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Topic: Lucy Letby miscarriage of justice?
1. Author:  Paralex        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 14:42

There seems to be a lot more to this case than meets the eye. Good that MP David Davis is lending his considerable weight to the situation. A figure who commands some respect. Seems that those who accused Ms Letby had most to lose if she wasn`t convicted. Let`s see how this one goes.

2. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 15:14

So she didn’t murder them, just provided “bad medical care” and accidentally injected them with oxygen…….so instead of murder its culpable homicide - let her rot.

3. Author:  Playup_Pompey        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 15:22

guess finding out who wrote the "confessions" in her personal diary as well will unlock the real killer.

4. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 15:26

Apparently she wasn`t working when some of the incidents happened, further investigations required.

5. Author:  ipswichpar        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 16:33

I thought it was the case she was on duty when all of those incidents happened, but was not on duty when other similar things happened (and they were not included in the case). But perhaps I`m wrong (in which case I`m very keen to be corrected).

Unfortunately human thinking and appropriate use of data often are not well aligned. I guess seeing threats that aren`t actually there has played a key role in keeping humans alive.

6. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 16:43

sadindifreak called this last August .. saying the prosecution evidence was flawed and in time would go down as a miscarriage of justice .. There is still more to come .. lets hope they get it right .. feel so sorry for all the Families being dragged back through this again RIP all the babies

Post Edited (Tue 04 Feb 16:45)

7. Author:  sadindiefreak        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 17:02

Buspasspar, Tue 4 Feb 16:43

sadindifreak called this last August .. saying the prosecution evidence was flawed and in time would go down as a miscarriage of justice .. There is still more to come .. lets hope they get it right .. feel so sorry for all the Families being dragged back through this again RIP all the babies

Well remembered Buspasspar.
Since then the main prosecution witness has said he was wrong.

8. Author:  PARrot        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 17:28

Dave_1885, Tue 4 Feb 15:14

So she didn’t murder them, just provided “bad medical care” and accidentally injected them with oxygen…….so instead of murder its culpable homicide - let her rot.

This is precisely the mentality that confirms the death penalty should never return

9. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 18:01

PARrot, Tue 4 Feb 17:28

Dave_1885, Tue 4 Feb 15:14

So she didn’t murder them, just provided “bad medical care” and accidentally injected them with oxygen…….so instead of murder its culpable homicide - let her rot.

This is precisely the mentality that confirms the death penalty should never return

Didn’t say anything about killing her 😂 it’s also why I agree that the death penalty should never return. But currently she is guilty of killing numerous babies. Until that’s completely overturned and proven to be false on ALL counts, she can rot.

10. Author:  Paralex        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 18:04

Glad to be on the same wavelength as sadindiefreak. From the documentary I saw the injection with oxygen was an flawed accusation and the entry in the diary could have a very different meaning from being a confession. She may have been led to believe that she was guilty of the deaths, when she wasn`t. Hopefully this case gets a proper viewing, in light of the new evidence.

11. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 20:22

The first serious question I remember hearing was when loads of statisticians cast huge doubt on some of the statistical methods used in the prosecution`s evidence.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

12. Author:  twin par        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 22:28

I might be proved wrong here,but I never believed she was guilty. She was the fall guy.

Post Edited (Tue 04 Feb 22:29)

13. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Tue 4th Feb 2025. 22:30

Correct me if wrong - but did not senior staff such as consultants flag up their concerns and these went unactioned by the management ?

If so, a properly conducted review of the cases and further investigation might well have prevented more tragic baby deaths.

The initial verdict was eventually appealed if memory serves and upheld.

14. Author:  Paralex        
Date: Wed 5th Feb 2025. 00:29

Yes, the Court of Appeal turned down the request for an appeal on the 24th October 2024. Things have ramped up further to that. I don`t have loads of respect for many Tories but David Davis is certainly one I very much respect. I have a hunch he will help to get this case reviewed.

15. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 5th Feb 2025. 08:46

Time will tell. What I found odd was the reporting of her scrawls in a notepad. Those could have of someone who felt guilt over a death despite not being the cause or intending to cause death. Like a driver who knocks down and kills a child who runs out in front of them might feel it was their fault. Maybe if they`d been going slightly slower or had left slightly later or had the brakes replaced at the last MOT when they were an advisory etc etc.

16. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 5th Feb 2025. 09:56

The raft of neonatal experts are certainly providing different evidence to that of the original trial.

17. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Wed 5th Feb 2025. 16:51

"The raft of neonatal experts are certainly providing different evidence to that of the original trial."

Which begs the (obvious ?) question - where were they then, and why were their expert opinions not sought, and for the appeal ?

Post Edited (Wed 05 Feb 18:05)

18. Author:  twin par        
Date: Wed 5th Feb 2025. 23:37

Good question! The more information that comes out,the more I feel she is Inoccent,or at least,an inquiry,is needed.

Post Edited (Wed 05 Feb 23:40)

19. Author:  QPR_Par        
Date: Thu 6th Feb 2025. 00:23

Paralex, Tue 4 Feb 18:04

Glad to be on the same wavelength as sadindiefreak. From the documentary I saw the injection with oxygen was an flawed accusation and the entry in the diary could have a very different meaning from being a confession. She may have been led to believe that she was guilty of the deaths, when she wasn`t. Hopefully this case gets a proper viewing, in light of the new evidence.

The written entries that have been interpreted as a confession may have been brain dumping. I’ve used it in the past when my stress / anxiety levels have been so high that I couldn’t sleep due to the negative thoughts running through my brain on a constant loop.

The theory is that you dump those thoughts by writing them down. This allows you to read them back, see how ridiculous they are, how needlessly harsh they are, which then calms you down.

In that context it’s no surprise that dark thoughts were captured. It’s also been reported that the hospital’s head of occupational health and wellbeing encouraged this as a coping mechanism.


Post Edited (Thu 06 Feb 00:36)

20. Author:  Paralex        
Date: Thu 6th Feb 2025. 13:09

Good post QPR. It should have been obvious that a young nurse suddenly finding herself in such a stressful situation might express herself in this way. My wife was a practicing midwife before lecturing in midwifery. There were very high stress levels involved in delivering babies safely.

I notice too that the photo of Lucy Letby used by the media is very unflattering and most like the mug shot of a criminal.

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