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Topic: Child Poverty Rates
21. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 20:56

Well a lady from the JRF said on C4 that the Scottish child payment made a difference and so would the abolition of the two-child benefit cap. She stressed that they weren`t the full solution though. Why should we doubt her?

22. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 21:03

Tad Allagash, Wed 29 Jan 19:59

‘Proportion of children living in households with equivalised incomes below 60% of the median (middle) UK income in the current year.’

Cheers Jake. So it’s really an attempt to measure income inequality and not a measure of poverty at all.

Yes and no. That`s how they measure relative poverty. It`s a fairly straightforward and easy to measure. However, it doesn`t give a full picture. They also look at your ability to afford necessities and housing costs, which obviously vary. However, as with all measures, I`d take it with a pinch of salt. Those carrying out the research will never know the full details of every person`s circumstances.

When I first graduated I was probably considered in poverty as I was working a minimum wage job and paying a sizeable mortgage. I`m astonished I got by (no car, no holidays abroad, no Sky/Virgin etc) back then but at no point did I feel like I was living in poverty. I could afford to heat the flat and make cheap dinners. I suspect I didn`t feel too impoverished as I`d spent the previous 4 years living in manky student flats and living off ramen noodles! I dread to think how people nowadays on minimum wage survive. Housing costs alone would eat up your whole wage.

23. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 21:04

wee eck, Wed 29 Jan 20:56

Well a lady from the JRF said on C4 that the Scottish child payment made a difference and so would the abolition of the two-child benefit cap. She stressed that they weren`t the full solution though. Why should we doubt her?

She`s right. Both have helped maintain the current levels, but really change is needed. No child should be brought up in poverty in 2025.

24. Author:  Dandy Warhol        
Date: Thu 30th Jan 2025. 07:50

Parboiled, Wed 29 Jan 13:20

That’s a forecast which may not become a fact.

What is a fact that the SNP Scot Gov have overseen the worst drug and alcohol death rates in Europe..so away and gloat when you’ve got something to gloat aboot….

Why are you gloating about that?

I don`t wanna go down like disco.

25. Author:  desparado        
Date: Thu 30th Jan 2025. 08:54

Topic Originator: Dandy Warhol
Date: Thu 30 Jan 07:50


Parboiled, Wed 29 Jan 13:20

That’s a forecast which may not become a fact.

What is a fact that the SNP Scot Gov have overseen the worst drug and alcohol death rates in Europe..so away and gloat when you’ve got something to gloat aboot….

Why are you gloating about that?

Because he is a BritNat who wants to see his adoptive country fail at every level and revels in bad news( Just like the media ) so that it can be completely subsumed into greater Englandshire.

What an opportunity we missed in 2014.

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