is also poorer And although my eyes were open They just might as well be closed Reply |
17. Author: jake89 Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 18:40 DBP, Wed 29 Jan 18:06 They post this tripe all the time. It`s not true. Reply |
18. Author: wee eck Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 19:50 C4 News is about to show a report on UK child poverty. Reply |
19. Author: Tad Allagash Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 19:59 ‘Proportion of children living in households with equivalised incomes below 60% of the median (middle) UK income in the current year.’ Cheers Jake. So it’s really an attempt to measure income inequality and not a measure of poverty at all. Reply |
20. Author: McCaig`s Tower Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 20:32 Yes, the JRF will be politically neutral and I would expect its figures to be consistent from year to year. I would not expect any conclusions to be drawn to be similarly neutral (!). As Jake and Tad have said, it is a relative measure (so doubling net incomes across the board would leave relative poverty unchanged but not absolute poverty). Which begs the question - which would you rather reduce? (There are parallels in football - a few weeks ago Hibs and Hearts were down at the bottom of their division, but it seemed that some Hibs fans were more concerned about being above Hearts than being higher up the league table). Now the Child Payment will help to reduce child poverty on both measures. Well done the SG. But there will be other factors. Differences in housing costs. a propensity to have larger families for example. I haven`t read the report, but presumably others have? Reply |