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Topic: Deposit return scheme
1. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Fri 26th Apr 2024. 18:40

This was announced the other day with barely a murmur :-

`A UK deposit return scheme for recycling drinks bottles has been delayed to 2027, meaning it will not be in place until almost a decade after it was proposed. Campaigners say the delay is a “huge disappointment”, adding they are doubly dismayed that the plan will not include glass bottles.

The environment minister Robbie Moore told parliament on Wednesday that the scheme would not include glass because glass recycling would “create undue complexity for the drinks industry and it increases storage and handling costs for retailers”. Large drinks companies have been lobbying the government to remove glass from the scheme across the UK.

He said the delay was because additional time was needed to synchronise the policy of the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales with that in England. Scotland has agreed to remove glass from its scheme after being asked to by the UK government, but Wales is still including it.`

They were quick enough to veto the proposed Scottish scheme but show no urgency about a UK-wide scheme.

2. Author:  jake89        
Date: Fri 26th Apr 2024. 21:46

The veto of the Scottish scheme was an utter embarrassment. The UK is run by complete morons. How anyone can ever vote Tory is beyond me. They`re absolute fannies.

No doubt they`re spinning up some waste firms in their in-laws names to get the recycling handling contracts.

3. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Sat 27th Apr 2024. 08:01

I wonder if the UK scheme is also set up like the Scottish one where it only works if enough people don`t return their containers?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

4. Author:  Wotsit        
Date: Sat 27th Apr 2024. 11:13

Did they try to estimate the required capacity so as to not overspent on provision?

I hope so.

The enemy travels by private jet, not by dinghy.

5. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Tue 28th May 2024. 23:35

Ireland with millions deposited, pity Scotland didn`t have the same facilities.

6. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 29th May 2024. 06:20

LochgellyAlbert, Tue 28 May 23:35

Ireland with millions deposited, pity Scotland didn`t have the same facilities.

Ireland 🇮🇪 is an independent country where Scotland is a region within the UK 🇬🇧 with guidelines to follow.

Vote SNP and they`ll deliver the benefits that Ireland 🇮🇪 enjoys.

Post Edited (Wed 29 May 06:38)

7. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Wed 29th May 2024. 07:49

Independent Ireland went bust and UK helped to bail them out.

They are a region in the EU with guidelines to follow....

8. Author:  Andrew283        
Date: Fri 31st May 2024. 01:13

Parboiled, Wed 29 May 07:49

Independent Ireland went bust and UK helped to bail them out.

They are a region in the EU with guidelines to follow....

Those guidelines keep the likes of the tories crippling the country

9. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 18:47

Biff(a)... Baff... Boff....

Don`t even think they needed to go into coalition with the Greens?

Have the SNP not got more MSPs this time than the 2016-21 session?


Post Edited (Tue 18 Jun 18:49)

10. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 18:56

Maybe they should sue the UK government. It was they who stopped the scheme.

11. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 19:38

Maybe if we were independent it wouldn`t have happened.

Vote SNP for independence

Er... maybe not

12. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 19:54

We`re still waiting for you to tell us how to achieve independence. What`s the problem if it`s so easy?

13. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 21:32

wee eck, Tue 18 Jun 19:54

We`re still waiting for you to tell us how to achieve independence. What`s the problem if it`s so easy?

I can not recall promising to tell you the route to Independence I don`t know it, but over the last 9 years the political pygmies have repeatedly told you they would deliver it, obviously duping the gullible who`ve repeatedly voted them back into power.

I believe wee Nic went as far as promising us a referendum on 18th September last year. Well how did that turn out.

What actually have these elected reptiles been doing with their time over their period in both parliaments.



Post Edited (Tue 18 Jun 21:35)

14. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 18th Jun 2024. 22:37

Well at least they`re still representing the party the people who voted them in thought they represented. What have your pals in Alba achieved?

15. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 05:44

wee eck, Tue 18 Jun 22:37

Well at least they`re still representing the party the people who voted them in thought they represented. What have your pals in Alba achieved?

Alba are an alternative to the Sham National Party, unfortunately they`ve not been radical enough since formed to make any impact...

The SNP since the Sturgeon years are just a shadow of their former self`s.

Go ask yourself how a Unionist party which was chased out of Scotland 9 years ago with just one MP, now looks like they are going to possibly gain a further 30+ MPs .

Where`s it all gone wrong Eck ,what happened ?


Post Edited (Wed 19 Jun 06:01)

16. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 06:05

Politics tends to go like that. Fortunes ebb and flow. If things aren`t going well voters give the Opposition parties a chance just because they`re different not because they`re convinced they`ll do any better. Not everyone`s as bitter as you obviously are and they can be won over again.

But carry on with your childish insults and name-calling if that`s your thing.

17. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 06:46

wee eck, Wed 19 Jun 06:05

Politics tends to go like that. Fortunes ebb and flow. If things aren`t going well voters give the Opposition parties a chance just because they`re different not because they`re convinced they`ll do any better. Not everyone`s as bitter as you obviously are and they can be won over again.

But carry on with your childish insults and name-calling if that`s your thing.

Some boy Eck, you throw in a cheeky wee comment then when you get one back you go off on one.

18. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 06:55

As with a lot of your posts, Tenruh, I haven`t a clue what you`re on about.

19. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 07:45

Hang on, so you`re telling me people vote differently over time? When did this happen? Next you`ll be telling me it`s enabled by having a regular cadence of elections?! YOU WHAT?!

Stick to the community council Tenruh 😂

Note the media have got hold of comments from the Labour candidate for Aberdeen from many years ago and he`s now suspended. Weird how the press manage to report these things but never follow up on multimillion pound scandals. It`s almost as if...no, they couldn`t be...

20. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Wed 19th Jun 2024. 09:27

Waste disposal company to sue for £200m compensation for collapse of scheme. More to follow ..just another botch up to run away from

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