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Topic: Heavy handed
41. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 09:22

veteraneastender, Fri 21 Feb 08:51

Couldn`t help myself responding again

"No contraception is 100% effective. Not even abstinence."

Yes to the first part - the second is simply untrue.

Nice of you to misquote me. So your like, white elderly male solution is just, don`t have sex? Clueless.

Thankfully you have no authority over what a woman can legally do with her body

42. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 09:33

Andrew283 - I did not lift that statement from you.

However feel free to rant on regardless.

43. Author:  buffy        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 14:38

Abstinence isn’t 100% effective either VEE especially when you take in the subject of sexual assault. That’s what I was referring to.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

44. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 14:51

buffy, Fri 21 Feb 14:38

Abstinence isn’t 100% effective either VEE especially when you take in the subject of sexual assault. That’s what I was referring to.

Nahh, according to the Holy book (probably) it`s her fault for seducing the man. Tough tiddies

45. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 16:22

"Abstinence isn’t 100% effective either VEE especially when you take in the subject of sexual assault. That’s what I was referring to"

Introducing rape changes the definition/interpretation of abstinence, which if observed is 100% effective.

Do we really want to persevere with this futile debate ?

Post Edited (Fri 21 Feb 16:24)

46. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 16:29

veteraneastender, Fri 21 Feb 16:22

"Abstinence isn’t 100% effective either VEE especially when you take in the subject of sexual assault. That’s what I was referring to"

Introducing rape changes the definition/interpretation of abstinence, which if observed is 100% effective.

Do we really want to persevere with this futile debate ?

Its not futile when there are still people in the world with archaic views needing educated properly.

47. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 16:38

You mean those who don`t understand the meaning of abstinence ?

48. Author:  buffy        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 16:39

The subject of abortion is never futile.
It can be seen as a learning curve.
Facts, not opinions, have been presented on this thread.
Whichever you choose to accept / interpret is up to you.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

49. Author:  buffy        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 16:41

veteraneastender, Fri 21 Feb 16:38

You mean those who don`t understand the meaning of abstinence ?

Like a rapist, for example.

I thought it was obvious what I was referring to; clearly not for those who seek to undermine facts.

”Buffy’s Buns are the finest in Fife”, J. Spence 2019”

50. Author:  veteraneastender        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 17:04

"I thought it was obvious what I was referring to. clearly not for those who seek to undermine facts."

You know what they say about making assumptions ?

I took your statement at face value, as absurd as I thought it was.

51. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 17:19

Abortion up to 23 weeks and 6 days is legal in this country. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on the matter, but intimidating people for undergoing a perfectly legal procedure is out of order. None of these "protestors" know what these women have or are going through.

52. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 19:23

jake89, Fri 21 Feb 17:19

Abortion up to 23 weeks and 6 days is legal in this country. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on the matter, but intimidating people for undergoing a perfectly legal procedure is out of order. None of these "protestors" know what these women have or are going through.

Agreed. They deserve dignity and anonymity.

The people harassing them deserve to suffer eternal damnation

53. Author:  Aaron Labonte        
Date: Fri 21st Feb 2025. 23:23

Dave_1885, Thu 20 Feb 20:29

veteraneastender, Thu 20 Feb 20:21

"People get abortions for plenty of reasons."

Indeed, including in many cases where it solves a problem which could and should have been avoided.

Quite possibly, circumstances can change in life though, maybe try not being so crass in how you put it across until you are in that persons shoes though 👍🏻

Is that any different to you complaining that the club cancelled your engagement party recently?

54. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 07:48

May I say yet again this subject is not the offence it was just that the handcuffing of a 74 year old woman looked daft.

55. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 08:18

Aaron Labonte, Fri 21 Feb 23:23

Dave_1885, Thu 20 Feb 20:29

veteraneastender, Thu 20 Feb 20:21

"People get abortions for plenty of reasons."

Indeed, including in many cases where it solves a problem which could and should have been avoided.

Quite possibly, circumstances can change in life though, maybe try not being so crass in how you put it across until you are in that persons shoes though 👍🏻

Is that any different to you complaining that the club cancelled your engagement party recently?

What on earth has a legion club cancelling a booked event got to do with abortion? 🤔

56. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 09:51

Why is her age and gender in any way relevant? She was rightfully arrested.

Get it right up her

57. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 14:10

So who should and shouldn`t be out in cuffs when being arrested? That woman isn`t a first offender. She`s a regular and knew what she was doing. Evil, nasty woman.

58. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 19:09

Anyone who poses a physical threat should be cuffed.

Repeat offender, evil or nasty is irrelevant.

Was a she a physical threat?

Would you handcuff a quadriplegic?

59. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:19

Tad Allagash, Sat 22 Feb 19:09

Anyone who poses a physical threat should be cuffed.

Repeat offender, evil or nasty is irrelevant.

Was a she a physical threat?

Would you handcuff a quadriplegic?

If they were breaking very obvious laws, why not.

If this was some lefty protesting outside an oil refinery you`d be choking for them to be cuffed

60. Author:  jake89        
Date: Sat 22nd Feb 2025. 21:29

Tad Allagash, Sat 22 Feb 19:09

Was a she a physical threat?

Would you handcuff a quadriplegic?



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