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Topic: General Election
221. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 11:14

The total votes of all those that have voted and will on Thursday again vote for Unionist parties have exceeded and will again exceed the total pro Indy vote.
So the minority can march their erses off all they like….

Post Edited (Mon 01 Jul 11:24)

222. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 11:35

So why not have a referendum to settle it? I`ve no doubt if the Unionist parties win more Westminster seats than the SNP on Thursday this will be interpreted as a vote against independence. When the SNP won a huge majority of seats the Unionists didn`t see it as any kind of mandate for a referendum or even a request for one - double standards as ever in this precious Union.

223. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 12:42

"Because you had your vote in 2014"

224. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 13:04

The One Who Knocks, Mon 1 Jul 09:54

The snp had been working with other independence minded parties but you seemed to not like their coalition with the greens. You keep going on about how a Sturgeon led snp wiped out labour in 2015. 2015 wasn`t the end of history. In 2010 general election Gordon Browns labour party almost wiped out the Salmond led snp. Things change and the sentiment of voters are built on shifting sands.
Nobody, not Swinney, not Salmond or whoever can promise independence because it isn`t in their hands to deliver it. It`s up to the people to want it. If everybody that voted snp or the greens or alba took to the streets and marched on Holyrood on a specific day to demand a referendum then Westminster would be forced to act. That ain`t going to happen though. Not when their is football to watch and latest series to binge on netflix.

Don`t think the SNP liked their coalition with the Greens. Cost them and Scotland big time.

Post Edited (Mon 01 Jul 13:09)

225. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 13:08

wee eck, Mon 1 Jul 11:35

So why not have a referendum to settle it? I`ve no doubt if the Unionist parties win more Westminster seats than the SNP on Thursday this will be interpreted as a vote against independence. When the SNP won a huge majority of seats the Unionists didn`t see it as any kind of mandate for a referendum or even a request for one - double standards as ever in this precious Union.

The SNP were down at 29% support last week and Independence is at 50% somethings going to have to give. Ideally the SNP takes a pasting.

226. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 13:38

A referendum to ‘settle it’? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

227. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 13:51

Isn`t there a bit of a contradiction there, Ted? Surely if the Unionists thought they would win a referendum they would grant one? They could probably bury the question of independence for more than a generation.

228. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 14:12

wee eck wrote:

> Isn`t there a bit of a contradiction there, Ted? Surely if the
> Unionists thought they would win a referendum they would grant
> one? They could probably bury the question of independence for
> more than a generation.

A generation of hamsters?

229. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 15:25

I`ve heard scare stories from the Tories that Labour will extend the franchise to 16 year olds and immigrants to perpetuate their hold on power but I didn`t realise they were going to give the vote to hamsters as well.

230. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 15:42

A hamster knows there are two genders, a question Swinney couldn’t answer to save himself this morning!

231. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 15:53

Still stalking are you?

232. Author:  Tad Allagash        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:34

‘A hamster knows there are two genders..’

To be fair, it’s quite difficult to tell the difference between a male and female hamster, so they must be smarter than we give them credit for.

The only issue with giving hamsters the vote is that they’re technically Syrian immigrants…..

233. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:36

Parboiled, Mon 1 Jul 15:42

A hamster knows there are two genders, a question Swinney couldn’t answer to save himself this morning!

What are they?

234. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:36

I bet they`re smart enough to know not to vote Tory.

235. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:38

Tad Allagash, Mon 1 Jul 16:34

‘A hamster knows there are two genders..’

To be fair, it’s quite difficult to tell the difference between a male and female hamster, so they must be smarter than we give them credit for.

The only issue with giving hamsters the vote is that they’re technically Syrian immigrants…..

Male and female are sex rather than gender.

236. Author:  jake89        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:40

On the original topic, it`s good to see Starmer has backed Downie on devolved matters he won`t actually be responsible for. It almost as if they`ve copied and pasted the letter and changed the name/ward at the top 😂

237. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:48

Daily Express predicting armageddon for SNP!🤭💩💩💩

238. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 16:57

At the weekend I think the Sunday Express, Sunday Telegraph and Mail on Sunday all came out in favour of voting for the Tories on Thursday. I wonder what recommendations their daily equivalents will give to their readers!

239. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 17:32

The "National" online poll running till 3rd


240. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Mon 1st Jul 2024. 23:11

I always thought the celebrated psephologist, Sir John Curtice, only commented on polls and kept clear of policy but tonight on Newsnight he was quite critical of the lack of detail in Labour`s economic plan. He was getting quite animated in a discussion with Harriet Harman.

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