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Topic: WASPI
1. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 11:01

Back in the news again, maladministration found, DWP refusing to accept and comply!😲😎👍

2. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 11:26

Don`t hold yer breath LA :-


We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

3. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 11:28

Buspasspar, Thu 21 Mar 11:26

Don`t hold yer breath LA :-


Ian Duncan Smith and Opperman will be digging into this!🤬

4. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 17:56

LA .. I noticed the figures of between £1000 and £2950 being branded as suitable compensation .. the Waspi`s are looking for £10000 .. Mrs BPP lost in the region of £36,000 .. many lost £40000 and more

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

5. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 18:48

Bpp, could you not have done the decent thing and paid Mrs Bpp £36k out of your pension? 😊😊😊

6. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 20:49

53 years married 27th of this month wee eck .. handed every penny over .. like my Dad and her Dad .. bless them

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

7. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 21:42

Happy Anniversary to you both, Bpp!

8. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Thu 21st Mar 2024. 22:50

Thanks wee eck

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

9. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 08:57

Congratulations BPP, we celebrated our Golden Wedding last year.

My wife has lost near £50K having worked since 15yrs old, they say they cannot afford it, they spent the money they saved.

Look at the gold plated MP`s pension scheme and the money being paid to ex PM`s, some who only lasted days along with their appointed ministers?

10. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 11:39

Aye LA they can find the money when they want to ..

50 years !! Mrs LA deserves a medal :-))

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

11. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 11:59

LochgellyAlbert, Fri 22 Mar 08:57

Congratulations BPP, we celebrated our Golden Wedding last year.

My wife has lost near £50K having worked since 15yrs old, they say they cannot afford it, they spent the money they saved.

Look at the gold plated MP`s pension scheme and the money being paid to ex PM`s, some who only lasted days along with their appointed ministers?

Ex PMs get 102k each year to pay for correspondence relating to their time in office

12. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 14:02

Tbh the UK pension is very poor and it`s apparent there`s a desire to push the burden onto employers. That doesn`t help if someone is on a low income or regularly unemployed.

13. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 14:10

jake89, Fri 22 Mar 14:02

Tbh the UK pension is very poor and it`s apparent there`s a desire to push the burden onto employers. That doesn`t help if someone is on a low income or regularly unemployed.

Believe it`s the third poorest in Europe, still you cannot constantly be at war and pay high pensions.
I think Holland pays the highest rate at around 103% of their final salary.

14. Author:  McCaig`s Tower        
Date: Fri 22nd Mar 2024. 21:11

I think there are at least 5 separate, albeit related, issues here (leaving aside the remarkably durability of dotnetters’ marriages)

1 is the historical disparity between rates of pay awarded to women and men for doing the same job.
2 is the provision of state pensions for people who have chosen to act as unpaid carers or home-makers for much of their working life.
3 is the equalisation of pension ages between men and women to comply with sex equality legislation
4 is the increase in State Pension Ages to reflect massive improvements to life expectancy
5 is the failure to communicate the changes to 3 and 4 adequately.

I believe this report only deals with number 5.

15. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Sun 24th Mar 2024. 12:23

The greatest injustice was men getting their pension five years later than women, despite living on average five years less.
As for the WASPI’s saying they were stung..as a mere male I knew all about these
changes so why not them?

16. Author:  hurricane_jimmy        
Date: Mon 25th Mar 2024. 12:28

Funnily enough, many of these decisions regarding pension policy would have been made by male-dominated governments yet you still get the dinosaur Tory males like Parboiled that want to play the victim. You have to smile! 😂

How were women ever supposed to get to the same level of pension contributions as men when they have been systematically excluded from education and lifetime work until only a few decades ago? And even now it`s not totally equal. That whole ideology all eminates from a wee thing called Christianity and Canon Law, which we are finally on the verge of irradicating in Scotland.

Hoping that a British Government or a Tory does the morally right thing is always wishful thinking, so my bet is we`ll continue to see the usual initiation of institutional protectionism from DWP and all UK government bodies.

17. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Tue 26th Mar 2024. 15:01

HJ you have exuded yourself..there were plenty of lassies in my class in the fifties decade and the staff in my sixties decade office were mostly female ….save your mince for Swedish meatballs.

Talking about mince, this subject cropped up in Holyrood today, a matter they have no influence over whatsoever

Post Edited (Tue 26 Mar 15:11)

18. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 26th Mar 2024. 17:26

What you`re missing Parboiled is that traditionally women entered into low paid jobs like receptionist, typist, waitress etc before giving up work for a good few years to have kids then go back part-time or not at all. That`s still often the case today but things are a lot more even, thus the move to have a consistent retirement age.

19. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Tue 26th Mar 2024. 18:53

Women on lower pay doing the same job as males.

Not allowed to join pension schemes because they would probably leave to have family.

Not considered for promotion because of the same reason.

Not allowed to sign credit agreements, had to be the male in the house.

Males having their stamp paid to 65yrs of age if retired/unemployed at 60yrs of age.

This was Thatchers way of fiddling unemployment figures!

Working from 15yrs of age as the majority of females never entered university.

20. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Wed 27th Mar 2024. 09:38

Parboiled, Tue 26 Mar 15:01

Talking about mince, this subject cropped up in Holyrood today, a matter they have no influence over whatsoever

It was brought up because Sarwar and Baillie were shown backing the WASPI women in various photoshoots.
Since the PHSO decision they have been remarkably quiet, in fact silent, some may think that Labour head office had instructed them to do so?

I also see they voted with the Tories for the reintroduction of tuition fees!

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