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Topic: Deposit return scheme
41. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 17:45

From what I`ve read the UK scheme doesn`t include glass. Does that mean there will be no facilities for recycling glass? If so, isn`t that a bad thing?

42. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 18:44

wee eck, Wed 29 Jan 17:45

From what I`ve read the UK scheme doesn`t include glass. Does that mean there will be no facilities for recycling glass? If so, isn`t that a bad thing?

There are already facilities to recycle glass. They`re located in big supermarket car parks or near community centres usually.

Glass would presumably need recycled, which isn`t as environmentally friendly as the old approach taken by Barr to wash and reuse.

43. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 18:59

We have receptacles in our street to recycle glass, plastic/cardboard/paper, as well as bins for landfill so why the need to have a DRS for plastic but not glass? Will plastic no longer be collected after the DRS comes in? I find the whole situation quite confusing.

Post Edited (Wed 29 Jan 19:45)

44. Author:  Buspasspar        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 19:10

Jings wee eck that sounds like a deprived area :-o))
Only kiddin as ye ken

We are forever shaped by the Children we once were

45. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 19:48

Mainly flats, Bpp, so we don`t have individual bins except ground floor flats with gardens which have bins for garden waste.

46. Author:  jake89        
Date: Wed 29th Jan 2025. 20:07

wee eck, Wed 29 Jan 18:59

We have receptacles in our street to recycle glass, plastic/cardboard/paper, as well as bins for landfill so why the need to have a DRS for plastic but not glass? Will plastic no longer be collected after the DRS comes in? I find the whole situation quite confusing.

Because DRS only applies to bottles as far as I`m aware. I don`t think it applies to plastic food dishes, clothes hangers etc.

47. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Thu 30th Jan 2025. 17:15

Im pretty sure the German model only covered bottles and cans as well. Whenever you tried to give the lads glass they politely declined.

48. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Fri 31st Jan 2025. 05:19

Dave_1885, Thu 30 Jan 17:15

Im pretty sure the German model only covered bottles and cans as well. Whenever you tried to give the lads glass they politely declined.

Glass bottles are accepted in Germany.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

49. Author:  Dave_1885        
Date: Fri 31st Jan 2025. 05:33

AdamAntsParsStripe, Fri 31 Jan 05:19

Dave_1885, Thu 30 Jan 17:15

Im pretty sure the German model only covered bottles and cans as well. Whenever you tried to give the lads glass they politely declined.

Glass bottles are accepted in Germany.

Strange that the folks taking them wouldn’t take glass then :/

50. Author:  AdamAntsParsStripe        
Date: Fri 31st Jan 2025. 10:29

Dave_1885, Fri 31 Jan 05:33

AdamAntsParsStripe, Fri 31 Jan 05:19

Dave_1885, Thu 30 Jan 17:15

Im pretty sure the German model only covered bottles and cans as well. Whenever you tried to give the lads glass they politely declined.

Glass bottles are accepted in Germany.

Strange that the folks taking them wouldn’t take glass then :/

This’ll be at the tills where they only take the plastics but the shop would have had a separate place for the glass bottles.
Often a dispenser machine or in other cases a member of staff would take them, count them and give you a receipt for the till.

Zwei Pints Bier und ein Päckchen Chips bitte

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