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Topic: Tidser out
21. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 15:36

That`s an interesting stat. I think the three above us are Falkirk, Livi and Ayr and it`s Airdrie we`re tied with for 4th!

22. Author:  Berkey        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 15:45

How on earth did he have Kelty in the playoffs playing like this? Or is this a new way of playing that he’s decided on since he arrived?

I’m still hoping he can somehow turn this around but he simply doesn’t have good enough players at his disposal and that’s those he inherited and those presumably the new owners have brought in.

He’s not helping himself in persevering with some of these guys who are way off it. If he’s not careful it will become like mcpake where he refused to change things as it was seen as giving in to the fans more than anything.

Time is running out though, we look dead in the water and only 3 of yesterdays 11 are under contract for next season, do the rest care anymore?

The post below replying to me is by one of .nets finest champions of mediocrity!

23. Author:  wulliepar57        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 15:46

Ok He is just in the door , wasn`t my choice and doesn`t do himself any favours throwing players under the bus , results are not what we expected by playing the style he wants, this is Scottish football , but we are stuck with what we have got! so at present he needs to just get some sort of format going and grind out results , there is time for the play out from the back stuff when we secure our position in the league, he can implement it next season when we hopefully have a better type of player on the park, so until then just get out there and get the wins like most other folk we are not caring if it`s pretty but I am expecting to see players give 110% as it`s as much their fault we are in this position , at the end of the day once they cross that white line it doesn`t matter what the mangaer want`s they are on the park !
He needs a bit of slack at present but this is the Pars and he won`t get too much of that here from folk

24. Author:  NMCmassive        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 16:06

Zimbo, Sun 9 Mar 15:13

I find I’m forcing myself along to EEP solely because I bought a season ticket. It shouldn’t be like that. No entertainment on offer.

I’m like you. Think I’ll let the season ticket go and just pick my games next season.

The last 2 seasons have scunnered me a bit. I was all for giving Tidser time but I don’t see it getting any better


25. Author:  Hunter78        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 16:32

Berkey, Sun 9 Mar 15:45

How on earth did he have Kelty in the playoffs playing like this? Or is this a new way of playing that he’s decided on since he arrived?

I’m still hoping he can somehow turn this around but he simply doesn’t have good enough players at his disposal and that’s those he inherited and those presumably the new owners have brought in.

He’s not helping himself in persevering with some of these guys who are way off it. If he’s not careful it will become like mcpake where he refused to change things as it was seen as giving in to the fans more than anything.

Time is running out though, we look dead in the water and only 3 of yesterdays 11 are under contract for next season, do the rest care anymore?

Kelty were in the play offs but only a few points off 3rd bottom of you check the table.

26. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 17:50

It is a sad sight to see our beloved Pars,
playing such awful boring football. I wonder
what the board will do when the crowds
start dwindling. We have a good support for
considering the terrible form we are in, but
that is not going to last, unless something is done
very soon.

27. Author:  Bertie Paton        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:03

Speaking to a lot of long serving Pars fans recently and quite a few talking about taking timeout from the games. The football under Tidser is putting folk off.

I absolutely detest his passing in our own half rubbish and struggling to lay a finger on opponents.

It`s utterly stinking to watch, think that`s why there are so many against him at an early stage.

Very unpopupular manager.

28. Author:  Back_oh_the_net        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:09

kozmasrightfoot, Sun 9 Mar 14:31

He`s only been in the door 5 minutes,the overall results haven`t been dreadful and he`s inherited a crap squad whilst having to try and integrate all the new guys all while having to deal with that pitch.

I`ll admit I`m baffled by the constant playing of Yeboah but he deserves (the manager) at least until the end of the season. If we do go down then he`s an ideal choice to bring us back up,and if he keeps us up he deserves a transfer window and at least half a season to see if he can make it work.

Not every club benefits from the new manager bounce and we never seem to be one of them.

A lot of you guys have had it in for him before he took his first training session. Spitting the dummy because you didn`t get one of the managers you wanted.

I think this is the last straw for me regarding this petty minded forum full of dilettantes and keyboard warriors. This used to be a fun forum to visit,now it`s a bloody chore.

Want me to hold the door open for you mate?

29. Author:  ParfectXI        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:34

Tidser is going nowhere, the club spent near on a 6 figure sum to get him out of the months left on his contract at Kelty, and because we were so desperate to get him you can bet that Tidser pushed for and got a higher wage than we’d normally give (quite rightly on Tidser’s point since he seemed to be holding the cards). To throw that away and then to pay off the remainder of the 2 year contract just isn’t going to happen.

30. Author:  Jock Par36        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:35

It`s not much that the fans want Tidser
out for no reason. He has come in and instead
of playing a high tempo, closing down
game, we are seeing a tippy happy, boring
playing from the back caper. We have to
go for a more attacking style and be more

31. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:38

Back_oh_the_net, Sun 9 Mar 18:09

kozmasrightfoot, Sun 9 Mar 14:31

He`s only been in the door 5 minutes,the overall results haven`t been dreadful and he`s inherited a crap squad whilst having to try and integrate all the new guys all while having to deal with that pitch.

I`ll admit I`m baffled by the constant playing of Yeboah but he deserves (the manager) at least until the end of the season. If we do go down then he`s an ideal choice to bring us back up,and if he keeps us up he deserves a transfer window and at least half a season to see if he can make it work.

Not every club benefits from the new manager bounce and we never seem to be one of them.

A lot of you guys have had it in for him before he took his first training session. Spitting the dummy because you didn`t get one of the managers you wanted.

I think this is the last straw for me regarding this petty minded forum full of dilettantes and keyboard warriors. This used to be a fun forum to visit,now it`s a bloody chore.

Want me to hold the door open for you mate?

He does have a point though. The two names I see being mentioned at Murray and McLaughlin. Neither wanted the job!

Tidser has a mix of players who have spent the last year and a half playing like ***** mixed with a group of youngsters. It`ll take time to get that right.

Everyone is frustrated but it`s not as simple as blaming a single person.

32. Author:  Never10yairds        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 18:55

Jake, to say Murray never wanted the job is an outright lie, his agent contacted the club and never received a call back.

33. Author:  OorWullie        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:03

Never10yairds, Sun 9 Mar 18:55

Jake, to say Murray never wanted the job is an outright lie, his agent contacted the club and never received a call back.

That’s correct. This short list is lies too. Only ever one guy in the running

34. Author:  CrossPar        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:08

kozmasrightfoot, Sun 9 Mar 14:31

He`s only been in the door 5 minutes,the overall results haven`t been dreadful and he`s inherited a crap squad whilst having to try and integrate all the new guys all while having to deal with that pitch.

I`ll admit I`m baffled by the constant playing of Yeboah but he deserves (the manager) at least until the end of the season. If we do go down then he`s an ideal choice to bring us back up,and if he keeps us up he deserves a transfer window and at least half a season to see if he can make it work.

Not every club benefits from the new manager bounce and we never seem to be one of them.

A lot of you guys have had it in for him before he took his first training session. Spitting the dummy because you didn`t get one of the managers you wanted.

I think this is the last straw for me regarding this petty minded forum full of dilettantes and keyboard warriors. This used to be a fun forum to visit,now it`s a bloody chore.

100% this. So many on here not prepared to give him a chance. And I don`t think the views on here are representative of the whole support. This has become a vile cesspit of a forum which no longer holds credibility. I hope and think Tidser will keep us up, have a massive clear out at the end of the season and build a team of his own who will do much better next season. Not expecting many on here to agree but so be it.

35. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:12

It`s possible to have a short list which is reduced to one.

Btw, do you guys who claim to know what`s going on have the same contact or are there multiple sources leaking information about the club?

36. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:25

Sitting 4th in the last 6 games form stats and the dotnet loyal want to sack another manager.
Let`s just blow most of the next seasons budget on sacking a man who is just in the door with a brand new squad.

Since I started posting on here, it seems to have been the favourite thread title.
So and so out.
Some have been understandable, but this one really takes the biscuit.

If it is constantly causing you so much misery, maybe you should take a break.

37. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:32

Ahoy!Ahoy!, Sun 9 Mar 15:06

Kozma can I ask what makes him an ideal choice to bring us back up?

Playing boring football with no end goal isn’t going to do that.

McPake managed that fine. Same boring football but a title win.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

38. Author:  Lesliepartoo        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:33

I said at his appointment that his aim was clearly to keep us in the Championship next season.. I never thought for a minute we would be going forward like Liverpool or man city.
So far we have improved as a team no matter what anyone says so for me personally along as we stay up just need to see what happens next season

Cmon ye pars

39. Author:  Hunter78        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 19:56

wee eck, Sun 9 Mar 19:12

It`s possible to have a short list which is reduced to one.

Btw, do you guys who claim to know what`s going on have the same contact or are there multiple sources leaking information about the club?

Most people know people, not hard. Certain long term backroom staff member for years used to be a reliable source! I’m sure nobody is going to out anyone for giving them a steer before others formally know. Goes on everywhere in football

40. Author:  parsfan97        
Date: Sun 9th Mar 2025. 20:03

Sitting 4th for the last 6 games 🤣🤣, do you get a trophy for that? What an utterly pointless bit of information that is. 10 league games under tidser and we’ve scored 5, playing some of the most boring stuff I’ve seen. Totally out his depth

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