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Topic: General Election
81. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 08:08

Obviously just my perception, but, given there is no legal route to independence, what I`ve seen Holyrood do (as our MPs have no real say as they are a minority and always will be) is subtle changes to legislation so Scotland isn`t in line with the rest of the UK. Whether intentional or not, it highlights Scotland going its own way. Unfortunately, it means I`m paying £100 more per month than colleagues in England but I`m not complaining when I`ve either benefited from or continue to benefit from things like fee-free childcare, prescriptions, university tuition etc.

Independence is unlikely to happen but is even less likely when we have Labour in power. What will be worse is when we end up with a Lab-Lib coalition in Holyrood. Co-led by a guy who needs permission from KS to do anything (even if he disagrees) and an alleged bully who drove someone to make an attempt on their life, and also thinks Scotland shouldn`t exist. That`s who you`d be voting for.

What would Alba do if they were in the SNPs position? What is their route to independence?

82. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 09:55


83. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 10:14

I actually think that with Labour heading towards a record breaking landslide victory that they will be able to give Scottish Labour a fair bit of latitude at the Holyrood elections. A chance to keep their momentum going. Comfortably secure Westminster and then take back control in Scotland. The SNP have ensured that labour will never again take Scotland for granted and in doing so have ensured they, the SNP that is, will never again win a majority of seats in either parliament.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

84. Author:  Tenruh        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 10:19

The One Who Knocks, Tue 4 Jun 10:14

I actually think that with Labour heading towards a record breaking landslide victory that they will be able to give Scottish Labour a fair bit of latitude at the Holyrood elections. A chance to keep their momentum going. Comfortably secure Westminster and then take back control in Scotland. The SNP have ensured that labour will never again take Scotland for granted and in doing so have ensured they, the SNP that is, will never again win a majority of seats in either parliament.

The SNP are politically on their last legs, the Scottish electorate have had enough. Joining up with the Greens is their biggest

85. Author:  DBP        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 10:21

I believe in the last 10 years the snp have formally requested permission to hold an indy referendum twice and been told “now is not the time” by the sitting unionist pm on both occasions?
They took that decision to the courts and were told that we (Scotland) are in a voluntary union, it just happens to be one that we’re not allowed to leave without permission!

What I’m not sure about is how getting rid of the snp and voting Labour will further the cause of independence?
Perhaps tenruh, could you lay out what Labour (or any other unionists party) is planning to do over the next ten years to deliver independence? …because from where I’m sitting, it feels like a vote for anything other than the snp, will be interpreted as a vote for the union and push the prospect of independence into the long grass

86. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 10:52

`What I’m not sure about is how getting rid of the snp and voting Labour will further the cause of independence?
Perhaps tenruh, could you lay out what Labour (or any other unionists party) is planning to do over the next ten years to deliver independence? …because from where I’m sitting, it feels like a vote for anything other than the snp, will be interpreted as a vote for the union and push the prospect of independence into the long grass.`

That`s what I told the Labour Party canvasser who was at my door last week, DBP. A plea to `lend your vote` to Labour to get rid of the Tories is just a pretence to try and diminish the SNP vote and weaken the case for independence. Boris Johnson asked Labour voters in the `red wall` seats in the North of England to `lend` him their votes to `get Brexit done` but how many regret it now?

There`s been a stunning silence in the mainstream media on the absence of a democratic route out of the Union. Imagine what the reaction would have been if the UK had needed permission from Brussels to have a referendum on EU membership.

87. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 11:57

Indy is a turkey I would happily stuff every year…

88. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 12:13

I don`t see how "Scottish" Labour aligning with UK Labour benefits Scotland in the slightest. Yes, it gives more sway for Scotland being part of the group in power but then the vast majority of that group will not be interested in Scotland.

Still waiting on a legitimate answer to what Alba would do differently to achieve independence.

89. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 12:19

Who says Scottish Labour has to align with UK Labour? Are Scottish Labour planning on abolishing the free things we get up here that they don`t down south? If they aren`t then they aren`t aligning.

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

90. Author:  DBP        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 12:23

No …but a vote for Labour will be interpreted by Labour, and everyone else, as a vote for the union

91. Author:  The One Who Knocks        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 12:27

Can it not just be a vote against the SNP and their lacklustre record over recent years?

And although my eyes were open
They just might as well be closed

92. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 13:02

The One Who Knocks, Tue 4 Jun 12:19

Who says Scottish Labour has to align with UK Labour? Are Scottish Labour planning on abolishing the free things we get up here that they don`t down south? If they aren`t then they aren`t aligning.

Isn`t that exactly what they`re proposing where they can. Obviously they can`t do away with certain things due to them being devolved. If London Labour propose something, Scottish Labour MPs will be whipped into voting for it, regardless if it`s bad for Scotland.

93. Author:  red-star-par        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 13:54

There is actually no other option available for independence supporters than a vote for the SNP. We can`t lend our vote to Labour just to get rid of the Tories, as both parties will claim that as a vote for the union.

The SNP do need to do better, the ongoing gender recognition stuff is a vote loser, no one, other than a tiny minority supports it. They might publicly say they do, for fear of being ostracised at work etc, but privately they know it`s a load of nonsense. Swinney should have also got tough on Mathieson and kicked him out of the party, mate or not.

Apart from that they have done a pretty decent job of running the country when you see the state other nations in the union are in.

There is no other option than voting for the SNP if you want what is best for Scotland

94. Author:  Parboiled        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 14:21

Yes worth drug deaths in UK
Ditto alcohol
Worst life expectancy
Education so bad they withdraw from international comparative studies
Ferries debacle
840,000 on NHS waiting lists
Go to Sureme court with hopeless cases and get laughed oot the door
In cahoots with a bunch of perves for years..

95. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 14:44

The drugs deaths stats are interesting, it appears that any death where drugs show up in a post mortem is classed as a "drugs death "

If someone in a fatal car crash has drugs in their system, it is classed as a "drugs death "

Scotland is the only nation registering such statistics.

Scottish universities best in Europe as well?

HS2 was a bigger debacle, least BJ's father made some money out of it.

Post Edited (Tue 04 Jun 14:46)

96. Author:  DBP        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 14:45

“Can it not just be a vote against the SNP and their lacklustre record over recent years?”

I’m single terms no. Even the indy is bigger than the snp, and support for indy is a bit higher than the snp, any vote not for them will be interpreted as a vote for the union, a vote that would allow a Westminster pm to refuse a referendum for the third time

97. Author:  LochgellyAlbert        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 14:48

Maybe folk will vote SNP when comparing the benefits that they have introduced, child poverty payments have been a great success.

98. Author:  wee eck        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 15:32

In a Westminster election the performance of the government at Holyrood should be irrelevant but the way the election is presented by the media encourages a `protest vote` against the Scottish government. Last night STV staged a `Leaders` Debate` featuring the Scottish leaders of the Tories, Labour, SNP and the Lib Dems. The only connection with WM was Douglas Ross who is an MP but he is standing down in this election. Of course the SNP have benefited in the past from being seen as performing favourably at Holyrood with a big majority of seats won at WM.

99. Author:  jake89        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 18:26

Douglas Ross just did his party political broadcast. He mentioned the SNP 2-3x he mentioned his own party. He also focussed on health and education, both of which are devolved matters 🤦‍♂️ Absolute clown.

100. Author:  parsfan        
Date: Tue 4th Jun 2024. 19:04

jake89, Tue 4 Jun 18:26

Douglas Ross just did his party political broadcast. He mentioned the SNP 2-3x he mentioned his own party. He also focussed on health and education, both of which are devolved matters 🤦‍♂️ Absolute clown.

I caught a bit of it when I was briefly in the kitchen. If I hadn`t recognised the squeaky voice I might have thought it was on behalf of the SNP. If I didn`t before, now know who to vote for if I want independence.

I saw a couple of other polls yesterday. One had the SNP on 31 seats, still losing a lot but nowhere near as many. There are a lot of marginals, i suppose it depends what way they call them. I think the previously quoted one was a larger sample.

The other was about what would happen if the vote was only 18-24 year-olds. 51 seats for the SNP, none for the Tories. I don`t mean just in Scotland, none at all and a 400 seat majority for Labour. Meaningless in many respects but an indication of where things might be going.

The universe is ruled by chance and indifference

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